CNV_2010C - Message class for CoA on Cloud
The following messages are stored in message class CNV_2010C: Message class for CoA on Cloud.
It is part of development package CNV_2010C in software component CA-DT-CNV-S4C. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Chart of accounts conversion for Cloud".
It is part of development package CNV_2010C in software component CA-DT-CNV-S4C. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Chart of accounts conversion for Cloud".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Do you want to mark NOVIEW = 'X' for all tables? |
002 | Total records updated in CNVTABLES with NOVIEW = 'X' : &1 |
003 | User decided not to change CNVTABLES with NOVIEWS |
004 | Total entries inserted in CNV_20100_SB_FP for BC Sets = &1 |
005 | Total entries inserted in CNV_20100_SB_FP for eCATTs = &1 |
006 | Total entries inserted in CNV_20100_SB_FP for IMGs = &1 |
007 | Total entries inserted in CNV_20100_SB_ACT = &1 |
008 | &1 entries deleted from &2 table |
009 | &1 entries inserted in &2 table |
010 | Solution ID: &1, Filename: &2, TDC: &3 |
011 | TDC Change Doc creation fail: Param_name: &1, A/C Old: &2, A/c New: &3 |
012 | TDC Change Doc creation success: Param_name: &1, A/C Old: &2, A/c New: &3 |
013 | &1 entries viewed and &2 entries converted |
014 | CNVSTATE table update for packid: &1 for precursor program: &2 |
015 | No changes made to CNVSTATE table for packid: &1 |
016 | CNVSTATE entry for progname: &1 has been deleted |
017 | Description update successfully for account &1 |
018 | Description update failed for account &1 |
019 | No record found in table &1 for packid &2 |
020 | Package not found |
021 | State entry not found |
022 | Mapping already in progress |
023 | Mapping table update failed |
024 | Duplicate records exists for Old G/L and New G/L combination |
025 | 'Delivered ID' doesn't match configured account ID length |
026 | 'Delivered ID' not found in G/L account master data |
027 | Old G/L and New G/L accounts are same |
028 | 'Mapped ID' already exists in G/L account master data |
029 | 'Delivered ID' and language combination not found in G/L acct master data |
030 | Transport Request will not be converted as parameter is not set |
031 | Derivation paths were not indicated for all fields |
032 | Assignment of fields to Org. Units not complete and consistent |
033 | Mapping pushed to Mapping engine successfully for package &1 |
034 | Mapping pushed successfully for handle &1 |
035 | Delimitation/determination is not possible for object &1 |
036 | The field for determining the org. unit is empty |
037 | Delimitation / determination is not yet available for object type &1 |
038 | For object type &1, no general assignment is possible! |
039 | Object &1: For temporary objects, derivation is not possible |
040 | Error in module CNV_FIND_BEST_FORM_WITH_TABLE for table &1 |
041 | For table &1 and field &2, no conversion routine was found |
042 | Please enter a value in 'Mapped ID' |
043 | Start Conversion not possible as another package exists in the system |
044 | Package load not possible |
045 | Mapping not created yet |
046 | Reject Mapping not possible as another package exists in the system |
047 | &1 can not be empty |
048 | No record found in &1 |
049 | Solution is inactive in your system. Contact SAP for activation |
050 | Updation of package completion date/time in UI-state table |
051 | Deactivation of Solution in system |
052 | Conversion not supported when new data model is active |
053 | Kindly re-try after activation activities are completed |
054 | Content Lifecycle activities has not completed |
055 | Conversion can not be started |
056 | Initial transport request released |
057 | The CoA mapped is not YCOA. The rename cannot be performed in this system |
058 | Please enter a &1 Description |
059 | No descriptions were maintained for this package |
060 | Please assign a 'Mapped ID' that is not longer than &1 characters |
061 | Tables added for FC_ITEM conversion for Group COA |
062 | Value for 'Mapped ID' can't be alphanumeric |
063 | Disable not successfull of current lifecycle processors |
064 | Enable current lifecycle processors in system |
065 | State table locked by some other process |
066 | This 'Mapped ID' already exists in the system. Please assign another one |
067 | Please click 'Update' to sync the mapping table with description table |
068 | 'Delivered ID' is not maintained in mapping table |
069 | Updation of SPC task status failed |
070 | Mapping GUID doesn't exist or not released for conversion yet |
071 | Validation failed |
072 | Please use numeric characters only |
073 | Action not possible as Q2P transport lock is already released |
