CNV_20800 - Message class for CNV_20800

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_20800: Message class for CNV_20800.
It is part of development package CNV_20800 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Customer Number Conversion".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Format error: customer &1 has more than &2 characters
002No authorization in execution system
007Old customer &1 (to be converted) does not exist in the system
008No priority assigned for &1
009Priority assigned more than once for &1
011Merge to customer number &1 is not supported
012New customer number &2 already exists in the system; see long text
015Row is incomplete
020Mapping maintenance ignored for customer numbers
021Merge to customer number &2
022Temporary duplicates occur for customer number &2; see long text
025Customer &1 will be coverted to &2 with new account group &3
026Customer &1 will be coverted to &2 with new account group &3
027Account group &1 does not exist
035Check customer numbers against number range intervals:
036&1 customer numbers (not mapped) do not lie in interval
037Automatic renaming by NRIV changes is not possible for merge
038No N:1 conversion. No method of duplicate table keys indicators were set
039Settings have already been confirmed. No more runs are possible
040No (relevant) CNVTABLES entry for table &1
041Conversion: Indicator for non-use of view for table &1 is already set
042Conversion: Indicator for non-use of view flag for table &1 was set
043Conversion: Indicator for non-use of view flag for table &1 must be set
044Error during update/modify to table &1
045Table &1: &2 => Sumup &3 is required
046Table &1: &2 => Method of duplicate table keys handling &3 set &4
047Address not found for Customer number &, please check
048Contact Person &1, communication information updated (Address &2)
049Parameter &1 was set to &2
050Contact Person &1, communication information updated (HOME Address &2)
064&1: hidden field &2 contains value &4
065&1: Required entry field &2 does not contain a value
066&1: hidden field &2 does not contain a value
067&1: Required entry field &2 contains value &4
068&1 out of &2 records were relevant for the check
072Customer &1 (mapped) does not lie in interval &2 (not mapped)
074The scenario is N:1 merge of customer numbers
075The scenario is N:1 merge of customer numbers
076Table &1 is currently not supported regarding the check
077The scenario is 1:1 rename of customer numbers
078The scenario is 1:N split of customer numbers: Not supported
080The scenario is N:M for customer numbers
081There are temporary duplicates for customer numbers
082There are no temporary duplicates for customer numbers
083No temporary duplicates during conversion flag for table &1 was deleted
084No temporary duplicates during conversion for table &1 should be deleted
085No temporary duplicates during conversion flag for table &1 was set
086No temporary duplicates during conversion flag for table &1 should be set
089No errors or warnings occurred during the check
090CNVSTATE entry phase &1, table &2, prog. &3 will be deleted
091CNVSTATE entry phase &1, table &2, prog. &3 was deleted
092DSYAD entry view name &1, parent &2, child &3 will be deleted
093DSYAD entry view name &1, parent &2, child &3 was deleted
094LIS table &1: Method of duplicate table:S is o.k, no DEC or FLPT fields
095LIS table &1, field &2: &3 already converted
096LIS table &1, field &2: &3 set
097LIS table &1, no SUMUP is o.k, no key field is converted
098Canceled by user
100&1: Indicator &2 is set
101&1: Indicator &2 is not set
102&1: Indicator &2 should be set
103&1: Indicator &2 should not be set
104&1: New customer does not lie in interval [&2..&3]
105&1: No number range interval &2 for account group &3
106New account group &1 does not exist
107Old account group &1 does not exist
108&1 merge groups checked, &2 adapted, &3 with errors
109Customer &1: contact person adapted
111Read operation failed for &1 &2
112Initialization failed for &1 &2
113DB write operation failed for &1 &2
114Execution not possible; settings have already been confirmed
115Address information of Contact Person & not found
116Contact persons are not meant to be deleted; no run required
117Contact persons are not meant to be deleted; no run required
118&1 contact persons for deletion are stored in backup table CNV_20800_KNVK
119&1 contact persons were deleted from table KNVK
121Data saved
122No merges, adaptation of contact persons not necessary
123&1 merge groups, &2 address numbers were adapted in table VBPA
124No merges; no adaptation of table VBPA is required
126Contact persons are not meant to be adjusted; no run required
127Customer address are not meant to be adjusted; no run required
128In activ. Make Special Settings, option Delete partners w/o prio selected
129In activity Make Special Settings, option Accept all partners selected
130In activity Make Special Settings, option Adapt address numbers selected
131In activity Make Special Settings, option Keep address numbers selected
133(Optional) Maintain mapping: Activity not possible at this moment
138No mapping maintained for renaming customer numbers
140Check finished
141Old customer number is initial(mapping) : &1
142Mapping not maintained for old customer number : &1
144Old customer &1 does not exist (in table KNA1)
146Account group &1 does not belong to customer number &2
