The following messages are stored in message class CNV_IUUC_REPL_ADV_SE: MEssage class for package CNV_IUUC_REPL_ADV_SETTINGS.
It is part of development package CNV_IUUC_REPL_ADV_SETTINGS in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LT Replication: Advanced Replication Settings".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Successfully updated
003Select exactly one row
004Select only one rule
005Select exactly one row
006Successfully deleted
007Table & successfully added
008Table & is already available
009Table & doesn't exists in the source system
010Select atleast one field
011Mass transfer ID & doesn't exist
012Datatype & doesn't exist
013Table & successfully updated
014Table & removed
015Performance Option settings for table &1 &2 successfully
016Rule Assignment settings for table &1 &2 successfully
017Table Settings for table &1 &2 successfully
018Trigger Options for table &1 &2 successfully
019Replication Settings for Mass Transfer ID &1 &2 successfully
020Action cancelled by the user
021Error while selecting settings from &1 for Mass Transfer ID &2
022Fieldname & is already available in modification overview
023Position & is already available in modification overview
024Position & doesn't exist in original structure
025Error while selecting Replication Settings for Mass Transfer ID &1
026Enter the event
027Enter the field name
028Selected file does not contain any data
029Some file structure does not match with any of the replication settings
030Function Clear cannot be executed on fields without any decimal data
031INDX Table settings for table &1 &2 successfully
032Table &1 already added to "Table-Specific Settings"
033A trigger exists for table &1; see long text
034Specify a user under 'General Settings'
035Table field & is already available in modification overview
036Fieldname & occurs more than once in modification overview
037Position & occurs more than once in modification overview
038Fill all the position values
039Fill all the length values
040File is in use by another program; close the file and try again
041File access denied; check permissions and security settings
042File import error
043Enter the mass transfer ID
044Enter the table name
045&1 cannot be left blank in the &2 overview
046Mass change function - Clear Value; available only for column Dec. Place
047Only numbers are allowed for length and decimal places
048Global mapping values saved successfully
049Target database type is missing
050Data type is missing
051Import files with *.csv or *.zip file extensions only
052Import files with *.csv file extensions only
053Select atleast one object to import settings
054Include Name and Line of Code cannot be defined together
055Export not possible; no replication settings available to export
056Global Mapping Values for Mass Transfer ID &1 &2 successfully
057Fieldname & is not available in the target table &
058Fieldname & is not available in table &
059New field position automatically adjusted to the end of table
060Event-Related rule already exists
061Field-Related rule already exists for target field &
062Include & doesn't exist
063Replication Logging - Table-specific Settings saved successfully
064Enter the table name
065Enter the recording interval
066Duplicate entries are available for the table &
067Triggers cannot contain semicolons, BEGIN and END statements
068Replication Logging - General Settings saved successfully
069Enter the template name
070Template & doesn't exist
071Template successfully created
072Template Component successfully created
073Template & already exists
074Enter the template component name
075& successfully updated
076Rule assignments for & successfully updated
077Template component & already exists
078Enter the complete deviation information
079Cannot delete; template is used by one or more configurations
080Decimals are not allowed for data type &1
081Field &1 already exists
082Position & occurs more than once in template deviation overview
083Fieldname & occurs more than once in template deviation overview
084Template(s) maintained successfully
085Template(s) unassigned successfully
086Search and Replace values are the same
087Template data were saved into transport request &
088User & is currently editing global mapping values
089Template & is not used by any configurations
090Decimal places are corrected to &1 for data type &2
091You are not authorized to specify advanced replication settings
092You are not authorized to use templates
093Names can contain only alphanumeric characters and underscore
094Decimals places are adjusted to the value of length in &1 overview
095Length > maximum number (31) for data type &1
096Select only one rule
097No syntax errors found
098ABAP source code for the rule contains syntax errors.
