CNV_MBT - PCL message class
The following messages are stored in message class CNV_MBT: PCL message class.
It is part of development package CNV_MBT_MAIN in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Main components of PCL for SLO Products".
It is part of development package CNV_MBT_MAIN in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Main components of PCL for SLO Products".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Failed to schedule jobs & (see system log) |
001 | Transaction & does not exist |
002 | Start of log |
003 | You are not authorized to carry out this task |
004 | Error while scheduling job. Check for inconsistencies. |
005 | Unexpected Error, try again. |
006 | Activity ID & does not exist |
007 | Package & does not exist |
008 | No destination ID for &, & |
009 | No destination ID of PCL system exist for & |
010 | Destination does not exist |
011 | Transaction &1 is not defined |
012 | Program &1 does not exist in the system |
013 | Package & does not exist |
014 | Selection belongs to different projects |
015 | No package exists for these selection criteria |
016 | Tree Failure!! |
017 | Transaction error!! |
019 | Destinations have been created |
020 | Variant & for activity & is not defined in package & |
021 | Error in table entry for phase & |
022 | Error in entry of activity ID & in phase & |
023 | Package and subproject provided are not related |
024 | Invalid Dynpro Field & !! |
025 | Problem with destination &1. &2. |
026 | RFC Destination has been synchronized |
027 | There were problems in synchronizing the RFC destination!! |
028 | There were problems in refreshing this node automatically!! |
029 | Table & could not be updated |
030 | Execution target & is not yet defined for package & |
031 | Transaction code & does not exist in execution system |
032 | Program & does not exist in execution system |
033 | Batch job for program & could not be created in execution system |
034 | Batch Job & ( Jobcount & ) for program &: definition in exec. sys. failed |
035 | & & & & |
036 | Execution of program & failed in execution system |
037 | Pack ID &1 not in proper namespace. |
038 | Source package &1 &2 does not exist |
039 | Package &1 has been created. |
040 | No selection |
041 | & & & & |
042 | No destination exists for the PACKID: &1 |
043 | No PCL destination exists for PACKID: &1. |
044 | Action failed |
045 | Entry not found |
046 | Package is either not active or it is locked for editing |
047 | &1&2 |
048 | Connection to one or more RFC destinations failed |
049 | One or more destinations do not exist |
050 | Select only one option from the list |
051 | Process tree for package & does not exist or is inconsistent |
052 | PCL table & could not be updated |
053 | Jobs starter is running |
054 | Program cannot be started at this point |
055 | Destination_id &1 already exists |
056 | Load procedure of package & started on & at & by user & |
057 | Load procedure of package & completed on & at & with status & |
058 | No entry for &1 in table CNVMBTDEST in the remote client |
059 | Destination &1 is locked |
060 | From &1 selected dest. for sync, &2 were successful and &3 failed |
061 | Get RFC destination failed |
062 | No password in table RFCDES for destination &1 |
063 | It is not allowed to change the automatic generated destination ID &1. |
064 | & entry doesnot exist |
065 | Not synchronized - destination ID is not equal to the naming convention |
066 | Could not unlock destination &1. |
067 | Could not lock the destination &1. |
068 | Distribution scenario for &1 already exists. |
069 | Distribution scenario for &1 successful created. |
070 | Could not create entries for the distribution scenario in &1. |
071 | At least one user has to be the appropriate authorizations. |
072 | &1 systems synchronized and &2 fails. Details see <Show status>. |
073 | Problems with user and/or password in destination &1. |
074 | Entry should be in Customer name space |
075 | Entry should be in SAP name space |
076 | One or more of the entries are initial. Please fill in all relevant data. |
077 | Process Tree has been changed - process tree is being restarted |
078 | Subproject &1 not existent in table cnvmbtsubproject. |
079 | Project &1 is not existent in table cnvmbtproject. |
