CNV_MDS_STD - Standard message class for NZDT

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_MDS_STD: Standard message class for NZDT.
It is part of development package CNV_MDS_CORE in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MDS Core reuse objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
005Activity "&1&2" started on &3 at &4 UTC
006Finished activity "&1&2" on &3 at &4 UTC
007Activity "&1&2" failed on &3 at &4 UTC
008Substep "&1&2" started on &3 at &4 UTC
009Finished substep "&1&2" on &3 at &4 UTC
010Substep "&1&2" failed on &3 at &4 UTC
011Mass processing of &1&2 started on &3 at &4 UTC
012Finished processing of &1&2 on &3 at &4 UTC
013Processing of &1&2 failed on &3 at &4 UTC
014Function &1 started on server &2 on &3 at &4 UTC
015Finished function &1 on server &2 on &3 at &4 UTC
016Function &1 failed on server &2 on &3 at &4 UTC
017Function &1 raised exception &2 at destination &3
018&1 at destination &2: &3&4
019Method &1&2 raised exception &3 at destination &4
020Callstack from server &1 | Processing Block | Main Program | Include/Line
021| &1&2 | &3 | &4
022Retrieved return code &1 without corresponding error message
026Mandatory field &1 for table &2 not in remote system destination &3
027Inserted &1 rows into table &2
028Call of function module &1 for table &2 destination &3 returned &4
029CNVMDS_READ_CONFIG_REMOTE table &1 dest. &2 exceeded threshold of &3 rows
030No shared enqueue &1 for MT ID &2 possible
031Stop of re-replication in progress (see IUUC_PROCSTEPCTR). Exiting.
032No row in IUUC_PROCSTEPCTR for mass transfer &1 found
033SY-SUBRC of &1 is &2. Processing will be suspended for some time.
034EV_SUBRC of &1 is &2. Processing will be suspended for some time.
036Error reading &1 in receiver. Processing will be suspended for some time.
037Error rereplication &1 in sender. Processing is suspended for some time.
038Error update &1 in receiver. Processing is suspended for some time.
039Implementation of IF_IUUC_S4_REREPLICATION in &1 supports no &2 mode
040Mass Transfer ID &1 in &2 differs from the current one ( &3 )
041Cannot determine RFC Destination for MT ID &1
042Error mapping snd.->recv. for &1 . Processing is suspended for some time.
044Table &1 is not in namespace /1LT/ or /1CADCMC/
045Error in DD_EXISTS_DATA for table &1 (sy-subrc = &2 lv_subrc = &3)
046Table &1 contains data. Drop is not allowed
047Error DDIF_OBJECT_DELETE for table &1 with sy-subrc = &2
048Database table &1 dropped with DDIF_OBJECT_DELETE with lv_deleted = &2
049Error TR_TADIR_INTERFACE for &1 with sy-subrc = &2
050Error &1 for table &2 with sy-subrc = &3
051Error DDIF_TABL_ACTIVATE for table &1 with sy-subrc = &2 rc = &3
052Database table &1 created
053No entry for &1 in IUUC_TABLES
054Process option for &1 is not delta like
055No row in MFLE_CONV_FIELD found. Table &1 not relevant for DIMP LAMA.
056Updated &1 rows into table &2
057Modified &1 rows into table &2
058DIMP LAMA is not active. Nothing to do.
059Error calling DD_DECIDE for table &1 ( lv_subrc = &2 )
060Error determining nametab for &1
061Cannot instantiate CL_IUUC_S4_OLO_IL_INCLUDE_UTIL
062Object &1 of type &2 is not on positive list.
063Process option &1 of table &1 is invalid for re-replication
064Call of function module &1 destination &2 returned &3
065VBFA does not contain field VBTYPEXT_N. Nothing to do for &1
066Read &1 rows from &2 and inserted &3 into table &4
067Table &1 does not exist. Nothing to do.
068Read &1 rows from &2 and updated &3 rows of table &4
069Error truncating table &1
070Extract &1 was not converted by XPRA but also not found under old name
071IUUC_S4_IBOB_MP No application table record found for: &1 &2 &3 &4
072No match in rowcount between &1 and &2 for INTTYP 0009
073IUUC_S4_IBOW_MP No application table record found for: &1 &2
074Error reading from DDIC for table &1
076DD03L-KEYFLAG=X and no corresponding row in IUUC_S4_DCEX_FLD for &1
079DD03L-KEYFLAG does not match IUUC_S4_DCEX-KEYFIELD_IN_RCV for &1
080DD03L-KEYFLAG=X does not match IUUC_S4_DCEX-KEYFIELD_IN_RCV for &1
081No row in IUUC_S4_GEN_TABL with DCEX mapping/protocol table for &1
082IUUC_S4_GEN_TABL-GENERATED_TABNAM &1 does not match with &2
083IUUC_S4_GEN_TABL-IS_CREATED is not X for &1
084User &1 is not authorized
085You must specify exactly one table for simulation mode
086No valid PIT combinations for table &1 condition &2
087Tabclass &1 for table &2 not supported for conditional triggers
088Error table &1 condition &2: Field &3 does not exist
089Function module &1 for activity &2 returned &3
090Invalid trigger condition name &1 for table &2
091Table &1 does not exist
092&1 is neither a transparent table nor a physical pool/cluster
093Range &1 for number range object &2 does not exist in client &3
094Relevant NRIV ranges before and after trigger creation do not fit
095Enqueue &1 exists. Nothing to generate.
096Enqueue &1 does not begin with /1LT/E_
097Error &1 for enqueue &2 with lv_subrc = &3
098Enqueue &1 does not begin with /1LT/E_
099Row &1 &2 &3 in &4 exists.
100Started &1 preprocessing jobs
101Mass Transfer &1 does not match the expected (&2)
102No tables for preprocessing specified
103No delta like tables for preprocessing specified
104Table &1 with trigger condition &2 is not relevant
105Inserted &1 rows into table &2
106Maximum number of filters (&1) exceeded for selection from &2
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