CNVMBTDEL620 - Texte related to client deletion

The following messages are stored in message class CNVMBTDEL620: Texte related to client deletion.
It is part of development package CNV_MBT_MAIN_620 in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DMIS objects for release starting with 620".
Message Nr
Message Text
002No table selected for processing
003Table &1 already with status finished.
004Creation of parameter &1 failed in the receiver system.
005Could not update the parameter &1 for package &2 in the receiver system.
006Connection Error: &1.
007Insert or update parameter failed.
008Receiver deletion stopped. Parameter for stopping is set. See long text.
010Table deletion subactivities started at &1 &2 (During scheduling).
011Table deletion subactivities started at &1 &2 (After scheduling).
012For packid &1 and the part of program name &2 no entry found.
013No free letter for the deletion program name available.
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