CNVHCM_PRESEL - TDMS4HCM: Messages for Object Selection
The following messages are stored in message class CNVHCM_PRESEL: TDMS4HCM: Messages for Object Selection.
It is part of development package CNV_TDMS_HCM_620_PSL in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TDMS4HCM: Object Selection".
It is part of development package CNV_TDMS_HCM_620_PSL in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TDMS4HCM: Object Selection".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Specify a selection ID |
001 | Selection ID &1 is not valid; enter a valid selection ID |
002 | Specify valid selection criteria for ID &1 |
003 | Selection ID &1 is edited by some user; try again later |
004 | Specify criteria for selection |
005 | Error in execution of selection "&2" (technical ID &3) |
006 | Selection ID &1 is locked; unlock first before making changes |
010 | You are not authorized to display selections; contact your syst. admin. |
011 | You are not authorized to modify selection ID &1; contact sys. admin. |
012 | You are not authorized to modify selections; contact syst. admin. |
013 | You are not authorized to execute selection ID &1; contact sys. admin |
014 | You are not authorized to execute selections; contact syst. admin. |
015 | You are not authorized to create selections; contact syst. admin. |
016 | You are not authorized to lock/unlock selections; contact syst. admin. |
050 | Specify a selection ID |
051 | Specified selection ID &1 already exists; specify a different ID |
052 | Specified selection ID &1 contains invalid characters; change ID |
053 | Specified selection ID &1 in SAP name range; specify a different ID |
100 | Do not specify a date in this field; field is obsolete |
101 | Place the selection steps in the correct order |
102 | Specify either initial selection IDs or initial objects in step &1 |
103 | Specify the object type to make restrictions in step &1 |
104 | Refer to tables for infotype &1 in restrictions for step &2 |
105 | Specify valid expression for infotype &1 in restrictions for step &2 |
106 | Specify an existing selection ID for step &1 |
107 | Object type &1 in step &2 does not exist; specify an existing object type |
108 | Specify IDs for object type &1 in step &2 |
109 | Remove wildcard for object type in step &1 |
110 | Specify object type in step &1 |
111 | Remove wildcard for excluded object type in step &1 |
112 | Specify excluded object type in step &1 |
113 | Excluded object type '&1' in step &2 not valid; correct entry |
114 | Remove wildcard for target object type in step &1 |
115 | Target object type &1 in step &2 does not exist; specify an existing type |
116 | Limit type &1 in step &2 does not exist; specify a valid limit type |
117 | To limit step &1, specify either limit or percentage |
118 | Specify relationship to target object type &1 in the limit for step &2 |
119 | Remove intermediate obj. type or specify rel. in path of limit in step &1 |
120 | Remove object type for the first relationship of limit in step &1 |
121 | Remove object type for the last relationship of limit in step &1 |
122 | Specify intermediate object type for path of limit in step &1 |
123 | Remove wildcard for object type in path of limit in step &1 |
124 | Object type &1 in path of limit in step &2 invalid; specify valid type |
125 | Specify valid relationship type in the path of limit in step &1 |
126 | Specify valid relationship in path of limit in step &1 |
127 | Relationship &1 in path of limit in step &2 invalid; specify a valid ID |
128 | Specify limit in step &1 |
129 | Do not specify limit in step &1 |
130 | Specify percentage for limit in step &1 |
131 | Do not specify percentage for limit in step &1 |
132 | Specify object type for relationship of limit in step &1 |
133 | Do not specify object type for relationship of limit in step &1 |
134 | Do not specify objects for object type &1 more than once in step &2 |
135 | Do not specify personnel numbers in infotype &1 restrictions of step &2 |
136 | Do not specify plan versions in infotype &1 restrictions of step &2 |
137 | Do not specify object types in infotype &1 restrictions of step &2 |
138 | Do not specify object IDs in infotype &1 restrictions of step &2 |
139 | Do not specify infotype 1001 in restrictions of step &1 |
140 | Specify cluster restrictions only for objects of type P for step &1 |
141 | Specify the type of cluster restriction in step &1 |
142 | Specify a valid type for the cluster restriction in step &1 |
143 | Specify a start date for the cluster restriction in step &1 |
144 | Specify time types for the cluster restriction in step &1 |
145 | Specify wage types for the cluster restriction in step &1 |
146 | Specify a relationship ID for the restrictions in step &1 |
147 | Remove wildcard for relationship ID in the restrictions of step &1 |
148 | Specify a relationship ID with additional data in restrictions of step &1 |
149 | Specify a database table for the restrictions of relationships of step &1 |
150 | Do not specify field ADATANR in restrictions of relationships of step &1 |
151 | Refer to add. data table of relationship &1 in restrictions of step &2 |
152 | Specify a plan version for step &1 |
153 | Do not self-reference selection ID; specify different ID in step &1 |
154 | Specify some objects to start with in the first step |
155 | Specify at least one step for the criteria |
156 | Circular reference through ID &1; specify different ID in step &2 |
157 | Insufficient authorization to check consistency; check with administrator |
158 | Specify valid relationship type in step &1 |
