CNV_CMIS_U_10 - CMIS Upg: Messages from table cascading functions

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_CMIS_U_10: CMIS Upg: Messages from table cascading functions.
It is part of development package CNV_CMIS_U_10 in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CMIS Upg: Table cascading".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Task &1 &2 &3 &4 processed successfully
001Severe error(s) occurred in this activity; see preceeding messages
002Step &1 &2 &3 &4 was successfully processed
003Confirmation of &1 &2 is negative
004Settings are &1 as requested in the tp parameter file &2
005Determination of R3TRANS version was successfully processed: &1&2
006R3TRANS protocol &1; check long text
007Error handling is incomplete in function module &1; improve program &2
008&1 &2 was confirmed positively by user
009Error handling is incomplete in program &1 part &2; improve program
010Error during &1 of &2 &3 &4
011Error in function module &1; reason: &2
012Dump in function module &1; reason: &2
013Confirmation of the tp parameter settings was successfully processed
014Check of the tp parameter settings was successfully processed in &1
015Check tp parameters: RC = &1 Error during reading tp parameter file &2
016Check tp parameters: RC = &1 Wrong parameter value &2 &3 in file &4
017Check tp parameters: RC = &1 Parameter &2 &3 not found in file &4
018&1 &2 &3 &4
019Enter a tp parameter file with name: <tp-dir>\filename.pfl
020You cannot choose an alternative tp parameter file
021Confirmation of tp parameters: RC = &1 confirmation without valid choices
022Confirmation of tp parameters: RC = &1 confirmation without response
023Confirmation of tp parameters: RC = &1 confirmation cancelled
024Confirmation of the R3TRANS version: RC = &1 confirmation cancelled
025The &1 tp parameter file will be checked for settings: &2
026Storing the tp parameter file was successfully processed: &1
027No upgrade client specified to update the db table DMC_IU_CLIENTUPG
028No tp parameter file specified to update the db table DMC_IU_CLIENTUPG
029Error during updating the tp parameter file in DMC_IU_CLIENTUPG: &1
030Standard tp parameter file not found in the system &1
031Storing the tp parameter file in the table DMC_IU_CLIENTUPG was &1 ok: &2
032Update of the db table DMC_IU_CLIENTUPG suppressed due to previous errors
033Determination of the target client suppressed due to previous errors
034Determination of the target client for DMC_IU_CLIENTUPG was &1 ok: &2
035Job class must be either 'C' or 'A', but not &1
036Determination of the target client in the receiver system was &1 ok: &2
037Scheduling of the transport dispatcher RDDIMPDP failed
038Determination of the release of the upgrade test system was &1 ok: &2
039Checking the upgrade buffers &1 and &2 successfully processed in syst. &3
040Confirmation of the upgrade test system was successfully processed
041Confirmation of the upgrade test system: RC = &1 confirmation cancelled
042Buffer file &1 not found in the upgrade test system &2
043Error during reading the buffer file &1 in the upgrade test system &2
044Checking the upgrade buffers &1 and &2 is negative in the system &3
045Confirmation of the transport dispatcher was successfully processed
046Confirm. of scheduling transport dispatcher: RC = &1 confirm. cancelled
047Sched. of the transp. disp. RDDIMPDP suc. proc. with job class &1
048Sched. transp. disp.: RC = &1 Client &2 not found in receiver system &3
049Sched. transp. disp.: RC = &1 Scheduling failed
050Sched. transp. disp.: RC = &1 Authorization is missing in target client
051Upgrade buffer extraction started from system &1 to system &2; log no. &3
052Error while extracting the buffer files from system &1 to system &2
053Support packages successfully built up from system &1 to system &2
054Export of upgrade transports was started in the &1 system &2
055Piece list &1 was successfully stored in the table &2
056Piece list &1 could not be stored in the table &2
057Creation of upgrade transports started in receiver system &1; log no. &2
058Creating the upgrade transports failed in the rec. syst. &1; log no. &2
059Checking today's status versus last filed status in the &1 system &2
060Patch &1 &2 found today but not in table CNVCMIS_G_CVERS for package &3
061Checking today's status versus last filed status is &1 in the &2 &3 &4
062Checking last filed status versus today's status in the &1 system &2
063Checking last filed status versus today's status is &1 in the &2 &3 &4
064Patch &1 &2 of the table CNVCMIS_G_CVERS not found today for package &3
065Software status has changed since &1 &2 in the sender or receiver system
066All subsequent nodes removed from the process tree
067Determination of the target client was &1 ok: &2
068Import of upgrade transports started in the &1 system &2; log no. &3
069Importing the upgrade transports failed in the receiver system &1
070Storing the buffer directory was successfully processed: &1
071Storing the buffer directory in the table CNVMBTPARAMS failed, rc: &1
072RFC calling error in function module &1 for package &2
073RFC destination error in function module &1 for package &2
074Reading the MBT parameter file CNVMBTPARAMS successfully processed: &1,&2
075Reading the MBT parameter file CNVMBTPARAMS failed, rc: &1
076Requested parameter not found in the table CNVMBTPARAMS, rc: &1
077Upgrade status in table CNVMBTPARAMS is neither 'S' nor 'U', but &1
078Language supplementation in the target client is started for :
079Language supplementation in target client failed for language &1, rc: &2
080Determination of the buffer directory was successfully processed: &1
081Determination of the buffer directory in the upgrade system failed,rc: &1
082State agent reports: Everything ok in &1
083State agent reports return code &1 in &2
084Storing the upgrade status was successfully processed: &1
085Storing the upgrade status in table CNVMBTPARAMS failed; return code: &1
086Piece list &1 successfully created in previous activity for package &2
087Piece list not found in table CNVCMIS_U_PLIST for package &1
088Exception &1 &2 was defined for package &3
089Error during checks before export; return code: &1
090Check the language suppl. in the receiver system using transaction SMLT
091Transport status was corrected in receiver system
092Correction of transport status failed; return code: &1
093Selected language &1 is not valid in the receiver system &2
094There are no languages installed in the receiver system &1
095No language will be supplemented in the receiver system &1
096Upgrade ID could not be determined for package &1
097Current version of program r3trans is obsolete; see long text
098TABU command file entries are missing in upgrade test system
099Package &1 already contains assigned upgrade information &2
100Upgrade information will be reused; no buffer extraction necessary
101Upgrade information &1 will not be used; new buffer extraction
102Activity cancelled by user
103Cascading will use &1 parallel processes
104Getting the information from the table & failed
105Check upgrade ID &
106For more info, see the Transport Control Program logs (R3Trans log files)
107Language &1; job name &2; job count &3
108Job log Information: language supplementation for language &1
109Language supplementation job &1 failed in the receiver system
110Restart activity, or check language supplementation (transaction SMLT)
111Cannot determine the current version of program R3trans; see long text
112Component &1 was added to exception list for package &3
113&1 exceptions set for package &2
114Component &1 already existing in exception table
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