CNV_10520 - Conversion module of FI-CA FIKEY-logic

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_10520: Conversion module of FI-CA FIKEY-logic.
It is part of development package CNV_10520 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Handle DFKKSUM conversion ("logical key" conversion)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000******************** begin of 10520 *********************************
001&1 &2 &3 &4
002There are no relevant mappings to be checked for table DFKKSUM
003&1 entries found in FI-CA table DFKKSUM
004No entries found in FI-CA table DFKKSUM for FIKEY &1
005No duplicates found in structure of DFKKSUM after simulation conversion
006Foreign currency valuation is NOT in use, conversion fields stay inactive
007No data found; assumption: FI-CA is not in use
008Table DFKKSUM is not available in the system. No action required.
009FI-CA is in use, conversion fields are activated
010Record could not enrich with a sign in the last 7 characters: &1
011Mapping shall be created in DOWNTIME but did not exist before
012No entries found in table CNV_10520_PARTIF
013&1 records sucessfully deleted from table &2
014No records deleted from table &1
015Mapping values deleted; &1 records deleted from package &2
016New mapping created with &1 records from package &2
017No relevant values found for FI-CA; no new mapping created for package &1
018&1 different values found for FIKEY in table DFKKSUM
019No mapping found for FI-CA; no problem if no further messages
020Record could not be found in mapping; &1 &2 &3
021FI-CA is in use
022Unspecified error during the conversion
023Field KONTL filled in the table DFKKSUM
024Field KONTL not filled in the table DFKKSUM
025No interface specified for merge: &1 &2
026&1 mapping entries loaded from database
027Failed to configure fields as 'Ignored'
028The last 7 characters of the field KONTL in the table DFKKSUM filled
029Tax down payments and clearing accounts used in FI-CA
030Context not found for package &1
031Problems with CWB package &1
032Removed &1 entries from the table CNV_10520_FIKEYC
033Error while trying to obtain mapping values
034Starting merge simulation with &1 reconciliation keys
035Update of table &1 failed; contact SAP for support
036Finished simulation; merges found in &1 out of &2 reconciliation keys
037Started flagging &1 reconciliation keys in DFKKSUMC
038Flagged &1 reconciliation keys in DFKKSUMC
039The field &1 not found in the table DFKKSUMC
040Module/method &2 returned error: &1; contact SAP for support
045Critical exception &1 occured during the simulation
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