CNV_CMIS_A_20 - Message class for Cross-Client Customizing Comparison (SLO)

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_CMIS_A_20: Message class for Cross-Client Customizing Comparison (SLO).
It is part of development package CNV_CMIS_A_20 in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Cross-Client Customizing Comparison".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Enter a valid package ID
002Cannot find systems for package &1; see long text
003Worklist header stored in database; creation state is &1
004Cannot store worklist header in database; see long text
005Worklist header for package &1 does not exist
006System landscape settings for package &1 are not complete; see long text
007Cannot find subactivities to create the worklist
008Check system landscape settings
009Creating subactivity &1
010Subactivity program &1 found for EXEC_TYPE &1
011No subactivity found for EXEC_TYPE &1
012Worklist header status ( &1 ) updated
013Worklist header for package &1 found
014Worklist is released for analysis
015Release the worklist for analysis; see long text
016Worklist header is locked for client &1 package id &2 version &3
017Worklist header was unlocked
018Worklist for client & package ID &1 version &2 could not be locked
019Worklist header for package ID &1 version &2 could not be locked
020* Messages for subactivities:
021Subactivity & started on destination &
022Destination &: Jobstarter returned error code &
023Calling CNV_CMIS_A_20_GET_WORKLIST with dest_id &
024&1 tables selected for worklist
025Global worklist stored in database
026Global worklist could not be stored in database
027& valid tables found for analysis
028Worklist header dbcnt ( & ) was updated
029Worklist header dbcnt ( & ) could not be updated
030Select tables for analysis
031Local worklist for destination & was stored in database
032local worklist for destination & could not be stored in database
033Output parameters and select options
034Work List selection mode:
035- Complete selection
036Chosen table class selection:
037- &
038Chosen delivery class selection:
041- Manual work list
042Selected table(s):
043<not found>
044Job start unsuccesful
045Invalid State Request
046Start Not Possible
048Invalid CAll
049Update Failed
050Starting work list creation for package & version &
051- Phase = & and activity id = &
052Start of processing ...
053Manual selection ...
054- distribute table list to all systems
055Distribute tables list to destination &
058Subactivity parameters for subactivity &
059Package ID = &
060Phase = &
061Activity ID = &
062Session ID = &
063Subactivity ID = &
064Task ID = &
065Destination ID = &
066Worklist creation started
067No local work list found for destination &
068Enter valid data; see long text
069Source package includes Target package Id &1.
070All changes for table &1 saved
071Errors occurred while saving changes for table &
072Content Comparison ends as worklist table is empty
073Table size information not found for package &1 destination &2
074Job was not created for report &1
075Exclude Table list modified succcessfully
076State updte failed for package &1 phase &2 activity &3
077Data Downloaded at &1
078Select atleast one entry for the operation
079Upload from File option is not available with Complete Selection.
080Table analysis skipped (&1)
081Table &1 not available
082Table &1 not comparable
083Job Specified Does Not Contain Any Steps
084Job Specified Does Not Exist
085Lock Attempt Failed
086Action cancelled by user
087Status changed for selected entries
088Mark rows whose severity needs to be changed
090Job Cannot be Created
091Job Contains Invalid Job Data
092Job Name Not Specified
093Job scheduling terminated by User
094Error in job scheduling (JOB_SUBMIT)
095Error in internal number assignment
096Cannot Start Immediately
097Start dates are invalid
098Job Name Missing (Wildcards Allowed)
099Error During JOB_CLOSE
100Fields list is locked for client & package id &1 version &2
101Fields list for client &1 package id &2 version &3 could not be locked
102Cannot find worklist items for package &1; see long text
103Worklist header selected from database
104Global worklist items selected from database
105Fields list selected from database
106Cannot find items for fields list; see long text
107Comparison results selected from database
108Cannot find comparison results for the selected table
109Worklist released
110Changes which tables are to be skipped were saved
111Worklist was already saved
112Worklist changes were updated
113&1 is either not present or is skipped in target system &2
114&1 is either not present or is skipped in source system &2
115Worklist released for analysis by &1 on &2 at &3
116Warning during worklist preparation
117Error during worklist preparation; see long text
118Unknown status in worklist header; see long text
119State update failure
120Insufficient background work processes; try again later
121Enter a valid number for selecting background workprocesses
122Enter a number that is greater than or equal to 2
123Cannot display data for all fields; table width too large
124Substate cannot be initialized
125Problem occured while trying to finish the state of the current activity
126Problem occured while trying to write substate details to database
127Problem occured during finishing the state of the current sub-activity
128No data available for table& system&
130Error in loading Value Help
131Unable to Upload data from the given path.
132No data available to delete for the Package &1.
133No Input is selected.
134No Programs available to Delete for Package &1.
135Job Cannot be Created
136Job Contains Invalid Job Data
137Job Name Not Specified
138Job scheduling terminated by User
139Error in job scheduling (JOB_SUBMIT)
140Error in internal number assignment
141Cannot Start Immediately
142Start dates are invalid
143Job Name Missing (Wildcards Allowed)
144Error During JOB_CLOSE
145Job Specified Does Not Contain Any Steps
146Job Specified Does Not Exist
147Lock Attempt Failed
148Unable to activate job &1. Please activate manually.
