CNV_CMIS - Message class for CMIS

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_CMIS: Message class for CMIS.
It is part of development package CNV_CMIS_M_10 in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CMIS Mig: Table list, domain rules and non transp. fields".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Domain & does not exist
002Data element & does not exist
003Changes saved
004Enter an SAP LT Client Transfer package number
005Program ended following user action
006Predecessor activity not yet finished; only display mode is possible
007Reset Table Conflicts
029Table & does not exist in the sender system
030Error occurred while getting information from the & system
031Internal error &1 while calling &2
032File is not in the correct format
033Table & does not exist in the receiver system
034Field &1 does not exist in table &2 in the receiver system
035Error occurred uploading the table list
036Upload successful
037Select an entry in the list
038Select only one entry in the list
039Error while modifying control tables for migration object &1
040Error while setting "NOT_USE" flag for migration object &1
041Error while deleting "NOT_USE" flag for migration object &1
042All changes have been transferred to the control tables
043Flag "NOT_USE" has been set for table &1
044Flag "NOT_USE" has been reset for table &1
045New receiver table &1 has been defined for sender table &2
046New receiver field &1 has been defined for sender field &2
047Error while updating entries in the control tables
048Internal error &1 while calling &2 for &3 - &4
049Internal error &1 while calling &2
050Save all changes and execute check again
051No changes found
052Consistency check complete
053Check unnecessary; no changes found
054Consistency check is running
055Not all conflicts have been resolved
056Routine &1
057No entries found for receiver fields in table &1 for rule &2
058Scheduling error
059Error while modifying table &
060Execution of program & failed in execution system
061Error while starting subactivity &
062Table &1 not found in the control table
063Parameters update failed for subactivity &1
064Error occurred while getting information from the control tables
065Table & does not exist in the sender system
066Table &1
067Field &1 does not exist
068Unknown types (values) &1 &2 have been found
069No nontransparent field values have been found
070All nontransparent field values are known
071&1 new found types (values) have been written in the exception table
072Error while selecting the table &1 or table &1 is empty
073Rules and rule parameters have been added to the control table &1
074Error while generating include &1
075Include &1 has been created
076Error while adding include &1
077Include &1 has been added to tables &2 and &3
078&1 entries have been added to table &2
079New mapping entries have been added to the mapping table &1
080Rule name &1; old value &2, new value &3
081Empty logical system name for &1 system is not allowed
082Migration object &1 will be excluded from the transfer
083Flag "NOT_USE" has been reset for migration object &1
084New receiver structure &2 has been added for migration object &1
085New rcv. field &2 has been added to the rcv. structure for mig. object &1
086Update for &1 is running
087Noncritical conflicts were found
088Error while getting the local status information
089Error while creating initial entry for status information
090Subactivity &1 has been rescheduled
091Error while getting the status of job &1, &2
092Error while updating the status information for package &1
093Table &1 has been filled with the table list
094Error while getting the status of job &1, &2
095Error while getting execution target for current system in package &1
096Table &1 is empty
097Table &1 has &2 entries in sender system
098Table &1 has &2 entries in receiver system
099Error while writing TADIR entry for &1
100&1 &2 &3 &4
101You are not authorized to create &1
102Include &1 is in the wrong namespace
103Error while writing the TRDIR entry for &1
104Error while creating include &1
105Include &1 does not exist
106Error while reading include source &1
107Error while writing include source &1
108Conversion code has been inserted into include &1
109Error while creating include &1 in the central system
110Include &1 has been created in central system
111&1 jobs have been planned
112No initial entry for activity &1 has been found in table &2
113Save all changes and execute upload again
114Empty logical system name for &1 and &2 system
115No application server for execution found
116Single record buffer for server &1 has been reset
117Error while resetting the single record buffer for server &1
118Generic table buffer for server &1 has been reset
119Error while resetting the generic table buffer for server &1
120Error while creating job &1
121Some subactivities have not been completed yet
122Subactivity &1 has been rescheduled
123&1 tables will be included in the transfer
124Table &1 has been counted in the subactivity for &2
125Tables and Domains Settings are successfully completed
126Tables and Domains Settings are not completed
127Customer test is successfully completed
128Customer test is not completed
129Flag "NOT_USE" has been set for migration object &1 and field &2
130Default selection method values have been set for &1 migration objects
131Rulename &1, PVAL1 = &2, PVAL2 = &3. Include for conversion
132Rulename &1, PVAL1 = &2, PVAL2 = &3; Exclude from conversion
133Rulename &1, PVAL1 = &2; Include for conversion
134Rulename &1, PVAL1 = &2; Exclude from conversion
135Error while uploading mapping information
136Mapping for domains and data elements is not completed
137Analysis results are successfully completed
138Analysis results are not completed
139A new assigned receiver field &2 for table &1 failed
140Loaded and calculated flags for MTID &1 have been reset
141Field &1 in sender system differs from field &2 in receiver system
142Cross-client table &1 will be transferred
143New status is not allowed for table &1
144Table &1 has been not found in the table &2
145Table &1 has not been in "Process"
146Examine activity "Maintain Domain Rules" or "Create Mapping"
147Table &1 has been counted
148Error while starting job &1
149Enter receiver table name
150Enter receiver field name
151Receiver table name missing
152Receiver field name missing
153Key field & changed to non-key field in receiver system
154Select at least one line
155Type change (&3->&4) not allowed between sender field &1 and reciever &2
156Error while creating new migration object
157Different stricture between sender table &1 and reciever table &2
158Conflict identified by &1 does not exist
159Sender table is not filled in import file on line &1
160Importing table is empty; incorrect separator possibly used
161Importing row number &1 is incorrect
162&1 rows imported; &2 rows incorrect
163Import error on line &1; Conflict type in this mode is not editable
164Conflict for migration object &1 postponed
165Conflict for migration object &1 field &2 postponed
166No conflicts found
167All conflicts resolved
168Only a customer table can be used as a recevier table
169You entered same receiver table for conv. obj. &1; objects will be merged
170Field &1 does not exist in table &2 in the sender system
171Conflict for migration object &1 field &2 was confirmed
172It is not allowed to postpone some conflicts out of the selection
173It is not allowed to exclude some conflicts out of the selection
174Conflict configuration (CNVCMIS_CONFIG) not found for this package
175Parameter &1 for conv. obj. &2 rule &3 not found
176Conflicts have not been saved; Not all conflicts are resolved correctly
177Not all conflicts have been saved; there were incorrectly resolved confl.
178Conflict can be resolved by using Postpone, Exclude, or Confirm functions
179Enter sender table name
180Enter sender field name
181Settings successfully added
182No relevant data found
183Deleting of saved entry not possible; for corrections create a new entry
186New Table
187New Field
189Table entries delivered by SAP have been transferred to control tables
190The mapping information has been created
191Migration-related information processed
192Rule &1
193Some table names in the uploaded file do not exist in the SND/RCV system.
194Documentation does not exist in the language &
195Source and receiver client equal
196Conversion rules for non transparent fields have been deactivated
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