080 | At least one Migration lead user needs to be registered in the system |
081 | No destination found in table cnvmbtdest to packid &1 and receiver syst. |
082 | Problems during locking of users in system with destination_id &1. |
083 | Table is already assigned in &1 tablespace. |
084 | Users successfully locked in the system. |
085 | The system is not intended for locking in package &1. |
086 | The system in package &1 already locked. |
087 | Problems during unlocking the user in the system of package &1. |
088 | No destination id found for receiver system and package &1. |
089 | No lock entry found for package &1 in table cnvmbtlocksyst |
090 | User successfully unlocked in remote client and packid &1. |
091 | The status of the remote client in package &1 is not locked. |
092 | Promblem occurs with system information from packid &1 and exec_target &2 |
093 | Not considered problem. Packid = &1. Execution target = &2. |
094 | Users in system have not been unlocked |
095 | Users in system have not been locked |
096 | Locking users .... |
097 | No user registered for package &1. |
098 | No requirement to unlock user because no user is locked. |
099 | At least one of the locked user could not be unlocked. |
100 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
101 | Missing value for parameter & |
102 | Invalid scenario &1 found in package &2 |
103 | No scenario found for package & |
104 | No package settings found for package &1 = &2 |
105 | No valid PROCTYPE found for scenario &1 |
106 | No valid transfer rules found |
107 | Process Tree for package & does not exist |
108 | PROCTYPE &1 for package &2 is not valid |
109 | Subproject &1 in package &2 does not exist |
110 | PROC_TYPE &1 in package &2 is not intended for COPY |
111 | No PROCTYPE found for package &1 |
112 | Passed scenario &1 is not consistent with package &2 |
113 | Selection was canceled by user |
114 | No copy rules found for copy variant & |
115 | Inconsistency found in copy variant &1 |
116 | Scenario &1 and PROCTYPE &2 determined for package &3 |
117 | Start copy process with variants from package &1 to new package &2 |
118 | Source package & found |
119 | New package & found |
120 | PROC_TYPE &1 in package &2 is not intended for LOAD |
121 | Copy variant &1 selected for process type &2 |
122 | Received &1 copy rules from copy variant &2 |
123 | &1 processed successfully for package &2 |
124 | &1 processed with errors for package &2 |
125 | Starting consistency check ... |
126 | DELETE: activity &1 in phase &2 ... |
127 | REPLACE: activity &1 in phase &2 by &3 ... |
128 | INSERT: activity &1 in phase &2 with parent &3 ... |
129 | ... change was successful |
130 | ... change was not successful |
131 | Copy process with variants successfully ended |
132 | Checking activity &1 phase &2 ... |
133 | Activity &1 in phase &2 is OK |
134 | Invalid mode flag ( I_MODE_FLAG = & ) passed |
135 | Select one of the possible choices ... |
136 | Only remove status entries for activity &1 phase &2 |
137 | INSERT: activity &1 in phase &2 with predecessor &3 ... |
138 | No object was given as input |
139 | Error in state initialization |
140 | Checking copy variant & for package & |
141 | & inconsistencies found in copy variant & |
142 | Activity ID & phase & does not exist in the IMG of package & |
143 | You can choose only one action per copy rule |
144 | Delete action requires the acticity ID |
145 | Replace action requires the activity ID and the new activity ID |
146 | Insert action requires the activity ID and the new activity ID |
147 | Insert action requires either a parent ID or a predecessor |
148 | Tree with TS processes successfully saved. |
149 | Only addons locked by a DMIS function could be unlocked |
150 | Start PCL tree upgrade functionality for package & |
151 | Upgrade functionality is not active |
152 | No instructions found for upgrade modifications |
153 | &1 upgrade instructions deleted |
154 | End PCL tree upgrade functionality for package & |
155 | No upgrade modifications found |
156 | DATA ( &1 &2 &3 &4 ) is not relevant |
157 | DATA ( &1 &2 &3 &4 ) is not relevant |
158 | Locking/Unlocking of Components |
159 | Please select addons to be locked/unlocked |
160 | No root element in the right tree. |
