CNV_20200_CHECK - Messages for check functions (company code merge)

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_20200_CHECK: Messages for check functions (company code merge).
It is part of development package CNV_20200_CHECK in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Company code merge and rename - Check classes".
Message Nr
Message Text
001All participating company codes use chart of accounts &1
002Participating company codes use different charts of accounts
003Company code &1 with chart of accounts &2
004No relevant object keys found; profile execution not possible
005Participating company codes will be assigned to target CO area &1
006Company codes are merged but not their associated CO areas
007Company code &1 assigned to CO area &2
008Valuation level is plant
009No IS-U contracts found for the participating company codes
010Valuation is on level company code
011Material ledger active; company codes have different ML settings
012Company code &1 with valuation area &2; material ledger activated = &3
013Material ledger is inactive
014Material ledger active; participating CoCodes have identical ML settings
015LIFO valuation is inactive
016LIFO valuation is active and valuation level is company code
017LIFO valuation is active and valuation level is not company code
018FIFO valuation is inactive
019FIFO valuation is active and valuation level is company code
020FIFO valuation is active and valuation level is not company code
021Actual valuation of LIFO / FIFO is on level company code
022Participating CoCds will be assigned to target credit control area &1
023Company codes are merged but not their associated credit control areas
024Company code &1 assigned to credit control area &2
025All participating company codes have no credit control area assignment
026Functional area is inactive for all participating company codes
027Usage of functional area is the same for all participating company codes
028Usage of functional area for participating company codes is not the same
029Participating company codes have different financial management areas
030Company code &1 assigned to financial management area &2
031All participating company codes are assigned to financial mgmt area &1
032Participating company codes have different fiscal year variants
033All participating company codes have fiscal year variant &1
034Involved company codes have the same CO-FI Real-Time integr. variant &1
035CO-FI Real-Time Integr.; particip. company codes with different settings
036SAP Dispute Management is active. A multi-sys. landscape has been defined
037SRMBORCUST: Element Type ID = &1; Logical System = &2
038SAP Dispute Management is active. No multi-system landscape defined
039All participating company codes have no CO area assignment
040All participating company codes have no financial mgmt area assignment
041CO-FI Real-Time integration variants not used by involved company codes
042Company code &1 with fiscal year variant &2
043Company code &1 with Cost of sales procedure activation indicator = &2
044Joint Venture Account. active; participating CoCodes have diff. settings
045Company code &1 with Joint Venture Accounting active indicator = &2
046Joint Venture Accounting is used by all the participating company codes
047Joint Venture Accounting is not used by the participating company codes
048Other company codes which have a particip. credit control area permitted:
049Participating company codes have different country/region keys
050Company code &1 with country/region key &2
051Company code &1 has as permitted credit control area &2
052Temporary duplicates possible due to mapping of company codes
053Temporary duplicates possible due to mapping of company codes &1 and &2
054Implicit merges due to mapping of company codes
055Implicit merge into target company code &1
056Flag "Open item management" must be harmonized (in &1 cases)
057Flag "Clearing Specific to Ledger Groups" must be harmonized (in & cases)
058Flag "Only Manage Balances in Local Currency" must be harmonized(& cases)
059Flag "Account is reconciliation account" must be harmonized (in &1 cases)
060Field "Account Currency" must be harmonized (in &1 cases)
061Flag "Can Line Items be displayed by account" must be harmonized(& cases)
062There are differences in the G/L account master data
063No differences in selected fields of G/L account master data found
064Company code &1 assigned to company &2
065Other CoCodes which are assigned to a particpating credit control area:
066All participating company codes have no company assignment
067There are CoCodes assigned to a company and CoCodes not assigned to a co.