147New acct group &1 (mapped to customer number &2) does not exist (T077D)
148Changes not saved, settings made in previous run will be considered
149The scenario is N:1 merge of customer numbers
151&1, &2, &3 &4
152Following customer numbers are not included in the mapping
153Participating customers have different Industry code 1 (KNA1-BRAN1)
154Participating customers have different Country/Region key (KNA1-LAND1)
155Participating customers have different Delivery block (KNA1-LIFSD)
156Participating customers have different Deletion flag (KNA1-LOEVM)
157Participating customers have different Posting block (KNA1-SPERR)
158Participating customers have different Language key (KNA1-SPRAS)
159Participating customers have different VAT registration no. (KNA1-STCEG)
160Particip. customers have different Reconciliation account (KNB1-AKONT)
161Participating customers have different Insurance number (KNB1-VRSNR)
162Participating customers have different Terms of payment key (KNB1-ZTERM)
164Participating customers have different Deletion flag (KNB1-LOEVM)
165Participating customers have different Posting block (KNB1-SPERR)
166Participating customers have different Dunning procedure (KNB5-MAHNA)
167Participating customers have different Dunning level (KNB5-MAHNS)
168Participating customers have different Dunning block (KNB5-MANSP)
169Participating customers have different Credit limit (KNKA-KLIME)
170Participating customers have different Credit(Total) limit (KNKA-KLIMG)
171Participating customers have different Credit limit (KNKK-KLIMK)
172&1 customer numbers are not participating in conversion
174No changes made, settings made in previous run will be considered
178Check for customer number mapping:
179Check for account group:
180Participating customers have different Billing block (KNVV-FAKSD)
181Participating customers have different Customer group (KNVV-KDGRP)
182Participating customers have different Credit control area (KNVV-KKBER)
183Participating customers have different Delivery block (KNVV-LIFSD)
184Participating customers have different Deletion indicator (KNVV-LOEVM)
185Participating customers have different Terms of payment key (KNVV-ZTERM)
186Duplicate entries for Old value : &1, New value: &2
187All customer numbers present in KNA1 are assigned in mapping
188&1 of &2 customer numbers are participating in conversion
189Mapping entries not maintained for validation
190Target &2: New account group to be assigned for customer &1 with priority
191Settings saved for customer number rename
192Participating customers have different Industry key (KNA1-BRSCH)
193Participating customers have different Central billing block (KNA1-FAKSD)
194Participating customers have different Master rec. (Fiscal) (KNA1-FISKN)
195Participating customers have different Tax Fields 1 (KNA1-STCD1)
196Participating customers have different Tax Fields 2 (KNA1-STCD2)
197Participating customers have different Tax Fields 3 (KNA1-STCD3)
198Participating customers have different Tax Fields 4 (KNA1-STCD4)
199No errors found in account group mapping
200Customer &1 (to be converted) is already mapped to another value: &3
201Merge simulation results for mapping:
202Participating customers have different Currency Key (KNKA-WAERS)
203Participating customers have different credit limit reference(KNKK-KNKLI)
204Participating customers have different Partner function (KNVP-PARVW)
205Participating customers have different Partner counter (KNVP-PARZA)
206Participating customers have different Alternative payer (KNB1-KNRZB)
207Participating customers have different Block key for payment (KNB1-ZAHLS)
208Participating customers have different Authorization Group (KNA1-BEGRU)
209Participating customers have different Authorization Group (KNB1-BEGRU)
210No authorization to execute function module &1 in execution system
211Module/method &2 returned error: &1; contact SAP for support
212Function successfully executed
213Participating customers have different Authorization Group (KNVV-BEGRU)
214&1 &2 &3 &4
215Check for Old Value: &1 New Value: &2
216No issue found
217&1 duplicate entries has been deleted
218There is no duplicate entry
219Back up has been created for table knvp
220Only &2 messages being displayed in log.
221Only &1 information messages being displayed in log.
222Only &1 warning messages being displayed in log.
223Only &1 error messages being displayed in log.
224Duplicate customer number check:
225Only &1 messages being displayed.(Temporary duplicates check)
226Only &1 messages being displayed.(New customer existence check)
227Only &1 messages being displayed.(No priority check)
228Only &1 messages being displayed.(More than one priority check)
229Only &1 messages being displayed.(Old customer existence check)
230Only &1 messages being displayed.(Old account existence check)
231Only &1 messages being displayed.(New account existence check)
232Only &1 messages being displayed.(Account group information check)
233Old/New customer number existence and Implicit merge check:
234Priority control check in merge groups:
235Issue found
236Existence Check:
237Other Checks:
238Temporary duplicates and Scenario determination check:
239Old/New account group existence check:
240New account group related checks:
241Conflicts in customizing of old and new account group check:
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