161 | Settings of migration object & has been changed and saved |
162 | & addons were locked successfully |
163 | & addons were unlocked successfully |
164 | All selected addons are already locked |
165 | All selected addons are already unlocked |
166 | RFC-error to destination &1: &2 |
167 | No free job available for package - try again later or increase max jobs |
168 | Package & belonging to project & is still active in the execution system |
169 | Package &1 of project &2 is not yet completed or set to cancelled |
170 | Package &1 belonging to your project is still active in execution system |
171 | Settings of migration object & has been changed and activated |
172 | Settings of migration object & has been changed |
173 | RFC Failure. Check the Define RFC Destinations activity for information. |
174 | Runtime information built for migration object &1 |
175 | Changes to process tree rendered inconsistent by variant & |
176 | &1 records inserted into table &2 |
177 | Initial load of control tables finished successfully |
178 | Initial load of tables finished with errors |
179 | Activity & has ended in errors; check the log in the Extended display |
180 | Customer is not in client '000' |
181 | Customer is not authorized for client '000'. |
182 | Source client is invalid |
183 | Source package &1 not between 90000 and 9ZZZZ. |
184 | Source package &1 does not exist in client &2 |
185 | Target package &1 already exists |
186 | Activity & is running; check the progress in the Extended display |
187 | Package &1 does not exist |
188 | Package &1 already exists |
189 | Copy procedure for package & started on & at & by user & |
190 | Copy procedure for package &1 was started |
191 | Copy procedure for package & completed on & at & with status & |
192 | Package &1 could not be created |
193 | New package &1 does not lie in customer namespace |
194 | New Package number &1 already exists |
195 | Package &1 is not defined. |
196 | Inconsistencies found in the process tree; contact SAP |
197 | Process tree launch is incomplete and activity & did not start |
198 | Parameters for package &1 have been updated |
199 | Parameters update failed for package &1 |
200 | No subactivities exist for activity &1 |
201 | No subactparameters exist for package &1 |
202 | Error while deleting the entry for subactivity &1 from table &2 |
203 | Error while inserting the entry for subactivity &1 into table &2 |
204 | Table &1: Error when modifying parameters of jobs &3 &4 |
205 | No executable programs exist for subactivity &1 |
206 | Program &1 does not exist |
207 | Error while modifying table &1 |
208 | Program execution failed |
209 | Viewcluster &1: Maintenance failed |
210 | View &1: Maintenance failed |
211 | View/table &1 is not entered in TVDIR |
212 | View/table &1 not found in DDIC |
213 | Log information not found. |
214 | Settings for RFC destination &1 have been changed |
215 | Active RFC-dest. for package &1 and target system &2 does not exist. |
216 | Connect. details for RFC-dest. &1 and vers. &2 do not exist. |
217 | Entry for session_id &1 was not found in status management |
218 | Enqueue on local entry session_id &1, subactivity &2, task ID &3 not set |
219 | Substate update failed for session_id &1, subactivity &2, task ID &3 |
220 | Dequeue on local entry session_id &1, subactivity &2, task ID &3 not set |
221 | Entry for session_id &1, subact. &2, task ID &3 not found in status mgmt |
222 | Parameters &1, &2, &3 are not defined |
223 | Entry for session_id &1, subactivity &2 wasnot found in status mgmt |
224 | Subactivity &1 was started on &2 at &3 by user &4 |
225 | Subactivity &1 was completed on &2 at &3 with status &4 |
226 | Subactivity &1 task &2 has been scheduled |
227 | Subactivity &1 task &2 has been processed |
228 | Subactivity &1 task &2 ended with warnings |
229 | Subactivity &1 task &2 ended with errors |
230 | Subactivity &1 task &2 terminated |
231 | Scheduling of subactivity &1 task &2 failed |
232 | Using default value &1 for JOBS_MAX. |
233 | Job &1 has been scheduled. |
234 | Program for job start does not exist |
235 | Job &1 has been started. |
236 | Job for activity &1 should be scheduled after completed preprocessor. |
237 | Error while inserting the entries into table &1 |