068Participating company codes will be assigned to target company &1
069Company codes are merged but not their associated companies
070Company code &1 with company &2
071CoCodes are both assigned and not assigned to a credit control area
072Company code &1 without credit control area
073Company code &1 without company
074CoCodes are both assigned and not assigned to a financial mgmt areas
075Company code &1 without financial mangement area
076Company code &1 without CO area
077Company codes are both assigned and not assigned to CO areas
078IS-OIL-PRA; mapping of organization level &1 to company code &2
079IS-OIL-PRA; organization levels have different company codes
080Field "Reconciliation Account in General Ledger" must be harmonized (&2)
081There are differences in the vendor master data
082No differences found in the selected vendor master data fields
083Participating company codes have different currency settings
084Company code &1 with local currency: &2 (2nd: &3, 3rd: &4)
085There are differences in the customer master data
086No differences in selected fields in customer master data found
087Other CoCodes that are assigned to a participating financial mgmt area:
088Other company codes that are assigned to a participating company:
089There are duplicate house bank IDs in the participating company codes
090There are duplicate house bank account IDs in the participating CoCodes
091No issues with house banks and house bank accounts
092Company code &1 has house bank &2
093Company Code &1 has house bank &2 with account id &3 (BANKN=&4)
094IS-OIL-PRA is not in use
095Deferred taxes are in use for the participating company codes
096All involved company codes have identical settings for local currencies
097There are critical differences in the G/L account master data
098There are critical differences in the vendor master data
099There are critical differences in the customer master data
100Participating company codes use FI-SL with identical settings
101Participating company codes use FI-SL with different settings
102Company code &1 uses FI-SL Ledger &2
103Company code &1 uses FI-SL Ledger &2 with activity &3: Posting Indic. &4
104FY variants with different posting periods of the current fiscal year
105FY variants with different posting periods in fiscal year &1
106New General Ledger Accounting (new G/L) is not active
107New General Ledger Accounting (new G/L) is active
108Document splitting within new G/L is not active on client level
109Document splitting within new G/L is active on client level
110Document splitting within new G/L active for all particip. company codes
111Document splitting within new G/L inactive for all participating CoCodes
112Document splitting within new G/L not active for all participating CoCds
113Company code &1, split_active = &2
114Field &1-&2 is different (in &3 cases)
115Non-leading ledgers are not assigned to the involved company codes
116At least one non-leading ledger is assigned to the participating CoCodes
117Differences in the ledger assignments of the participating company codes
118Non-leading ledger Customizing is the same for all participating CoCodes
119Non-leading ledger Customizing is different on company code level
120The currency settings are different on non-leading ledger level
121The fiscal year variant is different on non-leading ledger level
122Merge of securities account groups
123Merge into (Company code &1, Securities account group &2)
124(CoCd &1, AccGrp &2) is mapped to (CoCd &3, AccGrp &4)
125Company Code &1; securities account &2
126Conversion of deferred tax table would lead to duplicate table keys
127No company code mapping provided
128No securities account groups are merged
129No securities accounts are merged
130Participating company codes have no accounting codes
131Differences in Customizing of fiscal year variants
132FY variant &1: XKALE=&2, XJABH=&3, (ANZBP, ANZSP)=(&4)
133No differences in Customizing of fiscal year variants in T009
134Company Code &1 has for parameter &2 value=&3
135Company Code &1, Business Place &2 (CNPJ Business Place: &3)
136FI-SL ledger &1: diff. settings and not present in all particip. CoCodes
137FI-SL ledger &1: different settings in the participating company codes
138Consolidation is not relevant for the participating company codes
139IS-OIL-PRA is in use
140IS-U contracts found for at least one participating company code
141Company code &1 has &2 IS-U contracts
142No implicit merges due to mapping of company codes
143No business places used by participating company codes
144Business places used by participating company codes outside Brazil
145Different business places used by participating company codes in Brazil
146Particip. company codes have different CNPJ company registration numbers
147Business places with same settings in different Brazilian company codes
148Participating company codes do not use asset accounting
149Reference company code &1 does not use asset accounting, but others do
150Company codes are merged but not their associated CoCds for number assign
151Participating and non-particip. CoCds have the same CoCd for Num. Assign.