074 | Kindly delete/reject &1 and try again. |
075 | Release of transport is stopped by G/L Account Rename App. |
076 | Conversion in process for &1 |
077 | Mapping in process for &1 |
078 | Release of initial transport request is blocked by the &1, &2 |
079 | Action not possible with Read-Only authorization |
080 | TDC Change Doc creation success.Variant ID : &1, A/C Old: &2, A/c New: &3 |
081 | TDC Change Doc creation fail.Variant ID : &1, A/C Old: &2, A/c New: &3 |
082 | Total Number of TDC Change Doc created is &1. |
083 | Mapping in progress |
084 | Conversion in progress |
085 | Created by & |
086 | Deleted by & |
087 | Released by & |
088 | Saved by & |
089 | Started conversion by & |
090 | Rejected mapping by & |
091 | Restart pem by & |
092 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
093 | Release of block on transport request is removed |
094 | Validation &1 and validated by &2 |
095 | Following New GL exists:- |
096 | 'Mapped ID' already exists in an inactive content. Please assign new ID |
097 | Validation failed during Central IDs check in Content Framework files |
098 | Add new cty/rgn/Scope Extension is in progress, mapping cannot be created |
099 | Add new cty/rgn/Scope Extension progress check failed, contact SAP. |
100 | Objects of table &1 locked in intial TR &2 |
101 | Initial TR not found |
102 | There is no initial TR with objects &1 locked |
103 | [Redesign]New data model is &1 |
104 | Kindly re-try after Blue-Green update activities are completed |
105 | Parameter for Redesign model does not exist |
106 | Workflow can not be started |
107 | Current Phase is &1, which is already completed. |
108 | Postings exists in Production system |
109 | Action not allowed by class CL_CNV_2010C_CHECK |
110 | Scenario &1 is not yet supported. Contact SAP [CA-DT-CNV-S4C] |
111 | Parameter to capture data into transport request does not exist |
112 | Data will &1 be captured into transport request &2. |
113 | All the records are processed or no records are present. |
114 | No Business Change Project exists. |
115 | Mapping created in scenario &1 which do not match the current scenario &2 |
116 | Scope extension or Add new country/region not yet supported. |
117 | Entries created in CNVSTEPS |
118 | No relevant data to be processed for CNVSTEPS |
119 | Kindly maintain FSV and Replicate run time hierarchy |
120 | Financial Statement recorded successfully in TR |
121 | Hierarchy node recorded successfully in TR |
122 | This is not a Q2P project client, kindly retry from Q2P project client |
123 | This is not a Cloud System, kindly retry from the Cloud Q-System |
124 | This application is only supported in phase &1, but current phase is &2 |
125 | Form Routines added to following tables (details in long text): |
126 | Table 'COEP' marked as NOTUSE ('X') in CNVTABLES. |
127 | For CoA &1 : TDC_ALIAS is &2 and TDC_FILENAME is &3. |
128 | Org. dependency for source package 20100 : Is &1 Active |
129 | Assign group account no. to Delivered ID in G/L Account Master Data app. |
130 | Delivered ID�s group account number must belong to same group COA |
131 | Unable to create change number |
132 | Error during the change log updation. |
133 | Change logs are captured and updated |
134 | Table and Field names are not available |
135 | Internal error occured during validation or update |
136 | Mapping Guid is empty. Unable to process. |
137 | No transport request identfied by METHOD check_record_key_allowed |
138 | Customizing TR for SKAD updates : &1 |
139 | GL account description changes for &1 |
140 | Synch between config. system and S/4HANA failed. Contact CA-DT-CNV-S4C. |
141 | Mapping table update failed.Please raise an incident under CA-DT-CNV-S4C. |
142 | Mapping can not be created for this chart of account. contact CA-DT-CNV |
143 | In X4, mapping only allowed for YCOA or YGR1. |
144 | This &1 a 1S4HC OR X4 system . |
145 | Transport &1 related to mapping guid &2 is already released. |
146 | Request/Task &1 is released already |
147 | &1 : Invalid Transport Request/Task |
148 | Valid Q2P request does not exist |
149 | Transport is managed by Q2P Process |
150 | Chart of Account(KTOPL) field cannot be empty |
151 | Error in G/L Account Mapping table |
152 | Error in G/L Acc. Desc Mapping table |
153 | Error in G/L Account and Desc. Mapping tables |
154 | Parameter IT_GL_MAP should not be empty |
155 | Parameter IT_AGENTS should not be empty |
156 | Table/Fields (Org.determination) 'Status' set to 'Released': |
157 | Table: &1, Field: &2. |
158 | No change in org.determination status for any Table/Field |
159 | No automatic release of transport request, customer will manually release |