238 | Subactivity &1 is not to be restarted / repeated for session_id &2 |
239 | Activity ID &1 does not exist. |
240 | Initial entry for activity & was added to table CNVMBTSTATE. |
241 | Error by creating initial state entry for activity &1. |
242 | Error by deleting table &1. |
243 | Settings have been saved. |
244 | Searching NOT allowed . |
245 | Please mark an entry in the list. |
246 | Error occurred determining batch free information! |
247 | Percentage rate to change semaphore values invalid (0 - 500% only)! |
248 | For the specified subproject &1 , there are no rfc settings. |
249 | RFC call to sender or receiver system failed |
250 | Project &1 already exists |
251 | There is no package for client &1 |
252 | &1 is not a valid client |
253 | Not authorized |
254 | Project &1 does not exist |
255 | Subproject &1 does not exist |
256 | Project &1 has been created |
257 | Subproject &1 has been created |
258 | Package &1 does not exist in client &2 |
259 | Package &1 needs to be deactivated |
260 | Package &1 already exists |
261 | Creation of package &1 was started |
262 | Initial project or subproject not allowed. |
263 | & & & & |
264 | Enter a valid package number in the range 90000 to 9ZZZZ |
265 | Source Client Invalid |
266 | Package &1 could not be created |
267 | Subproject &1 is not assigned to project &2 |
268 | Package &1 is not a valid package |
269 | Dependent package(s) not existing. |
270 | Reached &1 check |
271 | Client &1 does not exist |
272 | Package &1 is not in the range |
273 | Package &1 and tree structure have been created |
274 | Project &1 could not be updated |
275 | Project &1 has been updated |
276 | Project &1 could not be inserted |
277 | Project &1 has been inserted |
278 | Subproject &1 could not be updated |
279 | Subproject &1 has been updated |
280 | Cursor Not in correct position |
281 | Project already exists |
282 | Subproject already exists |
283 | Project does not exist |
284 | Subproject & has been created |
285 | Project & cannot be deleted; see long text |
286 | Subproject & cannot be deleted; see long text |
287 | Project & has been created |
288 | Subproject &1 for DTL does not exist |
289 | Enter a project |
290 | Enter a subproject |
291 | Different scenarios in one project are not permitted. |
292 | Tree Expand Failure |
293 | Creation of package & ended with errors . |
294 | Semaphore values for subproject &1 have been updated |
295 | Get Semaphore values for subproject &1 failed. |
296 | An empty name of server is not allowed. |
297 | An empty name of phase is not allowed. |
298 | DTL existence check error. |
299 | Technical errors occurred when launching the process tree; contact SAP |
300 | *** area 300 - 399 reserved for central status management |
301 | Package &1 is not active |
302 | Subproject related to package &1 is invalid |
303 | No phases defined in package &1 |
304 | Current phase &1 is not defined in package &2 |
305 | Phase &1 of activity &2 differs from active phase &3 in package &4 |
306 | Phase &1 is not defined in package &2 |
307 | Activity &1 is not defined |
308 | Activity &1 in package &2, phase &3 has already been started |
309 | Activity &1 is not defined in status management of package &2, phase &3 |
310 | Activity &1 is not to be restarted / repeated in package &2, phase &3 |
311 | Predecessor &1 of activity &2 not completed in package &3 , phase &4 |
312 | Error while inserting entry to central status management table |
313 | Internal RFC error in status management: package &1, phase &2, acty &3 |
314 | Session ID creation error: Package &1, phase &2, acty &3 |
315 | Entry for package &1, phase &2, activity &3, execution &4 was not found |
316 | Status update failed for package &1, phase &2, actty &3, execution &4 |
317 | Local status insertion error for package &1, phase &2, acty &3 exec &4 |
318 | Enqueue on local entry package &1, phase &2, activity &3 not set. |
319 | Activity &1 started on &2 at &3 by user &4 |
320 | Required entry &1 has not been made |
321 | Statua change of foreign activity &1 in package &2,phase &3 not allowed |
322 | Activity &1 was completed on &2 at &3 with status &4 |
323 | Session ID &1 is not valid |
324 | Package ID &1 is not valid |
325 | Unexpected error while executing the function |
