CNV_20800 - Message class for CNV_20800
The following messages are stored in message class CNV_20800: Message class for CNV_20800.
It is part of development package CNV_20800 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Customer Number Conversion".
It is part of development package CNV_20800 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Customer Number Conversion".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Format error: customer &1 has more than &2 characters |
002 | No authorization in execution system |
007 | Old customer &1 (to be converted) does not exist in the system |
008 | No priority assigned for &1 |
009 | Priority assigned more than once for &1 |
011 | Merge to customer number &1 is not supported |
012 | New customer number &2 already exists in the system; see long text |
015 | Row is incomplete |
020 | Mapping maintenance ignored for customer numbers |
021 | Merge to customer number &2 |
022 | Temporary duplicates occur for customer number &2; see long text |
025 | Customer &1 will be coverted to &2 with new account group &3 |
026 | Customer &1 will be coverted to &2 with new account group &3 |
027 | Account group &1 does not exist |
035 | Check customer numbers against number range intervals: |
036 | &1 customer numbers (not mapped) do not lie in interval |
037 | Automatic renaming by NRIV changes is not possible for merge |
038 | No N:1 conversion. No method of duplicate table keys indicators were set |
039 | Settings have already been confirmed. No more runs are possible |
040 | No (relevant) CNVTABLES entry for table &1 |
041 | Conversion: Indicator for non-use of view for table &1 is already set |
042 | Conversion: Indicator for non-use of view flag for table &1 was set |
043 | Conversion: Indicator for non-use of view flag for table &1 must be set |
044 | Error during update/modify to table &1 |
045 | Table &1: &2 => Sumup &3 is required |
046 | Table &1: &2 => Method of duplicate table keys handling &3 set &4 |
047 | Address not found for Customer number &, please check |
048 | Contact Person &1, communication information updated (Address &2) |
049 | Parameter &1 was set to &2 |
050 | Contact Person &1, communication information updated (HOME Address &2) |
064 | &1: hidden field &2 contains value &4 |
065 | &1: Required entry field &2 does not contain a value |
066 | &1: hidden field &2 does not contain a value |
067 | &1: Required entry field &2 contains value &4 |
068 | &1 out of &2 records were relevant for the check |
072 | Customer &1 (mapped) does not lie in interval &2 (not mapped) |
074 | The scenario is N:1 merge of customer numbers |
075 | The scenario is N:1 merge of customer numbers |
076 | Table &1 is currently not supported regarding the check |
077 | The scenario is 1:1 rename of customer numbers |
078 | The scenario is 1:N split of customer numbers: Not supported |
080 | The scenario is N:M for customer numbers |
081 | There are temporary duplicates for customer numbers |
082 | There are no temporary duplicates for customer numbers |
083 | No temporary duplicates during conversion flag for table &1 was deleted |
084 | No temporary duplicates during conversion for table &1 should be deleted |
085 | No temporary duplicates during conversion flag for table &1 was set |
086 | No temporary duplicates during conversion flag for table &1 should be set |
089 | No errors or warnings occurred during the check |
090 | CNVSTATE entry phase &1, table &2, prog. &3 will be deleted |
091 | CNVSTATE entry phase &1, table &2, prog. &3 was deleted |
092 | DSYAD entry view name &1, parent &2, child &3 will be deleted |
093 | DSYAD entry view name &1, parent &2, child &3 was deleted |
094 | LIS table &1: Method of duplicate table:S is o.k, no DEC or FLPT fields |
095 | LIS table &1, field &2: &3 already converted |
096 | LIS table &1, field &2: &3 set |
097 | LIS table &1, no SUMUP is o.k, no key field is converted |
098 | Canceled by user |
100 | &1: Indicator &2 is set |
101 | &1: Indicator &2 is not set |
102 | &1: Indicator &2 should be set |
103 | &1: Indicator &2 should not be set |
104 | &1: New customer does not lie in interval [&2..&3] |
105 | &1: No number range interval &2 for account group &3 |
106 | New account group &1 does not exist |
107 | Old account group &1 does not exist |
108 | &1 merge groups checked, &2 adapted, &3 with errors |
109 | Customer &1: contact person adapted |
111 | Read operation failed for &1 &2 |
112 | Initialization failed for &1 &2 |
113 | DB write operation failed for &1 &2 |
114 | Execution not possible; settings have already been confirmed |
115 | Address information of Contact Person & not found |
116 | Contact persons are not meant to be deleted; no run required |
117 | Contact persons are not meant to be deleted; no run required |
118 | &1 contact persons for deletion are stored in backup table CNV_20800_KNVK |
119 | &1 contact persons were deleted from table KNVK |
121 | Data saved |
122 | No merges, adaptation of contact persons not necessary |
123 | &1 merge groups, &2 address numbers were adapted in table VBPA |
124 | No merges; no adaptation of table VBPA is required |
126 | Contact persons are not meant to be adjusted; no run required |
127 | Customer address are not meant to be adjusted; no run required |
128 | In activ. Make Special Settings, option Delete partners w/o prio selected |
129 | In activity Make Special Settings, option Accept all partners selected |
130 | In activity Make Special Settings, option Adapt address numbers selected |
131 | In activity Make Special Settings, option Keep address numbers selected |
133 | (Optional) Maintain mapping: Activity not possible at this moment |
138 | No mapping maintained for renaming customer numbers |
140 | Check finished |
141 | Old customer number is initial(mapping) : &1 |
142 | Mapping not maintained for old customer number : &1 |