152Particip. company codes use different FY variants for asset accounting
153Particip. company codes use diff. charts of deprec. for asset valuation
154Depreciation areas of use diff. numbers of places for rounding
155Depreciation areas of company codes use different fiscal year variants
156FI-SL ledger &1 does not occur in all participating company codes
157Double mapping entry provided for source cash journal &1 in CoCd &2
158Duplicate asset numbers will occur for the participating company codes
159No duplicate asset numbers will occur for the participating company codes
160No temporary duplicates possible due to mapping of company codes
161Same G/L account numbers used by different house bank account IDs
162Other company codes which have a participating CO area assigned:
163Participating company codes with same country/region key &1
164Company code &1 with CO-FI Real Time Variant &2
165G/L account &1 assigned to company code &2, House bank &3, Account ID &4
166Actual valuation of LIFO / FIFO is not on level company code
167All participating company codes without fiscal year variant
168Participating company codes with and without fiscal year variant
169Participating company codes have identical posting periods
170Ledger &1/Activity &2:diff. settings and not present in all part. CoCds
171Ledger &1/Activity &2: different settings in the particip. company codes
172Ledger &1/Activity &2 does not occur in all participating company codes
173No splits of cash journals
174No relevant data found in table for balance sheet adjustments (RF180)
175'Do not post to profit center' of CC &1 is not aligned to reference CoCds
176Difference regarding the flag 'Do not post to profit center' between CCs
177'Do not post to PC' of company code &1 is aligned to reference CoCodes
178'Do not post to profit center' flag is set differently in reference CoCd
179Difference of tax postings between company codes detected
180No difference of tax postings between company codes detected
181Tax postings of company code &1 are aligned to the reference company code
182Balance sheet adjustment run &1 of company code &2 did not post to PC
183Balance sheet adjustment run &1 of company code &2 did post to PC
184&1 more different balance sheet adjustment runs for this company code
185No differences detected regarding the flag "post to profit center"
186Company code &1 did not post taxes
187Company code &1 did post taxes
188Reference company code &1 did post to profit center
189Reference company code &1 did not post to profit center
190Reference company code &1 did post taxes
191Reference company code &1 did not post taxes
192Company code &1 not assigned to ledger &2
193Company code &1, ledger &2 with currencies &3 and currency types &4
194Company code &1, ledger &2 with fiscal year variant &3
195Participating company codes have open asset postings
196Participating company codes have no open asset postings
197Company code &1 has open asset postings
198Company code &1 has no open asset postings
199Conversion not possible due to open asset postings
200&1 entries stored in control table
2011 entry stored in control table
202No cash journals are merged
203Merge of cash journals with different customizing
204Merge of cash journals with same customizing and allowed postings
205Merge into (CoCd &1, CJ &2) with different customizing settings
206Company code &1, cash journal &2: with postings
207CJ &1 with identical customizing and postings in not more than one CoCode
208Company code &1, cash journal &2: without postings
209Merge of cash journals with postings in more than one company code
210Merge into (CoCd &1, CJ &2) with postings in more than one company code
211Merge into (CoCd &1, CJ &2) with same customizing and allowed postings
212Cash journal business transactions are unique and must not be merged
213Merge of cash journal business transactions with different customizing
214Merge of cash journal business transactions with identical customizing
215Merge into (CoCd &1, CJ business transact. &2) with different customizing
216Company code &1, cash journal business transaction &2
217Merge into (CoCd &1, CJ business transact. &2) with identical customizing
218Company code &1 is assigned to company code for number assignment &2
219Non-participating CoCd &1 uses participating CoCd for no. assignment &2
220Fiscal year variants have diff. posting periods for future fiscal year &1
221No splits of house banks
222No deferred tax items found for the participating company codes
223No duplicates detected for deferred tax conversion
224Table &1 not implemented in program
225No company code merge scenario => this check is not applicable
226No securities account mapping provided