326 | Activity &1 execution &2 in package &3, phase &4 has been aborted . |
327 | Document does not exist in language &1. |
328 | Document linked to the activity |
329 | Error while linking the document |
330 | Activity &3 has been executed on &1 (execution target &2) |
331 | Activity has been started in batch on &1 (execution target &2) |
332 | Activity execution log problems - try again later |
333 | Document already exists |
334 | Error: Database might be inconsistent. |
335 | Selection group &1 is not defined |
336 | Document linked to the selection group. |
337 | No document exists for the Group Id: &1 |
338 | No document exists for the Activity Id: &1 |
339 | Check ID &1 is not defined |
340 | No document exists for the check ID &1 |
341 | Document linked to the PCL Check |
342 | Subproject &1 cannot be created under Project &2. |
343 | Activity &1 could not be started; the old process is not finished yet. |
344 | Function call &1 error |
345 | Successor &1 of activity &2 not completed in package &3 , phase &4 |
346 | Process tree merge failure for package &1 |
347 | Process tree entries not copied properly to the package &1 |
348 | Activity Status entries not properly maintained for package &1. |
349 | Problem inserting the user information for package &1 |
350 | Activity &1 is already scheduled |
351 | Activity start at destination &1 was not possible - try again later |
352 | Activity start was not more possible. Free BTC = 0. Max.Jobs = &1 ! |
353 | Max.Jobs = 0. Activity start was not possible! |
354 | Some activities have not been completed yet! |
355 | All activities successfully completed! |
356 | Free BTC = &1. Max. Jobs = &2. |
357 | Activity &1 hasn't been allowed to start on the server &2! |
358 | The finish flag has been set for Activity &1. |
359 | The value 'TOTAL' is lesser than number of Jobs for Server. |
360 | The server name &1 is not allowed. |
361 | Scenario is not specified. |
362 | Could not found node in the table of all nodes. |
363 | Please do not use spaces for the subproject name. |
364 | In &1 the package &2 is already used in subproject &3. |
365 | Not possible to unhide package. |
366 | Conversion of table &1 ended with warnings |
367 | Conversion of table &1 ended with errors |
368 | Conversion of table &1 terminated |
369 | Activity &1 failed to start; execution: &2, package: &3, phase: &4 |
370 | Activity & has already been executed successfully |
371 | Activity execution has been canceled |
372 | Level of registration is selected in accordance to user authority profile |
373 | Package &1 is already deactivated. |
374 | Could not deactivate package &1. |
375 | Activity &1 was completed on &2 at &3 |
376 | Conversion Object & does not exist |
377 | Subproject &1 already exist. |
378 | Migration object &1 considered for troubleshooting |
379 | All migration objects considered for troubleshooting |
380 | Enter a description for subproject & |
381 | Enter a description for project & |
382 | Another user is creating a package at the moment |
383 | Moved object is not a root element. |
384 | Moved object is not a step element. |
385 | No scrambling relevant object exists for conversion in package & |
386 | Document does not exist yet. |
387 | Could not add users from previous package |
388 | No user from previous package to add |
389 | User from package &1 added to package &2. |
390 | Migration objects &1 - &2 considered for troubleshooting |
391 | Block status for conversion object & successfully set. |
392 | RFC failure. Please check connections. |
393 | Scenario &1 not valid |
394 | No subprojects found in project &1. |
395 | Package &1 not in customer name space |
396 | The new package number chosen is &1. |
397 | Package & 1 is already active |
398 | Package &1 is the currently active package. |
399 | Status information refresh is running |
400 | Status information has been refreshed . |
401 | Procedure monitor is started in new window |
402 | Activity execution log is started in new window |
403 | Subproject &1 could not be created |
404 | Subproject &1 has been created |
405 | Package &1 could not be modified |
406 | Package &1 has been modified |
407 | Package text for &1 could not be modified. |
408 | Package text for &1 has been modified. |
