CNV_OM_MWBGEN - SLO: Messages for Object Based MBW Generation

The following messages are stored in message class CNV_OM_MWBGEN: SLO: Messages for Object Based MBW Generation.
It is part of development package CNV_OM_MWBGEN in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SLO Object-based Migration: MWB Generation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
005Datamodel does not have any active tables - skipping
008Generation of WS item &1
009Object &1: object could not be added to mass transfer &2
010Object &1: added to mass transfer &2
011Preselection tables for root tables added (direct selection)
012Preselection tables for root tables added (indirect selection)
013Preselection tables for child tables added
014External links will be ignored.
015External links will be registered for preselection
016External links will be embedded
017Preselection for external link on table &1 registered
018Preselection table &1 can not be created
019Missing authorization or conflicts with other ES. See long text
020Object &1: starting generation (Table &2).
021Object &1: no changes since last generation - skipping.
022Object &1: generation complete.
023Object &1: already existing but changed - skipping.
024Error while saving objects - generation failed!
025Object generation of Workset Item &1 failed!
026Object generation of Workset &1 failed!
027Generation of WS item &1 already in progress. Skipping!
028Object &1: locked for (re-)generation - skipping.
029MWB Object definition of Workset Item failed!
030Missing dataset: &1
031Object &1: definition of the Migration Object in mt_id &2 has failed
032MWB Object name &1 is already in use!
033&1 added to IUUC_PRECALC_OBJ for parallel access plan calculation
034"Delete before Insert" is only supported by transfer behaviour 1!
035Transfer of Preselection Table for Delete and Insert technique
036Receiver table must be different from original table
037Receiver table &1 does not exist on receiver
038Generation of runtime objects for object &1 failed
039Error creating preselection facade
040No transfer behavior settings found for &1
041SLT Configuration for mass transfer &1 missing or invalid
042Logging table &1 can not be created
043SLT Replication is not allowed for table &1
045Some settings of &1 cannot be changed as object is already defined
046Settings cannot be saved as object &1 is virtual / not in MWBGEN dataset
047Settings have not been saved
050Sender Container: DDIC structure &1 could not be resolved / created
051Sender Container: Field &2 of DDIC structure &1 could not be resolved
055Receiver Container: DDIC structure &1 could not be resolved / created
056Rule &1 will be deleted from reference object &2
057Rule &1 was removed from object &2 and replaced with MOVE rule
058Rule &1 was removed from reference object &2
059Rule &1 was created on reference object &2
060Rule &1 will be assigned to tables of object &2
061Rule &1 is not "RELEASED" and will not be assigned to object &2
062Error while assigning rules to object &1
063Error: &1
064The structure of object &1 needs to be adjusted before rule assignment
065The object &1 could not be loaded successfully
066Rule for intermediate structure could not be created: &1
067Begin of record rule could not be assigned for intermediate structure.
068Receiver for intermediate structure could not be determined:&1
069Begin of processing rule could not be generated:&1
070Field &1 does not exist in table &2
071The attribute "&1" can not be changed in the current state.
079Error during switch of object &1 to delta
080Switch not possible: Initial load object &1 is not yet defined
081Switch not possible: Initial load object &1 is not yet loaded
082Object &1 was already switched to delta - no changes required
083Error during definition of delta object
084Switch not possible: All tables of cluster &1 must be switched
085Switch not possible: Incremental approach not enabled for &1
090Access Plan &1 could not be created for object &2
091Access Plan &1 successfully created for object &2
092Access Plan &1 set to status calculated for object &2
093Static delimitation for cluster added for object &2 (access plan &1)
094Parallel Access Plan &1 successfully created for object &2
095Activity "&1" is blocked according to current status
096Activity "&1" is blocked according to manual setting
097Error while determination of blocking flag ( &1 )
098Block for activity "&1" has been removed
099Static delimitation for object &2 in access plan &1 is inconsistant
100DMC modify error
101Change write behavior
102Change reading type
103Runtime settings can only be adjusted if the scheduler is running
200No data migrated for table &1: after del: &2 / after mig: &3
201Data deleted from table &1: after del: &2 / after mig: &3
202Tolarance percentage &1 exceeded: &2
203Failed to trigger health check
204Failed to validate migration for embedded specification &1
205Failed to create analyses for ANA_ID &1
206Failed to set configuration for analysis
207Invalid analysis object &1
208Invalid analysis run
209Failed to get MWB data set
210Invalid workset
211Invalid MWB validation
212Invalid health check &1
213No issues found
220Create analysis object for ID &1
221Set configuration for analysis with &1 jobs for &2 tables
222Start analysis
223Get analysis results for ID &1
224Validate results (tolerance percentage is set to &1)
225Trigger health check '&1'
226Different number of analized tables before (&1) and after (&2) migration
227Table &1 is missing in analysis results after migration
228Table &1 is missing in analysis results after deletion
229Results for ID &1: &2 tables analysed
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