227Source securities account (CoCd &1, SecAcct &2) with missing target value
228Source value missing for (CoCd &1, new SecAcct &2)
229Source securities account (CoCd &1, SecAcct &2) does not exist
230All provided source values for the securities account mapping exist
231No securities account group mapping provided
232Source securities account group (CoCd &1, AccGrp &2) with missing target
233Source value missing for (CoCd &1, new AccGrp &2)
234Source value (CoCd &1, AccGrp &2) for SectAccGrp mapping does not exist
235All provided source values for the securities account group mapping exist
236No cash journal mapping provided
237Source cash journal (CoCd &1, CJ &2) with missing target value
238Source value missing for (CoCd &1, new CJ &2)
239Source cash journal (CoCd &1, CJ &2) does not exist
240No house bank ID mapping provided
241No house bank account ID mapping provided
242Source house bank (CoCd &1, house bank &2) with missing target value
243All source cash journals exist
244Source CJ business transaction (CoCd &1, Tran.numb. &2) does not exist
245All source cash journal business transactions exist
246Source value missing for (CoCd &1, new Tran.numb. &2)
247Source CJ business transact. (CoCd &1, Tran.numb. &2) with missing target
248No cash journal business transaction mapping provided
249Source value missing for (CoCd &1, new house bank &2)
250Source house bank (CoCd &1, house bank &2) does not exist
251All source house bank ID's exist
252Source Acct ID (CoCd &1, house bank &2, Acct ID &3) with missing target
253Source value missing for (CoCd &1, house bank &2, new Acct ID &3)
254Source house bank acc (CoCd &1, house bank &2, Acct ID &3) does not exist
255All source house bank account ID's exist
256Merge into (Company code &1, Cash journal &2)
257(CoCd &1, CJ &2) is mapped to (CoCd &3, CJ &4)
258Valuation is on level "several plants"
259Implicit merge of securities account groups
260Company code missing for source cash journal &1
261Merge into (Company code &1, Securities account &2)
262Securities account group &1 in company code &2
263No cash journal business transactions are merged
264No implicit merges of cash journals
265No securities account groups are merged
266Implicit merge of cash journals
267(CoCd &1, Securities Acct &2) is mapped to (CoCd &3, Securities Acct &4)
268Double mapping entry provided for source CJ bus. trans. &1 in CoCd &2
269Implicit merge into cash journal &1 in company code &2
270Implicit merge of cash journal business transactions
271Double mapping entry provided for source SecAcctGrp &1 in CoCd &2
272Company code missing for source business place &1
273Company code missing for source account group &1
274Cash journal business transaction &1 in company code &2
275No securities accounts are merged
276Implicit merge of securities accounts
277Merge of securities accounts
278Company code missing for source house bank ID &1
279(CoCd &1, CJ &2) is mapped to (CoCd &3, CJ &4)
280Securities account &1 in company code &2
282Company code missing for source securities account &1
283Not all participating company codes use asset accounting
284Implicit merge of house bank ID's
285Merge of house bank ID's
286Merge into (Company code &1, house bank ID &2)
287House bank ID &1 in company code &2
288No house bank ID's are merged
289Implicit merge of house bank account ID's
290Company code missing for source house bank acct ID &1
291(CoCd &1, house bank &2) is mapped to (CoCd &3, house bank &4)
292House bank account ID &1 / house bank ID &2 in company code &3
293No house bank account ID's are merged
294House bank ID merge into target &1 &2
295House bank account ID merge into target &1 &2 &3
296Cash journal merge into target &1 &2
297Merge of house bank account ID's
298Cash journal business transaction merge into target &1 &2
299Merge into (CoCd &1, house bank &2, Acct ID &3)
300Securities account group merge into target &1 &2
301Housebank ID missing for source house bank acct ID &1
302Securities account merge into target &1 &2
303No splits of cash journal business transactions
304No splits of securities account groups
305(CoCd &1, house bank &2, Acct ID &3) is mapped to (&4)
306Not all participating company codes use asset accounting
307Participating credit control areas have different currencies
308Credit control Area &1 with currency key &2
309Participating credit control areas have different fiscal year variants
310Credit control area &1 with fiscal year variant &2
311Participating companies have different local currencies
312Company &1 with local currency &2
313Merge of house bank account ID's in tables PAYR and PCEC
314Merge into (CoCd &1, house bank &2, Acct ID &3)
315SAP Dispute Management is not active