409 | Package &1 under sub-project &2 could not be activated |
410 | Package &1 under sub-project &2 has been activated |
411 | Project &1 information could not be modified |
412 | Project &1 information has been modified |
413 | Subproject &1 information could not be modified |
414 | Subproject &1 information has been modified |
415 | Modification of CNVMBTACTIVE failed. |
416 | Package &1 is already active |
417 | Package &1 created |
418 | Project &1 cannnot be created. |
419 | Subproject &1 cannot be created |
420 | &1. Call Extended Process Monitor to check status details |
421 | &1. Select Task icon to check status of subactivities |
422 | &1. Call Extended Process Monitor and select Task icon for analysis |
423 | You are not on a package number. |
424 | You can not delete an active package. At first deactivate the package &1. |
425 | Data deleted but could not remove node from the tree. Refresh the tree. |
426 | Action to delete package is canceled by user. |
427 | Data from package &1 deleted in all tables. |
428 | Extended conversion monitor is started in new window |
429 | No input field filled |
430 | Extended documentation application is started in new window |
431 | Status information has been refreshed - Errors detected in active phase |
432 | |
433 | Package &1 does not exist. |
434 | Mass transfer ID does not exist |
435 | The entered process step is not defined.Please enter a valid process step |
436 | Function module CNV_TDMS_SCR_DET_OBJS_FOR_CONV does not exist in system |
437 | Some unexpected error occured in FM CNV_MBT_SCRAM_BLOCK_STAT_UPD |
438 | Object &1 is not relevant for scrambling |
439 | For the object &1, an exception & occured |
440 | Execution package could not be determined from PCL package &1 |
441 | No destination ID for package &1, execution target &2 |
442 | Reading system information failed |
443 | The unicode setting are wrong. Please Check and correct |
444 | Connection check is not allowed |
445 | No Tables found for the client copy for package &1 |
446 | Activity start was not possible; see Execution Log for details |
447 | PEM Agent for activity & not maintained |
448 | Activity & does not have execution type as background |
449 | Save the changed data of the current block before |
450 | Automatic set up of reading types has been completed |
451 | Manual changes of reading types have been saved |
452 | Program &1 is not executable |
453 | Codepage check could not be performed. |
454 | Registration instance not created |
455 | Block factor & is invalid |
456 | No object available to deregister |
457 | Unknown exception during registration |
458 | Unknown exception during deregistration |
459 | Activity & not registered globally |
460 | Invalid Input |
461 | Migration object list is empty |
462 | Interface area & is not supported by package & |
463 | Missing importing parameter |
464 | Activity explicitly set to abort status |
465 | Project &1 succesfully deleted |
466 | Project Template &1 succesfully deleted |
467 | Activity &1 re-executed manually on &2 at &3 by user &4 |
468 | Substate write failed for session & |
469 | Deletion technique changed for relevant tables. view logs for details. |
470 | The user locking process have already started in the background |
471 | The status of the activity is not updated |
472 | User locking processes started in the background |
473 | System message created; user locking processes started in the background |
474 | No users locked, no system message generated |
475 | Activity status successfully updated |
476 | System message successfully created |
477 | It's recommended to create a system message before locking users |
478 | User unlocking processes started in the background |
479 | User unlocking processes not yet started. Users can remain locked. |
480 | Activity confirmed successfully |
481 | Cannot grant authorizations to set the status of the activity manually |
482 | Authorization to manually set the status of the activity granted |
483 | Activity already confirmed successfully |
484 | System message already successfully created |
485 | No confirmation created, no users locked, no system message generated |
486 | Missing param. in table CNVMBTACTPARAM! System message cannot be created. |