149Selected Development Class: &1
150No tables found for the given selection
151Worklist is copied from packages: &1
152No tables available in the packages: &1
153No Table uploaded from EXCEL file.
154Selected Organization Unit: &1
155HR Tables are Excluded
156Language dependant tables are Excluded
157- Copy from package
158- Upload from EXCEL file
159Only 'TRANSP' or 'POOL' table class allowed.
160The Delivery Class &1 is not available. Enter a valid value.
161The Table Class &1 is not available. Enter a valid value.
162The source package &1 is not available. Enter a valid value.
163Please select atleast one option to proceed
164- Logical Information System analysis
165- SD Conditions analysis
166- Workflow Analysis
167- Standard Archive Analysis
168- Optical Archive Analysis
169- Special Analysis Types
170Choosen Analysis Types:
200Table &1 and Field &2 present in systems &3 and &4.
201Table &1 and Field &2 not present in systems &3 and &4.
202Tables &1 doesnot have equal no.of fields in systems &2 and &3.
203Table &1 have equal no.of key fields in systems &2 and &3.
204Tables &1 doesnot have equal no.of key fields in systems &2 and &3.
205Tables &1 have equal no.of fields in systems &2 and &3.
206Table &1 and field &2 has different data types in system &3 and system &4
207System &1 : data type &2 :: System &3 : data type : &4
208Table-field &1-&2 have different data type/length in systems &3 and &4.
209System &1 : type/length &2/&3
210Identical data found in table - after removing excluded fields
211Identical data found in table
212Identical key with different values found in table
213Different keys with identical values found in table
214Additional key field found in table &: not relevant
215Additional key field found in table &: relevant
216Missing key field found in table &: not relevant
217Missing key field found in table &: relevant
218Check content: for table &1 in source &2 and target &3 system.
219Check content: source table has &1 lines and target table has &2 lines.
220Check content: Entry read with the key &1 ,&2 ,&3 ,&4.
221Check content: Identical data found in table.
222Check content: &1 , &2 , &3 , &4.
223Check content: Identical key with different values found in table.
224Check content: Different keys with identical values found in table.
225Check content: Additional key field found in table &: not relevant
226Check content: Additional key field found in table &: relevant
227Check content: Missing key field found in table &: not relevant
228Check content: Missing key field found in table &: relevant
230Table-field selected for getting fieldlist &1 &2.
231Error with table &1 in system &2
232Error generating report for table &1
233Dictionary information refreshed for package &1
234Unable to update the worklist table's &1 state
235Results table locked for client &1, package ID &2, version &3, &4 &5 &6
236Cannot lock results table for package ID &1, version &2 &3 &4 &5 &6
237Results table unlocked
238Results information refreshed for package &1
239Results table information stored for table &1
240Data available only in source system
241Data available only in target system
242Different key length found
243Field not compared in the current release
244Communication failure has occured
245System failure has occured
246Argument error while searching free background work processes
247Send error while searching free background work processes
248Popup text not found; see long text
249Parameter error while displaying work processes information
250No values found for display
251Select a table to include in the content comparison
252No data available for the current selection
253None of the table was excluded manually
254Error in Protocol Initialization
255Error in writing Protocal message.
256Update worklist Failed
257Result information is not present for table &1.
258Field Catalogue could not be read
259Table with content could not be read
260Enter Comment.
261Processor assigned to selected entries
262Processor name left blank
263Mark rows in order to assign processor
264Piecelist creation failed. Please check user authorization.
265Piecelist Created Succesfully
266Mark rows in order to create piecelist
267The document was sent
268The document could not be sent
269No authorization for sending to so many mail ids.
270Document could not be sent to any recipient
271No send authorization
272Error occurred while sending.
273Error in establishing RFC Connection.
274Not all objects for piecelist are valid in the given system.
275Problems retrieving RFC information. Piecelsit will not be created
276Problems occured while creating piecelist. Please try again later.
277User does not have dialog access. Piecelist will not be created
278User details not found on remote system. Piecelist will not be created
279Selected table can not be included. Please refer to status and skip flag
280Subactivity & started on & at &:
281Subactivity & was completed on & at &:
282Huge table excluded for comparision: &1
283Following Application tables are excluded for comparision.
284- &
285Following Application tables are included for comparision.
286Worklist is Empty
287Select a table to be excluded from content comparison
288 Sorry! Selected list contains already excluded table entries.
289Please select comparable table entries and go ahead
290 Selected list contains comparable tables eg &. Try again
291Selected table can not be included.Please refer to status and skip flag &
292&1 - Table is empty in target system &2
293&1 - Table is empty in source system &2
300Data successfully Modified.
301Assign a Processor to send an Email
303Worklist doesn't contain comparable tables for package &1,
304Following tables are excluded for comparision.
305Big Table list included succcessfully
306Invalid Table name, cannot continue, Enter valid Table name
307Invalid source package id, cannot continue, Enter valid Source package id
308invalid File Name, cannot continue, Enter valid File name
309Invalid File Type, Cannot proceed, Enter a CSV file
310Included big Table list excluded succcessfully
311Select at least one special analysis type
501Changes will be lost
502Changes are saved
871Select a table to be excluded from content comparison
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