CNV_MBT_DEX - DMIS Data Extract related messages
The following messages are stored in message class CNV_MBT_DEX: DMIS Data Extract related messages.
It is part of development package CNV_MBT_MAIN in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Main components of PCL for SLO Products".
It is part of development package CNV_MBT_MAIN in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Main components of PCL for SLO Products".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | * Data Extract specific messages |
001 | Data Extract & is not defined |
002 | Error while exporting header file for Data Extract & |
003 | Error while exporting control file for Data Extract & |
004 | Error while exporting data file & for Data Extract & |
005 | Header File export successfully completed |
006 | Control File export successfully completed |
007 | Data File & export successfully completed |
008 | Export path: & |
009 | Error while saving settings. Returncode & & |
010 | Export of Data Extract & successfully completed |
011 | No Data Extract assigned to package & |
012 | Settings have been saved |
013 | Data Extract & has been assigned to package & for export. |
014 | Data Extract & is already assigned to package & for export |
015 | Currently no Data Extract is assigned to package & for import |
016 | Data Extract & has been assigned to Package & for import |
017 | Data Extract & - Pre-Import successfully completed |
018 | Data Extract & - Control File Import successfully completed |
019 | Data Extract & - Data File & Import successfully completed |
020 | Error while importing header file for Data Extract & |
021 | Error while importing control file for Data Extract & |
022 | Error while importing data file & for Data Extract & |
023 | Currently Data Extract & is assigned to Package & for import |
024 | Data Extract & - Pre-Import already complete |
025 | & & & & |
026 | Error while reading Header information of Data Extract & |
027 | Error while updating Header File information of Data Extract & |
028 | Error while updating Control File information of Data Extract & |
029 | Error while updating Data File information of Data Extract & |
030 | Error while updating Data File information portion & of Data Extract & |
031 | Filename : & |
032 | Export of Data Extract & |
033 | Import of Data Extract & |
034 | Assignment of Data Extract & to package & not possible |
035 | Data Extract & does not have the required Data Extract Type & |
036 | Import path: & |
037 | Error while creating file state entry |
038 | Error while updating file state entry |
039 | Error while reading file state entry |
040 | Error occured while reading attribute's values |
041 | Error occured while reading state of files |
042 | Error occured while reading file information |
043 | No file information is present |
044 | Error occured while reading cluster data |
045 | No cluster data is present |
046 | Error occured while reading RFC destination data |
047 | Error occured while getting attributes value |
048 | Mass Transfer ID not found for package &1 |
049 | RFC error. Check from Define RFC Destinations activity |
050 | Migration Object &1 successfully prepared for export |
051 | DEXID not yet assigned for package &1 |
052 | No free job available - try again later |
053 | Unable to retrieve file size and block size |
054 | No relevant information from DTL for &1 |
055 | Migration Object &1 has no data to be exported |
056 | Data Extract & is assigned to package &. |
057 | RFC communication error &2 (rfc system &1) |
058 | Program terminated in remote system &1: &2 &3 |
059 | Error occured while updating cluster table |
060 | Not able to insert data in cluster table |
061 | Block &1 is inserted in cluster table successfully |
062 | Variant to predefine the DEX_TYPE is missing in table CNVMNTIMG |
063 | Leave the pop-up with 'Close' or 'Cancel' |
064 | The selected Data Extract is unassigned from package &. |
065 | Assign a data extract ID value to the PIFD parameter |
066 | No Execution Target provided |
067 | Only Numbers, '.' or Blank allowed as input |
068 | Enter a Description |
069 | No Max File Size provided |
070 | No Data Extract assigned to package &. |
071 | The Data Extract & is assigned to package &. |
072 | Processing aborted. The Data Extract & remains assigned to package &. |
073 | Migration object & skipped from Data Extract |
074 | Migration object & triggered for redefine and hence will be re-prepared |
075 | Migration object & triggered for repair and hence will be re-prepared |
076 | Migration object & triggered for creation in DEX |
077 | Modification of table & failed in system &, client & |
078 | No data exists in table & for import |