487 | Error when reading the previous message |
488 | Predefined settings exist for this activity; they cannot be changed |
489 | No Data Extract ID specified for this activity |
490 | Data Extract ID is derived from the project parameters |
491 | According Execution Phase Step Parameter modified |
492 | Insert Error:Global deletion technique could not be changed |
493 | Deletion technique changed for table & to & |
494 | Deletion technique for & cannot be changed due to data loss possibility |
495 | Deletion technique for table & can't be changed.Deletion already finished |
496 | Technique for & can't be changed to Drop-insert due to global parameter & |
497 | Data deletion activity not in stopped state. Technique can't be changed. |
498 | Deletion technique can't be changed to & for cluster/pool table & |
499 | Global Deletion Technique changed to & in & |
500 | Selection group & does not exist in package & |
501 | Selection group & has no assigned variant in package & |
502 | Variant & is not defined for selection group & in package & |
503 | Option & is not allowed as select option (Sel.grp/Set/member) &/&/& |
504 | Error while generating group & in package & (sy-subrc &) |
505 | Package and subproject are initial - invalid call |
506 | Active package in subproject & could not be identified |
507 | Migration object & not found in package & |
508 | Migration object & has no assigned selection group in package & |
509 | Selection group & has selection groups as members |
510 | Process tree has been refreshed |
511 | Execution not possible |
512 | Display of central activity log failed |
513 | Display of local activity log failed |
514 | Activity log is not available |
515 | Copy function module &1 does not exist |
516 | Member id &1 of group id &2 and package &3 in table &4 not defined |
517 | member id &1 group id &2 of package &3 have fields from different struc. |
518 | No group_id was found for the given convobject and packid. |
519 | Selection group Syntax error : &1 &2 &3 &4 |
520 | &1:Fieldname &2 of structure &3 mentioned in selref not found in sender |
521 | &1: member &2 of group &3 has no selref field! |
522 | Copy of package &1 not possible. Choose last packge.&2 in subproject. |
523 | The new package number could not be determined |
524 | Function module &1 does not exist. |
525 | Deactivation of package is not possible |
526 | Package deactivated. Assigned migration plan &1 can be assigned again |
527 | Package deactivated. Company code assignment of migration plan &1 deleted |
528 | Package deactivated. Migration plan &1 could not be released |
529 | Report &1 does not exist. |
530 | RFC destination &1 not existing! |
531 | User locking not allowed. |
532 | Required Interface not available. |
533 | User &1 successfully unlocked. |
534 | Could not unlock user &1. |
535 | For process type &1 and scenario &2 no entry for copy values found. |
536 | Status of always optional activity &1 lowered to warning. |
537 | Invalid migration object(s) |
538 | Data selection for fill headers started. For log see extended monitor. |
539 | Data Selection for TDMS Fill headers |
540 | Accessplan calculation/cluster fill started. For log see extended monitor |
541 | Restart Accessplan calculation/cluster fill |
542 | Navigate to main selection page and execute |
543 | All objects will take a long time. Exercise with caution. |
544 | No running object found. No data recorded in tracking table. |
545 | & entries found for running objects. Data recorded in tracking tables. |
546 | Transformation summary is started in new window |
547 | Parallel execution of Data Deletion and Data Transfer is activated |
548 | Activity has been reset by the predecessor activity & |
550 | Attachment does not exist |
551 | Not allowed |
552 | Nothing to Execute. Click Close to exit the activity. |
553 | No executions found for the activity |
559 | |
560 | User & is excluded by default |
561 | User &1 was not locked because of status &2 - '&3' |
562 | & users found |
563 | & users are excluded by default |
564 | & users have been locked |
565 | & users cannot be locked |
566 | User & was locked |
567 | |
568 | & users have been unlocked |
569 | & users cannot be unlocked |
570 | Errors |
571 | Changing job settings failed |
