CNV20345 - Nachrichtenklasse 20345

The following messages are stored in message class CNV20345: Nachrichtenklasse 20345.
It is part of development package CNV_20345 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Profit center (PRCTR) conversion (merge / rename)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001&1 records were deleted from CNVRENAME
002&1 records were inserted in CNVRENAME
003&1 records would be created
004No mapping of J_OBJNR required because of table ONRAO!
005&1 records for J_OBJNR entered in mapping table CNVRENAME due to ONRAO
006CNVFIELDS: Entry for &1 - &2 with routine &3 was deleted
007CNVFIPARS: Entry for &1 - &2 with parameter &3 was deleted
008CNVFIELDS: Entry for &1 - &2 with routine &3 was inserted
009CNVFIPARS: Entry for &1 - &2 with parameter &3 was inserted
010Routines were not replaced because there is no PRCTR mapping
011CNV_10020_DTFLD: Entry for &1 - &2 was inserted
012Controlling area &1 set for organizational derivation
013No profit center mapping available. No organizational derivation required
014Business Add-In CNV_20345_SETS_BREAK not implemented properly
020Joint Venture is not active for controlling area &1. No update needed.
021No entries in table &2 for controlling area &1. No update needed.
022Table &3 changed for controlling area &1 / profit center &2.See long text
023Data found in table &2 for controlling area &1. Records were checked.
024Data / Mapping could not be read.
025Select at least one entry
026Current selection does not contain entries
030&1=&2 cannot be processed. Controlling Area information is missing
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