144 | Old customer &1 does not exist (in table KNA1) |
146 | Account group &1 does not belong to customer number &2 |
147 | New acct group &1 (mapped to customer number &2) does not exist (T077D) |
148 | Changes not saved, settings made in previous run will be considered |
149 | The scenario is N:1 merge of customer numbers |
151 | &1, &2, &3 &4 |
152 | Following customer numbers are not included in the mapping |
153 | Participating customers have different Industry code 1 (KNA1-BRAN1) |
154 | Participating customers have different Country/Region key (KNA1-LAND1) |
155 | Participating customers have different Delivery block (KNA1-LIFSD) |
156 | Participating customers have different Deletion flag (KNA1-LOEVM) |
157 | Participating customers have different Posting block (KNA1-SPERR) |
158 | Participating customers have different Language key (KNA1-SPRAS) |
159 | Participating customers have different VAT registration no. (KNA1-STCEG) |
160 | Particip. customers have different Reconciliation account (KNB1-AKONT) |
161 | Participating customers have different Insurance number (KNB1-VRSNR) |
162 | Participating customers have different Terms of payment key (KNB1-ZTERM) |
164 | Participating customers have different Deletion flag (KNB1-LOEVM) |
165 | Participating customers have different Posting block (KNB1-SPERR) |
166 | Participating customers have different Dunning procedure (KNB5-MAHNA) |
167 | Participating customers have different Dunning level (KNB5-MAHNS) |
168 | Participating customers have different Dunning block (KNB5-MANSP) |
169 | Participating customers have different Credit limit (KNKA-KLIME) |
170 | Participating customers have different Credit(Total) limit (KNKA-KLIMG) |
171 | Participating customers have different Credit limit (KNKK-KLIMK) |
172 | &1 customer numbers are not participating in conversion |
174 | No changes made, settings made in previous run will be considered |
178 | Check for customer number mapping: |
179 | Check for account group: |
180 | Participating customers have different Billing block (KNVV-FAKSD) |
181 | Participating customers have different Customer group (KNVV-KDGRP) |
182 | Participating customers have different Credit control area (KNVV-KKBER) |
183 | Participating customers have different Delivery block (KNVV-LIFSD) |
184 | Participating customers have different Deletion indicator (KNVV-LOEVM) |
185 | Participating customers have different Terms of payment key (KNVV-ZTERM) |
186 | Duplicate entries for Old value : &1, New value: &2 |
187 | All customer numbers present in KNA1 are assigned in mapping |
188 | &1 of &2 customer numbers are participating in conversion |
189 | Mapping entries not maintained for validation |
190 | Target &2: New account group to be assigned for customer &1 with priority |
191 | Settings saved for customer number rename |
192 | Participating customers have different Industry key (KNA1-BRSCH) |
193 | Participating customers have different Central billing block (KNA1-FAKSD) |
194 | Participating customers have different Master rec. (Fiscal) (KNA1-FISKN) |
195 | Participating customers have different Tax Fields 1 (KNA1-STCD1) |
196 | Participating customers have different Tax Fields 2 (KNA1-STCD2) |
197 | Participating customers have different Tax Fields 3 (KNA1-STCD3) |
198 | Participating customers have different Tax Fields 4 (KNA1-STCD4) |
199 | No errors found in account group mapping |
200 | Customer &1 (to be converted) is already mapped to another value: &3 |
201 | Merge simulation results for mapping: |
202 | Participating customers have different Currency Key (KNKA-WAERS) |
203 | Participating customers have different credit limit reference(KNKK-KNKLI) |
204 | Participating customers have different Partner function (KNVP-PARVW) |
205 | Participating customers have different Partner counter (KNVP-PARZA) |
206 | Participating customers have different Alternative payer (KNB1-KNRZB) |
207 | Participating customers have different Block key for payment (KNB1-ZAHLS) |
208 | Participating customers have different Authorization Group (KNA1-BEGRU) |
209 | Participating customers have different Authorization Group (KNB1-BEGRU) |
210 | No authorization to execute function module &1 in execution system |
211 | Module/method &2 returned error: &1; contact SAP for support |
212 | Function successfully executed |
213 | Participating customers have different Authorization Group (KNVV-BEGRU) |
214 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
215 | Check for Old Value: &1 New Value: &2 |
216 | No issue found |
217 | &1 duplicate entries has been deleted |
218 | There is no duplicate entry |
219 | Back up has been created for table knvp |
220 | Only &2 messages being displayed in log. |
221 | Only &1 information messages being displayed in log. |
222 | Only &1 warning messages being displayed in log. |
223 | Only &1 error messages being displayed in log. |
224 | Duplicate customer number check: |
225 | Only &1 messages being displayed.(Temporary duplicates check) |
226 | Only &1 messages being displayed.(New customer existence check) |
227 | Only &1 messages being displayed.(No priority check) |
228 | Only &1 messages being displayed.(More than one priority check) |
229 | Only &1 messages being displayed.(Old customer existence check) |
230 | Only &1 messages being displayed.(Old account existence check) |
231 | Only &1 messages being displayed.(New account existence check) |
232 | Only &1 messages being displayed.(Account group information check) |
233 | Old/New customer number existence and Implicit merge check: |
234 | Priority control check in merge groups: |
235 | Issue found |
236 | Existence Check: |
237 | Other Checks: |
238 | Temporary duplicates and Scenario determination check: |
239 | Old/New account group existence check: |
240 | New account group related checks: |
241 | Conflicts in customizing of old and new account group check: |