CNVA_20345_CHECK - Messages related to Profit Centre analysis

The following messages are stored in message class CNVA_20345_CHECK: Messages related to Profit Centre analysis.
It is part of development package CNVA_20345_CHECK in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Profit centre analysis checks".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Change of segments detected.
001No differences regarding segments detected.
002There are differences in the master data settings of the profit centers
003The profit centers that will be merged have the same master data settings
004An inactive profit center was found
005No inactive profit centers were found
006Implicit merge of profit centers (controlling area) mapping was detected
007Explicit merge of profit centers (controlling area) mapping was detected
008Mix of explicit and implicit merges into a profit center was detected
009No profit center merges found
010Differences regarding currencies detected
011No differences regarding currencies detected
012Empty field found; mapping is not complete
013Some source profit centers do not exist
014All source profit centers exist
015Profit center split found
016No profit center split found
017Profit center mapping has valid priorities
018Profit center mapping does not have valid priorities
019Additional priority settings for profit centers are required
020Merge of a dummy profit center and a non dummy profit center found
021No merge of a dummy profit center and a non dummy profit center found
022All dummy profit centers that need to be merged are merged
023Dummy profit centers of existing controlling area merges are not merged
024Warning; mapping used for this analysis is not valid
025Warning; mapping used for this analysis is not valid
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