CNV_CDMC_CTS - CDMC Change and Transport System Analysis
The following messages are stored in message class CNV_CDMC_CTS: CDMC Change and Transport System Analysis.
It is part of development package CNV_CDMC_REPOOBJS in software component SV-SMG-CCM-CDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CDMC: Repo Objects".
It is part of development package CNV_CDMC_REPOOBJS in software component SV-SMG-CCM-CDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CDMC: Repo Objects".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Enter exactly one system with role 'S' |
001 | Enter exactly one system with role 'A' |
002 | Enter exactly one system with role 'T' |
003 | Statistics collection should be activated for the analysis system |
004 | No objects found for the selection criteria |
005 | Activity "Determine Object Set" is not yet finished |
006 | No objects determined by activity "Determine Object Set" |
007 | No modified objects found |
008 | No requests found for the selection criteria |
009 | Object &1 &2 &3 has not been found in TADIR |
010 | &1 objects found in customer namespace |
011 | No objects found to perform the environment analysis |
012 | Environment analysis has not been performed |
013 | No statistics data found in &1 system |
014 | Please select only one object for remote comparison |
015 | No objects found to perform remote comparison |
016 | Remote comparison has not been performed |
017 | &1 entries have been updated to database table &2 |
018 | No referred SAP objects found |
019 | No objects found to determine the referred SAP objects |
020 | No input objects found for usage analysis |
021 | Enter a valid input request |
022 | New ad hoc project cannot be created; max. number of ad hoc pr.s reached |
023 | No data found for activity; maybe activity has not been executed yet |
024 | No implemented user exit found; maybe activity has not been executed yet |
025 | No active BADI implementations found or activity has not been executed |
026 | No implemented BTEs found; maybe activity has not been executed yet |
027 | Could not determine the include program for the function module & |
028 | Could not determine the function pool for the function group & |
029 | Information about object & could not be obtained from the & system |
030 | Object & not found in the analysis system |
031 | Object & not found in the target system |
032 | PGMID cannot be determined for: & |
033 | This activity is not in scope as statistics system is not maintained |
034 | & unique objects collected from the incoming transport requests |
035 | & objects were not supported for environment analysis |
036 | & objects are considered for environment analysis |
037 | & referred objects were identified from the incoming objects |
038 | & objects were finally compared against the target system |
039 | Environment cannot be determined for the object & |
040 | Function include info cannot be determined for the object & |
041 | Include name of the method & cannot be determined |
042 | Use an RFC destination other than NONE for system role '&'(See Long Text) |
043 | Invalid user type in the analysis system (See Long Text) |
044 | Environment analysis is not supported for the object '&' with type '&' |
045 | Remote target system could not be reached |
046 | Enetered dest. is not pointing to the & sys. maintained in proj.landscape |
047 | Too many requests selected |
048 | System role 'R' is not in scope for the CTS scenario |
049 | Request Not Found In Analyis System & |
050 | Request Not Found In Target System & |
051 | Invalid user type in the Target system |
052 | Project landscape for this CTS project is not correctly maintained |
053 | & & & |