CNVA_00555_MSG - Maintaining Messages for Run Time Analysis Tool
The following messages are stored in message class CNVA_00555_MSG: Maintaining Messages for Run Time Analysis Tool.
It is part of development package CNVA_00555 in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Chart of Accounts : Runtime Estimation".
It is part of development package CNVA_00555 in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Chart of Accounts : Runtime Estimation".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Program &1 started on &2 at &3 by user &4 |
001 | Custom control error |
002 | Error while adding node to the tree |
003 | Node not found |
004 | Unable to create tree |
005 | Registering events is not possible |
006 | Enter PCL Package Id |
007 | Program &1 was completed on &2 at &3 with status &4 |
008 | Error while adding column to the tree |
009 | Program &1 completed on &2 at &3 by user &4 |
010 | Data displayed successfully |
011 | Unable to refresh ALV |
013 | Invalid RUN ID |
014 | Grid Control Error |
015 | Simulation Canceled |
016 | Error while displaying ALV grid |
017 | Error when inserting new entries in & Check whether & was already filled |
018 | No records in table CNVA_00555_SIM |
019 | Error in retrieving system details |
020 | Step &1 completed successfully at &2 |
021 | Job &1 failed |
022 | Step &1 with &2 jobs started at &3 |
023 | &1 :Step &2: Job &3 scheduled at &4 |
024 | Job &1 &2 started at &3 |
025 | &1 :&2 : &3:Simulation completed in &4 steps |
026 | &1 : with &2 job completed successfully at &3 |
027 | Program &1 failed on &2 at &3 |
028 | &1 : job ID &2 started |
029 | &1 :Step &2:No Records Updated by job &3 |
030 | RUN ID &1 does not exist in the system &2 |
031 | Log Error |
032 | Error while displaying project overview document |
033 | Log not created |
034 | IMG for PCL Package Id: &1 |
035 | RFC: &1 connection terminated/canceled |
036 | Unable to Refresh Monitor |
037 | Unable to interpret & as a number; enter a numeric value |
038 | Short description for PCL Package ID not maintained |
039 | No PCL Package Id selected. Select PCL Package Id |
040 | User does not have authorizations to run dialog programs |
041 | Job &1 started on &2 at &3 with Job Number &4 |
042 | PCL Package Id exceeds the limit(Maximum entry: 9999 ) |
043 | PCL Package Id not found |
044 | Initialization has not been completed |
045 | Simulation Started at &1 on &2 :Background with Job Number &3 |
046 | Simulation has not been completed |
047 | System Error |
048 | Job Log for Job: &1 / &2 |
049 | Simulation finished with errors at &1 on &2 |
050 | No Error |
051 | Initialization time exceed the limit. Maximum Runtime &1 &2 |
052 | Error in retrieving Database size |
053 | Program &1 failed on &2 at &3 by user &4 |
054 | Processing started in the background with &1 &2 |
055 | No relavant data found for Initialize process |
056 | Job &1 finished on &2 at &3 with Job Number &4 |
057 | Job &1 failed on &2 at &3 with Job Number &4 |
058 | One more activity is still in running state |
059 | "Optimum Job Scheduling" couldn't be displayed:Insufficient Analysis Data |
060 | Sufficient number of work process not available |
061 | Maximum jobs in a step is more than available background work processes |
062 | Maximum jobs in a step cannot be less than &1 |
063 | Error while displaying information |
064 | &1 background &2 started at &3 |
065 | &1 entries have been inserted in the table CNVA_00555_SIM |
066 | Background jobs completed at &1 |
067 | PCL Package Id limit exceeded.Creation of new PCL Package id not possible |
068 | Activity is already running |
069 | Program &1 completed on &2 at &3 by user &4 |
070 | Estimated runtime with optimum job scheduling is: &1 - &2 Hrs |
071 | Background jobs failed at &1 |
072 | Total no. of records found in 50 largest tables is &1 |
073 | Customizing for Chart of Account package not available. See long text |
074 | Missing authorization in execution system |
075 | PCL Package Id does not exist |
076 | Job &1 &2 started for determining 50 largest tables |
077 | Job &1 &2 started for inserting records in table CNVA_00555_SIM |
078 | Job &1 &2 failed |
079 | Work Process Information could not be retrieved |
080 | Not enough batch processes. Change operating mode of actual server |
081 | Max. no. of jobs specified by user:&1 Actual no. of jobs scheduled:&2 |
082 | Activity cannot be executed: PCL Packag ID & is already active(long text) |
083 | Central Instance of application server could not be found |
084 | Execution of activity SIMULATE in central instance failed |
085 | Activity INITIALIZE is running for the PCL Package ID &1 (long text) |
086 | Activity SIMULATE is running for the PCL Package ID &2 (long text) |
087 | Runtime Estimation has not completed for an existing PCL Package ID |
088 | Creation of PCL Package ID cancelled |
090 | Customizing for conversion/Deletion package not found (see long text) |
091 | Short description for Run ID not maintained |
092 | Run ID &1 does not exist in the system &2 |
093 | Server Name could not be mapped to host name |
100 | PCL Package ID &1 is created in &2 system |
101 | Invalid Client. RUN ID &1 is created in &2 Client. |
102 | First Specify an RFC Destination for Analysis System |
103 | No Conversion / Deletion Package found in the specified system |
104 | enter the RFC Destination of Remote Analysis System |
105 | Select a package ID for converion/deletion package |
106 | Selected Conversion/Deletion Package &1 not found (see long text) |
107 | Conversion/Deletion Package not found for PCL Package ID &1 |
108 | Information of Conversion/Deletion Packages not available in the system |
109 | Job &1 with Job Number &4 successfully scheduled in execution system |
110 | Action canceled by user |
111 | You have selected an obsolete Analysis ID. You can only view the results. |
112 | Cluster Size should be atleast 100,000 |
113 | PCL Package could not be loaded |
114 | Selected Conversion / Deletion Package &1 not found (see long text) |
115 | No Analysis Id selected. Select Analysis Id |
116 | Error while updating Table Statistics for table & in Oracle database. & |
117 | Error in generating index for simulation table CNVA_00555_SIM. & |
118 | Error while dropping index &1 of simulation table &2 |
119 | Index &1 of simulation table &2 dropped successfully |
120 | Index &1 of simulation table &2 generated successfully |
121 | Data successfully saved in execution system |
122 | Data successfully saved in control system |
123 | Error while saving data in control system |
124 | &1 &2 |
125 | Conversion Package(s) selected: |
126 | Select a Transformation Solution |
127 | Selected Transformation Solution ' &1 ' not found (see long text) |
128 | Transformation Solution(s) selected: |
129 | File & saved to PC |
130 | Cluster Size cannot be initial |