CNV_2010C - Message class for CoA on Cloud

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_2010C: Message class for CoA on Cloud.
It is part of development package CNV_2010C in software component CA-DT-CNV-S4C. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Chart of accounts conversion for Cloud".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Do you want to mark NOVIEW = 'X' for all tables?
002Total records updated in CNVTABLES with NOVIEW = 'X' : &1
003User decided not to change CNVTABLES with NOVIEWS
004Total entries inserted in CNV_20100_SB_FP for BC Sets = &1
005Total entries inserted in CNV_20100_SB_FP for eCATTs = &1
006Total entries inserted in CNV_20100_SB_FP for IMGs = &1
007Total entries inserted in CNV_20100_SB_ACT = &1
008&1 entries deleted from &2 table
009&1 entries inserted in &2 table
010Solution ID: &1, Filename: &2, TDC: &3
011TDC Change Doc creation fail: Param_name: &1, A/C Old: &2, A/c New: &3
012TDC Change Doc creation success: Param_name: &1, A/C Old: &2, A/c New: &3
013&1 entries viewed and &2 entries converted
014CNVSTATE table update for packid: &1 for precursor program: &2
015No changes made to CNVSTATE table for packid: &1
016CNVSTATE entry for progname: &1 has been deleted
017Description update successfully for account &1
018Description update failed for account &1
019No record found in table &1 for packid &2
020Package not found
021State entry not found
022Mapping already in progress
023Mapping table update failed
024Duplicate records exists for Old G/L and New G/L combination
025'Delivered ID' doesn't match configured account ID length
026'Delivered ID' not found in G/L account master data
027Old G/L and New G/L accounts are same
028'Mapped ID' already exists in G/L account master data
029'Delivered ID' and language combination not found in G/L acct master data
030Transport Request will not be converted as parameter is not set
031Derivation paths were not indicated for all fields
032Assignment of fields to Org. Units not complete and consistent
033Mapping pushed to Mapping engine successfully for package &1
034Mapping pushed successfully for handle &1
035Delimitation/determination is not possible for object &1
036The field for determining the org. unit is empty
037Delimitation / determination is not yet available for object type &1
038For object type &1, no general assignment is possible!
039Object &1: For temporary objects, derivation is not possible
040Error in module CNV_FIND_BEST_FORM_WITH_TABLE for table &1
041For table &1 and field &2, no conversion routine was found
042Please enter a value in 'Mapped ID'
043Start Conversion not possible as another package exists in the system
044Package load not possible
045Mapping not created yet
046Reject Mapping not possible as another package exists in the system
047&1 can not be empty
048No record found in &1
049Solution is inactive in your system. Contact SAP for activation
050Updation of package completion date/time in UI-state table
051Deactivation of Solution in system
052Conversion not supported when new data model is active
053Kindly re-try after activation activities are completed
054Content Lifecycle activities has not completed
055Conversion can not be started
056Initial transport request released
057The CoA mapped is not YCOA. The rename cannot be performed in this system
058Please enter a &1 Description
059No descriptions were maintained for this package
060Please assign a 'Mapped ID' that is not longer than &1 characters
061Tables added for FC_ITEM conversion for Group COA
062Value for 'Mapped ID' can't be alphanumeric
063Disable not successfull of current lifecycle processors
064Enable current lifecycle processors in system
065State table locked by some other process
066This 'Mapped ID' already exists in the system. Please assign another one
067Please click 'Update' to sync the mapping table with description table
068'Delivered ID' is not maintained in mapping table
069Updation of SPC task status failed
070Mapping GUID doesn't exist or not released for conversion yet
071Validation failed
072Please use numeric characters only
073Action not possible as Q2P transport lock is already released
074Kindly delete/reject &1 and try again.
075Release of transport is stopped by G/L Account Rename App.
076Conversion in process for &1
077Mapping in process for &1
078Release of initial transport request is blocked by the &1, &2
079Action not possible with Read-Only authorization
080TDC Change Doc creation success.Variant ID : &1, A/C Old: &2, A/c New: &3
081TDC Change Doc creation fail.Variant ID : &1, A/C Old: &2, A/c New: &3
082Total Number of TDC Change Doc created is &1.
083Mapping in progress
084Conversion in progress
085Created by &
086Deleted by &
087Released by &
088Saved by &
089Started conversion by &
090Rejected mapping by &
091Restart pem by &
092&1 &2 &3 &4
093Release of block on transport request is removed
094Validation &1 and validated by &2
095Following New GL exists:-
096'Mapped ID' already exists in an inactive content. Please assign new ID
097Validation failed during Central IDs check in Content Framework files
098Add new cty/rgn/Scope Extension is in progress, mapping cannot be created
099Add new cty/rgn/Scope Extension progress check failed, contact SAP.
100Objects of table &1 locked in intial TR &2
101Initial TR not found
102There is no initial TR with objects &1 locked
103[Redesign]New data model is &1
104Kindly re-try after Blue-Green update activities are completed
105Parameter for Redesign model does not exist
106Workflow can not be started
107Current Phase is &1, which is already completed.
108Postings exists in Production system
109Action not allowed by class CL_CNV_2010C_CHECK
110Scenario &1 is not yet supported. Contact SAP [CA-DT-CNV-S4C]
111Parameter to capture data into transport request does not exist
112Data will &1 be captured into transport request &2.
113All the records are processed or no records are present.
114No Business Change Project exists.
115Mapping created in scenario &1 which do not match the current scenario &2
116Scope extension or Add new country/region not yet supported.
117Entries created in CNVSTEPS
118No relevant data to be processed for CNVSTEPS
119Kindly maintain FSV and Replicate run time hierarchy
120Financial Statement recorded successfully in TR
121Hierarchy node recorded successfully in TR
122This is not a Q2P project client, kindly retry from Q2P project client
123This is not a Cloud System, kindly retry from the Cloud Q-System
124This application is only supported in phase &1, but current phase is &2
125Form Routines added to following tables (details in long text):
126Table 'COEP' marked as NOTUSE ('X') in CNVTABLES.
127For CoA &1 : TDC_ALIAS is &2 and TDC_FILENAME is &3.
128Org. dependency for source package 20100 : Is &1 Active
129Assign group account no. to Delivered ID in G/L Account Master Data app.
130Delivered ID�s group account number must belong to same group COA
131Unable to create change number
132Error during the change log updation.
133Change logs are captured and updated
134Table and Field names are not available
135Internal error occured during validation or update
136Mapping Guid is empty. Unable to process.
137No transport request identfied by METHOD check_record_key_allowed
138Customizing TR for SKAD updates : &1
139GL account description changes for &1
140Synch between config. system and S/4HANA failed. Contact CA-DT-CNV-S4C.
141Mapping table update failed.Please raise an incident under CA-DT-CNV-S4C.
142Mapping can not be created for this chart of account. contact CA-DT-CNV
143In X4, mapping only allowed for YCOA or YGR1.
144This &1 a 1S4HC OR X4 system .
145Transport &1 related to mapping guid &2 is already released.
146Request/Task &1 is released already
147&1 : Invalid Transport Request/Task
148Valid Q2P request does not exist
149Transport is managed by Q2P Process
150Chart of Account(KTOPL) field cannot be empty
151Error in G/L Account Mapping table
152Error in G/L Acc. Desc Mapping table
153Error in G/L Account and Desc. Mapping tables
154Parameter IT_GL_MAP should not be empty
155Parameter IT_AGENTS should not be empty
156Table/Fields (Org.determination) 'Status' set to 'Released':
157Table: &1, Field: &2.
158No change in org.determination status for any Table/Field
159No automatic release of transport request, customer will manually release
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