CNVA_20400_CHECK - Messages for contorlling areas checks

The following messages are stored in message class CNVA_20400_CHECK: Messages for contorlling areas checks.
It is part of development package CNVA_20400_CHECK in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Controlling Area Merge Analysis".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Source controlling area
001Reference controlling area
002Target controlling area
003Controlling areas are assigned to different operating concerns.
004Reference Controlling Area is not assigned to any operating concern
005One or more controlling areas are not assigned to OC &1
006All relevant controlling areas are assigned to same operating concerns
007Controlling areas are assigned to different Financial Management Area.
008Reference Controlling Area is not assigned to any FM Area
009One or more controlling areas are not assigned to FM Area
010All relevant controlling areas are assigned to same FM Area
011The involved controlling areas use different Chart of Accounts
012All participating controlling areas use the same chart of accounts
013Controlling areas use different fiscal year variants
014Controlling areas use different fiscal year variant
015Controlling areas use different fiscal year variant
016Controlling areas use the same fiscal year variant
017Controlling areas have different settings for flag 'all currencies'.
018Controlling areas have the same settings for indicator 'all currencies'
019PCA is activated only for one or more source controlling areas
020Reference controlling area is activated for PCA
021CO areas have same settings for Profit Center Accounting activation
022Implicit merge of profit centers by a controlling area mapping
023An explicit merge of profit centers by a profit center mapping
024A mix of explicit and implicit merges into a profit center was detected.
025No profit center merges found
026An implicit merge of cost centers by a controlling area mapping
027An explicit merge of cost centers by a cost center mapping was detected
028A mix of explicit and implicit merges into a cost center was detected.
029No cost center merges found
030An implicit merge of activity types by a controlling area mapping
031An explicit merge of activity types by a activity type mapping
032A mix of explicit and implicit merges into a activity type was detected.
033No activity type merges found
034An implicit merge of cycles by a controlling area mapping was detected.
035An explicit merge of cycles by a cycle mapping was detected.
036A mix of explicit and implicit merges into a cycle was detected.
037No cycle merges found (for example assessment cycles, distributions)
038An implicit merge of statistical key figures by a controlling area
039An explicit merge of statistical key figures by a statistical key
040A mix of explicit and implicit merges into a statistical key figure
041No statistical key figure merge found
042There are no automatic account assignments in cost element(cost center)
043There are automatic account assignments in cost element(cost center)
044There is no activated validation for the relevant controlling areas.
045There are activated validations for the relevant controlling areas.
046There is no activated substitution for the relevant controlling areas.
047There are activated substitutions for the relevant controlling areas.
048There are no automatic account assignments(OKB9)
049There are automatic account assignments(OKB9)
050There are no automatic account assignments in cost element(order posting)
051There are automatic account assignments in cost element (order posting)
052An implicit merge of business processes by a controlling area mapping
053An explicit merge of business processes by a business process mapping
054A mix of explicit and implicit merges into a business process
055No business process merges found.
056Controlling areas have different settings for flag; see long text
057Controlling areas have the same settings for flag; see long text
058Reconciliation Ledger is activated at least for one relevant CO Area
059The reconciliation ledger is not activated. No additional action required
060If settings are active in one or more source controlling areas
061An implicit merge of primary cost elements by a controlling area mapping
062An explicit merge of primary cost elements by a cost element mapping
063A mix of explicit and implicit merges into a primary cost element
064An implicit merge of secondary cost elements by a controlling area
065An explicit merge of secondary cost elements by a cost element mapping
066A mix of explicit and implicit merges into a secondary cost element
067No cost element merges found.
068All controlling areas have profit center accounting inactive.
069The involved controlling areas use different currencies.
070All involved controlling areas use to the same currency.
071The involved controlling areas use different PCA currencies.
072All involved controlling areas use to the same currency for PCA.
073The involved controlling areas use different currency types for PCA.
074All involved controlling areas use to the same currency types for PCA.
075All involved controlling areas use to the same currency types.
076The Currency Type of Controlling Areas is changing from 10 to &1.
077The Currency Type of Controlling Areas is changing to 10.
078The Currency Type of Controlling Areas is changing to 10.
079Implicit change of Currency Types to 30.
080Implicit change of Currency Types to 30.
081Implicit change of Currency Types.
082Not all controlling areas which contain the specified secondary cost elmt
083Renaming of secondary cost elements not consistent across all KOKRS
084Renaming of secondary cost elements not consistent across all KOKRS
085All relevant controlling areas and secondary cost elements are considered
086An inactive Business process was found.
087No inactive Business processes were found.
088No controlling area merge occurred.
089All source controlling areas are provided.
090An implicit merge into a controlling area was detected.
091There are issues with company codes
092No issues with company codes detected
093Differences regarding currencies detected
094No differences regarding currencies detected.
095Empty field found. Mapping is not complete.
096Some source controlling areas do not exist.
097All source controlling areas exist.
098Controlling area split found.
099No controlling area split found.
100Controlling area mapping has valid priorities.
101Controlling area mapping does not have valid priorities.
102Warning: Mapping used for this analysis is not valid.
103Some source controlling areas do not exist.
104None of the participating controlling areas use a currency and valuation
105Not all of the participating controlling areas use a currency
106The participating controlling areas use different currency
107The participating controlling areas use similar currency
108None of the participating controlling areas uses CO-templates.
109Participating controlling areas use CO-templates.
110Conflicts regarding CO-templates detected.
111The cost elements to be merged use different cost element types.
112The cost elements to be merged use the same cost element types.
113There are differences in master data settings of involved cost centers
114There are differences in the master data settings of the profit centers
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