CNV_40305 - Asset transfer postings due to a change of account determ.

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_40305: Asset transfer postings due to a change of account determ..
It is part of development package CNV_40305 in software component CA-DT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Asset transfer postings due to a change of account determ.".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Error reading table &1
002Error during insert in table &1
003Error during update/modify to table &1
004Table &1 does not exist. Contact SAP for support
005Error occured during execution; execute the activity again
006Inconsistency! Asset &1 (CoCode &2) does not exist any more
007Inconsistency! Asset class &1 of asset &2 &3 (CoCode &4) does not exist
008Inconsistency! FI-AA is not active in company code &1
009Inconsistency! Asset class &1 does not exist in Customizing
010Asset account determination will change for asset &1 (company code &2)
011Asset class &3 of asset &1 (CoCode &2) does not exist in Customizing
012Asset account determination changed in asset &1 (CoCode &2)
013Transfer document number &2 &3 in company code &1 created
014Document type not defined for company code &1
015Amounts to be transferred successfully determined
016Asset account determination will not change for any asset
017Asset account determination will not change. No amounts to be transferred
018The given user &1 is not authorized to execute this function
019FI document &2(&3) in company code &1 successfully posted
020Document type for transfer postings not specified
021Document type &1 will be used for transfer postings
022Document type &1 does not permit postings to assets or G/L accounts
023Document type &1 does not exist
024No top level package found for 40305 (asset transfer postg) in pckg &1
025Value in &1-&2 differs in backup table (&3) from database table (&4)
026Error; no record retrieved from CNV_40305_TABMAP for package &1
027Value of &1 changed for key &2
028Number range(T003-NUMKR) not maintained for document type &1
029Number range not maintained for document type &1 ledger &2
030Internal error; table &1 not expected in method &2
031Internal error; field &1 not expected in method &2
032Asset account determination &1 not found in table &2
033Error during asset values transfer; see related messages for more info.
034No account (&1) found in table &2 for &3.
035BUKRS: &1, AFABE: &2, TYPE: &3, KTOGR: &4
036Check finished successfully
037Substitution rule is active for company code &1
038Validation rule is active for company code &1
039PCA is active for controlling area &1
040Different account determination for asset class &1 of company code &2
041Company code &1 is deactivated in asset accounting
042An unexpected error (&1) occured
043FI document &2(&3) in company code &1 not found
044FI document for reference information not found (see longtext)
045Simulation log on &1 at &2
047Substitution rule is active for company code &1
048Validation rule is active for company code &1
049EC-PCA is active for controlling area &1
050Different account determination for asset class &1 of company code &2
051Company code &1 is deactivated in asset accounting
052Simulation is not possible as COA package is blended.
053No data available for the current execution number.
057Substitution rule is active for company code &1
058Validation rule is active for company code &1
059EC-PCA is active for controlling area &1
060Different account determination for asset class &1 of company code &2
061Company code &1 is deactivated in asset accounting
062Comapny code &1 with asset &2 deactivated in Asset Accounting
071Check posting key for required fields
072Posting key &1
073No required fields in posting key &1
074Field &1 is required field
075Field &1 is required field for G/L account &2 &3
076No required fields for G/L accounts
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