The following messages are stored in message class CNV_MBT_SCHEDULER: DMIS Job Scheduler.
It is part of development package CNV_MBT_MAIN_620 in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "DMIS objects for release starting with 620".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001For message &1 &2, maximum number of application log entries reached
002No Application Log exists
003Field content &3 of &1-&2 does not comply with domain &4
004Value &2 of field &1 does not exist in value table &3; receiv. key : &4
005Message cannot be processed; message ID or message type not specified
006Log Handler does not exist yet
007An application log has already been saved
008Log handler already exists; this error should not occur
009SET_BEHAVIOUR called twice; find caller in file DIR_HOME/LOG_HANDLER
010API function module called with invalid mode
011&1 jobs scheduled to delete data of package &2
012Begin of data deletion (package &1, id &2)
013Start of Batch Processing
014No activity record found for job &1 jobcount &2 session id &3
015Current server: &1
016Current work process number: &1
017Table CNV_MBT_DEL_TABS could not be locked
018package &1 does not exist
019Error occured while reading next object
020Data Deletion is not running, therefore no hold-up is possible
021Hold-up is in process
022End of batch processing
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