CNV_IUUC_DB_CONN - db connection

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_IUUC_DB_CONN: db connection.
It is part of development package CNV_IUUC_DB_CONNECTION in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Encapsulation of communication with remote systems non RFC".
Message Nr
Message Text
000DB connection type unknown
001Not supported system type. Only sender = S and receiver = R are supported
002Not supported target type
003DBCON entry not found
004Deletion of DBCON entry failed
005Insertion of DBCON entry failed
006Source System is already used to replicate into the corresponding Target
007Configuration not found
008Connection parameters not found
009Connection error to source system for mt_id &1
010Connection error to target system for mt_id &1
011Failed to set replication status for table &1 in target system
012Enqueue error for table &1 RFC destination &2
013An error has occurred (cx_subrc = &1)
014Schema name could not be determined
020BW Logsys for mass transfer ID &1 not maintained!
021Creation of BW DataSource &1(&2) failed.
022Failed to retrieve function module for BW DataSource &1(&2).
023Could not activate BW DataSource &1(&2).
050RFC destination: &1
051Database connection: &1
052SQL code: &1
053SQL message: &1 &2 &3 &4
054SQL statement: &1 &2 &3 &4
055&1 &2 &3 &4
060Database connection to &1 failed
061No columns found for table &1
062No columns found for table &1.&2
063Error reading table columns for &1
064Error reading table columns for &1.&2
065Error creating logging table name for table &1
066Failed to create table &1
067Failed to create logging table &1 for table &2
068Failed to create DDIC proxy &1 for table &2.&3
069Failed to create DDIC proxy for logging table &1 of table &2.&3
070Failed to activate DDIC proxy &1 for table &2.&3
071Failed to activate DDIC proxy for logging table &1 of table &2.&3
072Failed to insert nametab entry for DDIC proxy &1 of table &2.&3
073Failed to insert nametab entry for logging table proxy &1 of table &2.&3
074Failed to drop table &1
075Failed to drop table &1.&2
076Failed to drop logging table &1 of table &2
077Failed to drop logging table &1 of table &2.&3
078Failed to delete DDIC proxy for logging table &1 of table &2
079Failed to delete DDIC proxy for logging table &1 of table &2.&3
080Table &1 does not exist
081Table &1 does not exist in schema &2
082Table &1 already exists in DDIC with different structure
083Table &1 already exists in schema &2 with different structure
084Cannot create logging table &1; table exists with different structure
085Logging table &1 already exists in schema &2
086Error creating logging table &1 for table &2: Failed to create index
087Error creating table &1: Failed to create index
088Error creating table &1: Invalid index column
089Error creating logging table &1 for table &2: Invalid index column
090Error creating table &1: Invalid data class
091Error creating table &1: Invalid tablespace
092Error creating logging table &1 for table &2: Invalid data class
093Error creating logging table &1 for table &2: Invalid tablespace
094Invalid database table &1 for pool or cluster of table &2
095Logging table &1 of table &2 not active
096Logging table &1 of table &2 does not exist
097Failed to create triggers for table &1 with logging table &2
098Failed to create triggers for table &1.&2 with logging table &3
099Failed to drop triggers for table &1 with logging table &2
100Failed to drop triggers for table &1.&2 with logging table &3
101Failed to update triggers for table &1
102Failed to update triggers for table &1 of pool &2
103Error dropping logging table &1 of table &2: Triggers still active
104Error dropping logging table &1 of table &2.&3: Triggers still active
105Failed to create view &1
106Failed to create synonym &1 for table &2.&3
107Failed to drop view &1
108Failed to drop synonym &1.&2
109Failed to read table DD02L and DD02T, RFC destination &1
110Failed to read table list of schema &1 DB connection &2
111Failed to create name for DDIC proxy of table &1
112Failed to read synonym ident &2 for table &1
113Forbidden trigger coding for table &1 (MT ID &2): '&3' not permitted
114No parameters provided for reading synonym list
115Failed to read schema list
116Error reading table list: Neither schema nor pattern specified
117Error reading view list: Neither schema nor pattern specified
118Error creating view &1.&2: No definition provided
119Error creating ident for DDIC proxy of view &1 for table &1 (MT ID &3)
120Parallel replication not possible for table &1; no key fields specified
121Parallel replication not possible for table &1; field &2 does not exist
122Parallel replication not possible for table &1; field &2 is not allowed
123Parallel replication fields for table &1 have been adjusted to field &2
124Failed to read trigger list
125Schema &1 does not exist in database; database connection name &2
126No columns found for the table &1.&2, db connection &3.
127Error updating table IUUC_REPL_CONPAR (MT_ID = &1)
128View &1 does not contain any key fields of table &2.&3, db connection &4
129SLT Proxy &1 exists with different structure(used by other 1:N consumers)
130Failed to create trigger for table &1: &2 &3
131Cannot replicate data from table &1; different trigger options exist
132Number of required triggers does not match the no. of existing triggers
133Trigger exists in other configurations with different settings
134Trigger exists in other configurations with different settings
135Other configurations use triggers with different settings
136Other configurations use triggers with different settings
137Other configurations use triggers with different settings
138View &1 cannot be created; unsupported session context variable
139Illegal input
150BAdI-Implementation & does not exist.
151Error trying to retrieve activation state.
152Action canceled by user.
153Error activating BAdI-Implementation &
154Unexpected character '&1' at end of string; row &2, column &3
155Unexpected character '&1'; row &2, column &3
156Template &1 contains errors; contact SAP for support
160Invalid logging table name: '&1'
161Invalid include name: '&1'
162Invalid trigger name: '&1'
163Table &1 is not supported for CFIN Business Integration Scenario
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