CNV_CDMC_UCIA - CDMC Upgrade/Change Impact Analysis

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_CDMC_UCIA: CDMC Upgrade/Change Impact Analysis.
It is part of development package CNV_CDMC_REPOOBJS in software component SV-SMG-CCM-CDM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CDMC: Repo Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Start release is either greater than end release or does not exist
001Select only existing entries from table RELEASEMAP
002No entry found
003No objects found in customer namespace
004User name does not exist
005No objects found in specified development classes
006Environment could not be determined for object & &
007No & system found for project &
008Activity could not be successfully completed
009Project landscape for this UCIA project is not correctly maintained
010The set of SAP objects that have changed could not be determined
011Object does not exist
012Background job could not be scheduled in system & (see long text)
013The set of SAP objects referred in custom developments could not be read
014No objects found in the given request(s)
015Object & & could not be compared
016No objects provided to function module CNV_CDOP_UCIA_GET_CHANGED_OBJS
017Information about object & & could not be obtained from the & system
018& distinct SAP objects have been selected from the analysis system
019& objects found in the given set of transport requests
020& customer objects were found to be affected by change in SAP objects
021& SAP objects referred in custom objects were changed
022& objects found in customer namespace
023& SAP objects are directly referenced in customer objects
024Select at least one of the options
025Reference and analysis systems are same
026& has not yet finished successfully
027& has not yet finished successfully
028Enter exactly one system with role R
029Duplicate entries were deleted
030No object entries found in global settings
031Use this activity to edit the adjustment times
032Please select only one line for where-used list
033Error while calling remote function
034Select only one row for extended syntax check
035Extended syntax check is only available for source code objects
036Object distribution for these objects is as follows:
037& - &
038Number of objects foreach development class:
039Development class & - &
040& customer objects use SAP objects
041Action cancelled
042RFC information about the & system could not be determined
043Dynamic usage of SAP Objs will not be determined as part of this activity
044No SAP objects were imported from the analysis system
045Scenario: Support package application
046Scenario: Upgrade
047Program error
048Function group & is not versionable
049All customer objects are selected
050Select only one row for extended program check
051Customer objects were selected subject to restrictions
052Objects belonging to the following development class were CONSIDERED:
053Objects belonging to the following development class were EXCLUDED:
054Development Class = &
055Development Classes between & and &
056SAP objects from the following transport requests/piece lists were taken:
057Project landscape is not defined yet
058All referred SAP Objects were assumed to have changed
059For the &1 Object: &2, &3
060Processing status of the selected objects has been changed
061Object name = &1
062Objects between &1 and &2
063Following Objects of piecelist &1 were EXCLUDED:
064No executable reports found under customer namespace
065No reasons found
066No data exists for &1 display
067Activity &1 not in scope for UCIA using Reference Information Base
068&1 Customer Batch Input Programs have been impacted due to upgrade
069&1 Customer Programs using ext.routines have been impacted due to upgrade
070This activity is currently not in scope for releases higher than 4.6C
071Ensure Reference Information Base Content is imported before proceeding
072Version & of & not found
073&1 SAP Objects are directly and indirectly referenced in Customer objects
074Version & of & not found in the Reference Information Base
075Reference Information Base content does not exist
076Activity is not in scope as statistics system is not defined
077No versions found
078Object is impacted due to indirectly referenced SAP object
079Duplicate entry already exists for the entered object type &
080Use this activity to maintain custom objects copied from SAP objects
081Specify a piecelist request
082Specify the file path
083Adjustment times have to be maintained
084This object type & is not supported by UCIA
085Please select an object entry to delete
086No objects found with critical severity for calculating adjustment times
087Maintain the adjustment times after the calculation of adjustment times
088Select only one row to classify an object as uncritical
089&1 programs initiates usage analysis activity
090Select only one row to change the status
091The customer object does not refer to any SAP object; no severity exists
092The customer object does not refer to any SAP object to change the status
093Severity of the & selected object(s) is not critical
094Please select only one line for remote comparison
095Error deleting the additional comments
096Error reading the additional comments
097Error creating text area
098Error hiding the status bar
099Error hiding the tool bar
100&1 &2 type objects are identified as used
101Error in fetching project hierarchy
102Error in fetching BPCA intersection information
103No authorization to fetch BPCA intersection information
104No BPCA intersection information found
105Invalid selection
106Enter CDMC project
107Enter activity
108Enter solution manager project
109Enter solution
110Enter piecelist
111No data found associated with the selected business process step
112No objects maintained for the selected project(s)
113No objects maintained for the selected solution(s)
114- & &
115SAP object is not called directly in the customer program
116SAP object is referred in super class or interface of the customer class
117& has not yet finished successfully
118& has not yet finished successfully
119& has not yet finished successfully
120& has not yet finished successfully
121Object type can not be space
122Action Cancelled/Object does not exist
123Info. about the Analysis and Reference systems are read for the project
124Changed SAP Objects are collected successfully for analysis
125Selected obj. & does not exist in the anal sys, so can not change status
126No customer object exist for the selected entry
127Data not saved
128No changes found
129Actual adjustment time saved for &1 object(s).
130Actual adjustment time saved for &1 YELLOW/RED severity object(s).
131Actual adjustment time saved.
132Actual adjustment time could not be saved.
133Maintenance of Actual Adjustment Time is specific to a customer object
134Select a Project ID
135The selected Project is not a UCIA project
136You are currently working in project &1. Select any other project
137Activity 'Perform Remote Comparison' not completed for selected project
138Select atleast one status to perform Status Takeover
139Selected entries with no customer objects will be ignored
140Selected objects not found in project &1 with specified status(es).
141Status Takeover Cancelled
142Status Takeover from Project &1 completed successfully
143&1 &2 type objects are identified and usage info. is not supported
144Customer object name can not be space
145No Customer Programs refer the standard subroutine in Analysis system
146No Customer Batch Input Programs refer the standard programs/screens
147SYSTEM_FAILURE or CONNECTION_FAILURE & & while reaching the & system
148No. of jobs scheduled is &1
149No referred sub-objects found with YELLOW/RED severity-comparison result.
150Reference information base content imported successfully
151& not found in selected search area
152Option:Exclude Indirectly Referred SAP Objects selected
153 &1 Objects will be excluded while executing Analysis activities.
154Analysis Activities have already started.
155Format of the file should be .csv instead it is .&1.
156Format of the file is .&1 instead it should be .csv
157File must have valid header. Please check long text.
158Activity aborted because of wrong sequence header.
159The mentioned file does not exist in the system.
160Error while reading file.
161File transfer refused.
162File does not exist.
163File reading failed.
164Transfer of file refused.
165File should have entries in order object type object name devclass.
166No edit mode available for Summary
167Entry missing at row &. Please fill all the columns.
168File name is too long.
169Connection or System Failure at &.
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