159 | Specify a start date in step &1 |
160 | No selection criteria are listed in step &1 |
161 | In objects to be removed in step &1, specify an object type |
162 | In objects to be removed in step &1, specify no plan vers. for pers. num. |
163 | In objects to be removed in step &1, specify a plan version |
164 | In objects to be removed in step &1, specify object IDs |
165 | Plan version '&1' in step &2 not valid; correct entry |
166 | Evaluation path '&1' in step &2 not valid; correct entry |
167 | Relationship '&1' in step &2 not valid; correct entry |
168 | In objects to be removed in step &1, correct plan version '&2' |
169 | In objects to be removed in step &1, correct object type '&2' |
170 | Specify only an explicit list of objects to be excluded |
171 | Do not specify a wildcard and a normal relationship ID in step &1 |
172 | Specify a valid handling of central persons in step &1 |
200 | Specify consistent selection criteria |
201 | Selection criteria are consistent |
202 | Specify consistent selection criteria; saving is not possible |
203 | Save changes to criteria and objects first; action is not possible |
204 | Save changes to criteria first; action is not possible |
205 | Save changes to objects first; action is not possible |
206 | Criteria have been saved |
207 | Selection run executed; check log for details |
208 | Specify description for HCM object selection |
209 | Description '&1' exists already; specify different description |
210 | Specified IDs are consistent |
211 | Create new selection ID using "Create" pushbutton or enter existing ID |
212 | Error code &1 in schedule for batch; specify correct schedule |
213 | Selection run scheduled with job name &1 |
214 | Selection created by user &1 on &2 at &3 |
215 | Selection last modified by user &1 on &2 at &3 |
216 | Selection run last executed by user &1 on &2 at &3 |
217 | Objects last manually changed by user &1 on &2 at &3 |
218 | Error in opening job with error code &1; contact administrator |
219 | Error in closing job with error code &1; contact administrator |
220 | Periodic batch execution not supported; specify non-periodic execution |
221 | Select some objects |
222 | Changes have been saved |
223 | No authorization to save changes; contact system administrator |
224 | No authorization to display selection criteria; contact administrator |
225 | No authorization to display selections; contact administrator |
226 | Inconsistency on database; selection &1 cannot be used |
227 | No authorization to delete selection ID &1; contact administrator |
228 | Deletion not possible as selection ID still referenced; check references |
229 | No authorization to view references; contact administrator |
230 | Selection ID &1 not referenced by any other HCM object selection |
231 | Edit mode switched on |
232 | Display-only mode is switched on |
233 | No data to be downloaded |
234 | Data successfully downloaded into file &1 |
235 | Download not possible; error code &1; check with administrator |
236 | Data successfully uploaded from file &1 |
237 | Upload not possible; error code &1; check with administrator |
238 | Data of file not in correct format; select different file |
239 | No data stored in file; select different file |
240 | Data successfully downloaded into file &1 in directory &2 |
241 | Data successfully uploaded from file &1 in directory &2 |
242 | Only files ending with '.xml' can be uploaded; select different file |
243 | Change of criteria will also delete already existing result |
244 | No authorization to lock selection; contact administrator |
245 | No authorization to unlock selection; contact administrator |
246 | Selection last locked by user &1 on &2 at &3 |
247 | Selection last unlocked by user &1 on &2 at &3 |
248 | No authorization to edit selection; contact administrator |
249 | Select a valid step |
250 | Specified ID &1 does not exist; specify an existing ID |
251 | No changes exist; saving not necessary |
252 | Selection locked |
253 | Selection unlocked |
254 | No relationships exist for selected objects |
255 | Only field-selection is relevant; specific conditions will be cleared |
256 | No relationships exist |
300 | Selection run started on &1 at &2 |
301 | Selection run ended on &1 at &2 |
302 | Processing of selection step &1 started on &2 at &3 |
303 | PD objects removed from result because of insufficient authorizations |
304 | Personnel no. removed from result because of insufficient authorizations |
305 | No authorization to execute selection ID &1; contact administrator |
306 | No authorization to read time cluster; contact administrator |
307 | No authorization to read payroll cluster; contact administrator |
308 | Evaluation of PD tree with path &1 and object &2 started on &3 at &4 |
309 | Evaluation of PD tree(s) ended on &1 at &2 |
310 | Evaluation of PD relationships started on &1 at &2 |
311 | Evaluation of PD relationships ended on &1 at &2 |
312 | &1 objects added in first step |
313 | &1 relationships added in first step |
314 | Step acts as filter for objects found in previous steps |
315 | &1 objects added in step; &2 objects selected in total |
316 | &1 relationships added in step; &2 relationships selected in total |
317 | &1 objects removed in step; &2 objects selected in total |
318 | &1 relationships removed in step; &2 relationships selected in total |
320 | Execution of selection ID &1 |
321 | Execution of referenced selection ID &1 |
322 | Unlocking not possible for selection ID &1 |
323 | Locking not possible for selection ID &1 |
330 | Result list of selection ID &1 was uploaded |