600 | Migration objects could not be defined; check Extended Monitor |
601 | Migration objects are successfully defined |
602 | |
603 | |
604 | |
605 | |
606 | |
607 | |
608 | |
609 | |
610 | |
611 | |
612 | |
613 | |
614 | |
615 | |
616 | |
617 | |
618 | |
619 | |
620 | |
621 | |
622 | |
623 | |
624 | |
625 | |
626 | |
700 | Activity was restarted |
710 | While connecting to &1 a communication error occured (RFC destination &2) |
720 | In &1 scenario it is not allowed anymore to create projects here. |
721 | In &1 scenario it is not allowed anymore to create subprojects here. |
722 | In &1 scenario it is not allowed anymore to create packages here. |
723 | In &1 scenario it is not allowed anymore to copy packages here. |
724 | In &1 scenario it is not allowed anymore to deactivate packages here. |
725 | In &1 scenario it is not allowed anymore to delete packages here. |
726 | In &1 scenario it is not allowed anymore to delete subprojects here |
727 | In &1 scenario it is not allowed anymore to delete projects here |
728 | In &1 scenario it is not allowed anymore to hide packages here |
730 | SAP TDMS cannot be used in SAP S/4HANA systems (see SAP Note 2908617) |
800 | * Cluster CNVMBTCLU create |
801 | Action cancelled. |
802 | &1 was defined automatically as the biggest existing tablespace |
803 | Cluster &1 was created. |
804 | Cluster &1 was entered into object directory. |
805 | Cluster &1 was activated. |
806 | Cluster &1 was deleted from Dictionary. |
807 | Entry for Cluster &1 deleted from object directory |
808 | Cluster &1 could not be deleted. |
809 | Old data from table CNVMBTCLU will be deleted from the deletion programs. |
810 | No system type found. Possible are CUSTOMER and SAP. |
811 | Cluster &1 could not be deleted as it already contains data |
812 | Action cancelled by user, existing cluster table &1 will be used |
820 | Error while saving the storage parameters for table &. |
821 | Error while dropping table &. |
822 | Error while recreating table &. |
823 | Table & does not exist on the database |
824 | Table & is succesfully dropped |
825 | Table & is succesfully recreated |
826 | Table & is succesfully deleted |
840 | Creating retention object failed: &1 |
850 | User &1 does not have the required authorization to execute this activity |
851 | User &1 is currently not assigned to any project, subproject or package |
852 | User &1 is not assigned to project &2 . |
853 | User &1 is not assigned to subproject &2 . |
854 | User &1 is not assigned to transfer package &2 . |
855 | User &1 has no authorization to execute activity &2 . |
860 | Function is started in Display Only mode . |
861 | Package not in namespace. |
870 | Include & sucessfully copied into & in Control system |
871 | Include & sucessfully copied into & in Remote system (Destination & ) . |
872 | Error while copying Include & in Control system |
873 | Error while copying Include & in Remote system (Destination & ) . |
874 | Start copying Include & in Control system ... |
875 | Start copying Include & in Remote system (Destination & ) ... |
876 | All Includes are already synchronized - No action required . |
877 | Unexpected error while deleting RFC Destinations in &1 system. |
880 | Choose '&' to load package from a client different than '000' |
881 | Double entry. Enter a different number (no.). |
882 | Report & sucessfully copied into & in Control system |
883 | Report & sucessfully copied into & in Remote system (Destination & ) . |
884 | Error while copying report & in Control system |
885 | Error while copying report & in Remote system (Destination & ) . |
886 | Start copying Report & in Control system ... |
887 | Start copying Report & in Remote system (Destination & ) ... |
888 | All Reports are already synchronized - No action required . |
890 | Package & is not to be modified due to Namespace settings |
891 | Source package of package &1 not found |
892 | Package &1 not in the proper namespace |
893 | Specify the source package |
894 | Package &1 successfully created |
895 | Package id is initial. |
896 | Interface doesn�t match to the checking rule interface. |
897 | Package not created. |
899 | The troubleshooter activity has not been executed |
990 | Selected Process Type &1:&2 requires additional functions (see Long Text) |