099Include is inactive
100Table &1 does not exist in &2 system
101Fieldname & is already available in the original table structure
102& greater than the maximum allowed value 32767
103Either an Include Name or a Line of Code has to be defined
104Duplicate entries available for the data type &1
105Fieldname is missing
106Duplicate entries available for the fieldname &1
107User & is currently editing general settings
108User & is currently editing table specific settings
109The selected database system is different from source database system
110Reading Type 1 is not allowed for Cluster or Pool Table
111Select only one row
112Select a row
113All key fields are already added
114Enter the fieldname
115There is no active migration object running
116Select the operator
117Enter the low value
118Enter the high value
119Line with Source &1 can't be removed
120Switch to change mode
121Error for Table &1 (RFC: &2): &3
122No Structure Template available
123Table &1 Error: &2
124Error reading domain &1
125Error with function POPUP_TO_CONFIRM
126No empty row can be saved
127Rows must be unique for RELID, Component Name, Version and Variant
128Provide name of target table template
129Enter a structure for the RELID and component combination
130Check table consistency
131Function not available for source system
132No rows to copy
133Map Key Fields not possible without target table template
134Target table template is unavailable
135No Key Mapping availble
136Select at least one range to copy
137Duplicate Filters exist
138Duplicate Ranges exist
139Changing header node is not possible
140This reading type does not support filters and ranges
141No ranges maintained for Initial Load
142Duplicate filter entries exist
143Duplicate Ranges exist in Intial Load
144Duplicate Ranges exist in Replication
145Trigger filter conditions not allowed for pool tables
146Filter/Range settings will be activated
147Access plan calculation & status change will take some time
148General Settings for Mass Transfer ID &1 &2 successfully
149Table Specific Settings for Mass Transfer ID &1 &2 successfully
150Field positions changed. &1 will become key field
151Field positions changed. &1 will become non-key field
152Enter high value as greater than low value
153Global auto restart saved successfully
154User & is currently editing global auto restart
155Global Auto Restart for Mass Transfer ID &1 &2 successfully
156Fill the RELID value
157Fill the Component value
158Fill the Structure value
159Use flag cannot be checked without target table template
160Only the events BOP/BOT/EOT/EOP are allowed if INDX table is unpacked.
161User &1 is currently editing &2 in &3
162For this table, either the initial load or replication process is running
163Enter all source table field names in Map Key Fields for &1 Component &2
164Target table template &1 is unavailable or not active
165Target table template &1 was generated
166Invalid dictionary type: &1
167Change the dictionary type directly in grid cell
168Options for archiving saved successfully
169Table &1 is not an INDX-like table
170&1 is not a valid source table key field name
171&1 is not a valid target table template key field name
172Special characters other than '/' and '_' are not allowed
173User & is currently editing options for archiving
174Enter the target table template name
175DDIC Object &1 already exists
176Enter all the dictionary types
177Duplicate entries exist for field &1 of target table template
178Target table template can have '/' and '_' special characters only
179User &1 does not exist in the source system
180Settings will not affect any tables which are currently being replicated
181Enter all target table template field names of RELID &1 Component &2
182A source system server is archiving data; see long text
183Target table template &1 does not contain any key fields
184Alternative table name can have '/' and '_' special characters only
185All key mapping values are fit with the target table templates
186Field &1 must have a value
187To activate ranges the current action of the table must be 'Replication'
188Check if the Target Table Template is valid
189Input file contains different target table
190Duplicate records identified for table &1, &2 &3
191Error with database connection to source system; see long text
192Field &1 is not part of table &2. Rule will have no effect on this table
193Settings saved successfully
194Field &1 not found in table &2
195Cannot generate target table template for RELID &1 and component &2
196To use a alternative table, enter the corresponding target table template
197Cannot exclude key field &1
198Using a non-key field for the filter can negatively impact performance
199The data type of the reference field must be &1.
200Field &1 not found in the modified table structure
201Reference field is not saved. It is used only for a CURR or QUAN field
202RELID and component combination not supported; entry is for display only
203You must enter a reference field for a CURR/QUAN data type field
204Some RELID and component combinations are not supported; see long text
205Changes not saved; trigger options changed by others and will be reloaded
206Filter on non-key field; delete and archive operations are not filtered
207Cannot add table setting to view &1; only tables can be added
208RELID &1 does not exist
209Table &1 in initial load or replication; you cannot edit the settings
210Table &1 in initial load or replication; you cannot delete the table
211Function not available, cannot connect to source system; check connection
212&1 &2 &3 &4
213Cannot get table type due to unexpected reason
214You must select a filter first to create the filter condition
215You must select a range first to create the range condition
216Change on Replicate NULL Values takes effect after replication restarts
217Cannot specify rules for table &1; predefined object exists for the table
218Advanced Replication Settings not supported for configuration &1
219Considerations apply for option Replicate NULL Values; see long text
220Considerations apply for option Replicate NULL Values; see long text
221The 'LIKE' operator can only be used with character-like data types
222You have to use % as wildcard when using the 'LIKE' operator
223Lines must not be longer than 72 characters
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