316UDM_SPS_ADMIN: Obj. Type = &1; Logical System = &2; Element Type ID = &3
317Double mapping entry provided for source house bank ID &1 in CoCd &2
318(CoCd &1, AssetNo &2) is mapped to (CoCd &3, AssetNo &4)
319Source value missing for (CoCd &1, new business place &2)
320Source business place (CoCd &1, business place &2) does not exist
321Source business place (CoCd &1, business pl &2) with missing target value
322All provided source values for the business place mapping exist
323Company code &1 without company code for number assignment
324Target company code &1 will have more than one accounting code
325Conversion would lead to accounting code &1 in company code &2
327Double mapping entry provided for source securit. acct &1 in CoCd &2
328No splits of securities accounts
330No splits of business places
331Double mapping entry provided for source business place &1 in CoCd &2
332Merge into (Company code &1, business place &2)
333(CoCd &1, business place &2) is mapped to (CoCd &3, business place &4)
334Merge of business places
335No business places are merged
336Some or all of the participating company codes use table T001CM
337Company code &1 with permitted credit control area &2
340Wrong format of mapping value: &1
341All mapping values have a correct format
347Double mapping entry provided for source house bank account (&1,&2,&3)
349No splits of house bank accounts
350Securities account group (CoCd &1, AccGrp &2) is not permitted
351Securities account group &1 is permitted
352Securities account (CoCd &1 SecAcct &2) is not permitted
353Securities account &1 is permitted
354No action required regarding asset accounting
356CJ business transaction (CoCd &1, CJ Tran.numb. &2) is not permitted
357Cash journal business transaction &1 is permitted
358Cash journal (CoCd &1, CJ &2) is not permitted
359Cash journal &1 is permitted
360House bank (CoCd &1, house bank &2) is not permitted
361House bank &1 is permitted
362All mapping values are permitted
363Company code: &1 - Company code for number assignment: &2
364Credit control area &1 is not permitted
365Company &1 is not permitted
366Company code - FM Area:
367Company code - Country/region key:
368Company code - Credit Control Area:
369Company code - CO Area:
370Participating securities account groups
371Source securities account group &1 &2 &3
372Target securities account group &1
379Participating cash journal numbers
380Source cash journal number &1 &2 &3
381Target cash journal number &1
382Participating cash journal business transactions
383Source cash journal business transaction &1 &2 &3
384Target cash journal business transaction &1
385Participating house bank IDs
386Source house bank ID &1 &2 &3
387Target house bank ID &1
388Participating house bank account ID's
389Source house bank account ID &1 &2 &3
390Target house bank account ID &1
391Participating securities accounts
392Source securities account &1 &2 &3
393Target securities account &1
394Company Code - Fiscal Year Variant:
395Treasury is not in use for the participating company codes
396Treasury is in use for at least one of the participating company codes
397Participating business places
398Source business place &1 &2 &3
399Target business place &1
400No uniqe language in target company code &1
401&1 entries for language &2
402All texts for cjtrans in company code &1 are maintained in language &2
403All cash journal transaction texts for target CoCd &1 are unique
404Target company code &1 contains not unique CJTRANS texts
405Source CoCd &1, source CJTRANS number &2, source text &3, target text &4
406Cash journal business transactions are not maintained at all
407The existing mapping seems no longer to be valid. See longtext!
408Cash journal (CoCd &1, CJ &2) is not permitted
409Business place &2 in CoCd &1 is not permitted
410Market Risk Analysis in Treasury is in use
411Not all participating company codes have an accounting code assigned
412Different valuation areas in Treasury are used for the participat. CoCds
413Valuation area settings in Treasury for the particip. Acc.Codes differ
414Participating CoCds use the same valuation areas with identical settings
415Valuation area & is not used by all relevant accounting codes
416Valuation area & with different settings in the relevant accounting codes
418No ledger-dep. deprec. runs exist in FI-AA for participating CoCds
419Participating CoCds have ledger-dependent depreciation runs in FI-AA
420Company code &1 with depreciation run in ledger &2
422No problems found regarding new G/L migrations
423Participating company codes have different migration plans and dates
424Target company code &1 affected by different migration plans and dates
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