CNVMBTREORG - Messages for reorganization

The following messages are stored in message class CNVMBTREORG: Messages for reorganization.
It is part of development package CNV_MBT_PCL_46 in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MBT PCT : Process controlling functions 4.6".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Import parameter ip_packid is initial.
003Deletion for subproject &1 is still running. Try later.
005No import into the function module.
006No insert/modify with obj_type &1, obj_name &2, ref_type &3, ref_name &4.
007The value &1 in import parameter ip_pcl_or_remote not provided.
008The value &1 in import parameter ip_statsu not provided.
009Entry with reference name &1 and reference type &2 does not exist.
010Error while determine the status.
011PCL status in remote system initial. That�s not allowed
012Error while updating status of reference name &1 and type &2.
014Subproject name in deleted package &1 that has status finished.
015The package number &1 has no entry in the reorg table.
016It was not possible to determine the status of package &1.
017No object whose condition shall be checked is selected.
018More than one objects for checking the conditions were selected.
019No entry found in table cnvmbtdelref for type &1 and object &2.
020Object &1 with type &2 in deletion status RUNNING.
021Object &1 with type &2 in deletion status ERROR.
022Object &1 with type &2 in deletion status ABORTED.
023Object &1 with type &2 in deletion status FINISHED.
024Object &1 with type &2 has an unknown deletion status.
025object &1 with type &2 already deleted.
026Package &1 is still active.
027Not all packages of subproject &1 are deleted.
028Not all subprojects of project &1 are deleted.
029No subproject assigned to package &1.
030Reference object &1 does not exist in table cnvmbtdelref.
031The subproject &1 is not assigned to any project in the reorg table.
032The package &1 is not assigned to any subproject in the reorg table.
033Could not determine a project name.
034Import parameter and table are initial. At least one must be supplied.
035Error while saving reorg table in system with destination ID &1.
036No table entry selected.
037The deletion run guid &1 does not exist.
038No guid for deletion run exist for object &1.
039No deletion run selected.
040Package &1 not yet deleted in the Control system.
041Job &1 is already running.
042Job &1 was already executed.
043There is already an entry with jobname &1 and jobcount &2.
044Cursor not on a tree element
045Error calling a method of the column tree control
046Could not update reorganization table (cnvmbtdelref).
047Parameter table without any entries
048Not possible to select more than one entry.
049System is the Control System. Action not allowed.
050Subproject &1 not yet deleted in the Control system.
051Project &1 not yet deleted in the Control system.
052Not distributed. No working destination found.
053Not all conditions fulfilled for object type &1 and object name &2.
054Could not found entry in cnvmbtdelreftech with guid &1.
055Could not found entry in cnvmbtdelreftech with guid &1 and exec_num &2.
056The log with external number &1 and log number &2 already exist.
057Program &1 does not exist.
058Deletion for package &1 started.
059Deletion for package &1 finished.
060Deletion for subproject &1 started.
061No MTID for subproject &1. No DTL deletion.
062Deletion for MTID &1 started.
063Deletion for MTID &1 finished.
064RFC destinations of subproject &1 deleted.
065Subproject &1 deleted.
067All cnvmbtdest* tables deleted for package &1.
068Deletion for project &1 finished.
069Deletion of project &1 failed.
070Calling Log. Different Applications.
071No log with number &1 found.
072Not possible to show lognumber &1.
073Deletion run finished on &1 at &2 o�clock.
074Deletion run started on &1 at &2 o�clock.
075Action cancelled by user.
076Could not created a GUID for the deletion run.
077Job scheduling cancelled by user.
078Subproject &1 not found. Already deleted or not existing.
079&1 deletion programs are removed.
080&1 views are removed.
081There is a MTID in destination &1 with different subproject name.
082Objects successfully distributed.
083Error calling function module &1.
084Package &1 is excluded from reorg/deletion.
085Could not delete entries from table &1
086There is no note available for the given project, subproject and package.
087There is no attachment available for the project, subproject and package-
088No objects assigned to the attachment
089Attachment deletion failt
090Package &1 still exists
092User &1 not authorized to run program
093User &1 forced deactivation of package &2.
094RFC Destinations retained from deletion.
095Deletion of project &1 started.
096Started in Batch Job. If deletion of project started, subproject finished
097Subproject &1 already used. More details about the reason see long text.
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