079 | Error while updating preselection tables |
080 | No authorization to update table & |
081 | Error while updating table & |
082 | Error while reading control files into tables |
083 | Conversion codepage error while importing data for table & |
084 | File authority error while importing data for table & |
085 | File open error while importing data for table & |
086 | Import format error while importing data for table & |
087 | Import mismatch error while importing data for table & |
088 | Exception export_buffer_no_memory occured while exporting table & |
089 | Exception EXPORT_NO_SHARED_MEMORY occured while exporting table & |
090 | & records imported to table & in system & client & |
091 | Special logic is required to export data for table & |
092 | & records exported to file for table & |
093 | Subroutine/report name missing in CNVMBTDEXCNTRL for table & |
094 | No data exists in table & for export |
095 | Table & not found |
096 | In table & field & not found |
097 | & records imported into database table & |
098 | Report name/subroutine can not be left blank for select_type 'S' and 'H' |
099 | Do you want to un-assign Data Extract ID to Repeat Export? |
100 | * Data Extract Type specific messages |
101 | Data Extract Type & not defined |
102 | No objects to prepare for export |
103 | Error while retrieving object list |
104 | Unable to add receiver destination to package & |
105 | S_DMIS authorization is missing for the user & |
106 | Table & is not a part of DMIS or DMIS_CNT component |
107 | Error in creating PIFD manager instance. Users locked as default behavior |
108 | Sender system can't be the execution target for import pack.See long text |
109 | Export path not found for extract id & |
110 | Export of file & failed |
111 | Export has been stopped |
112 | Data Selection has not yet been started |
113 | Preparation activity has not yet been executed |
114 | & rows read from DMC_INDXCL |
115 | Import has been stopped |
116 | Data Extract & - Header File Import successfully completed |
117 | DMC_INDXCL exported: &, DMC_INDXCL imported: & |
118 | Header file and Control file are not yet imported |
119 | No of DMC_INDXCL rows exported to files: & |
120 | Function module & does not exist. Control file data can not be imported. |
121 | Exception occurred in FM &, sy-subrc = &.Control file data import failed. |
122 | Data exported with GENERIC_READ_WRITE = & |
123 | Data trying to get imported with GENERIC_READ_WRITE = & |
124 | New logic control file cannot be imported with old control file logic |
200 | * general messages |
201 | Invalid Call of function module & |
202 | Internal error occured while executing function & |
203 | Currently Mode 1 is selected for package & |
204 | Currently Mode 2 is selected for package & |
205 | RFC mode has been activated for package & |
206 | Function & ended with returncode & |
207 | Data extraction mode change failed. Previous mode will be retained. |
208 | Data extraction mode change cancelled. Previous mode will be retained. |
209 | DEX ID & with header was saved successfully for the package & |
210 | DEX header save failed |
211 | DEX header save was cancelled |
212 | File transfer mode has been activated for package & |
213 | Dex ID & was assigned to the package & |
214 | Extract id for the package & was unassigned |
215 | Dex ID assignment was cancelled |
216 | Dex ID & assignment failed for the package & |
217 | Dex ID unassignment failed for the package & |
218 | Error in Dex ID creation & |
219 | Package & does not exist |
220 | Operation failed for create or delete tree element for variant & |
221 | Activity & start not possible for package & |
222 | Error while updating extract mode for packid & |
223 | Import path not found for extract id & |
224 | Error in updating subparams |
225 | Error in scheduling jobs |
226 | Error in modifying substate |
227 | Error while creating substate entries for data file imports for packid & |
228 | Error while writting data into table parameter of fm & |
229 | Entry of param & not found in CNV_MBT_PARAMS for packid & |
230 | Duplicate key while updating control tables |
231 | The number of entries need to be updated in DMC_INDXCL are & |
232 | The number of entries updated in DMC_INDXCL are & |
233 | Error while updating CNVMBTDEXTABS for packid & |
234 | Package & does not exist |
235 | Error retrieving no of files |
236 | Error in preparing files |
237 | The estimated size of the files in bytes are & |
238 | Access planid has not been assigned |
239 | Table & is empty in the respective system |
240 | Exception occurred while processing subroutine & in program & for table & |
241 | Syntax error in program & for table & |
242 | Header file is not available in the extract & |