COM_CFG_DB - Database Layer: Configuration

The following messages are stored in message class COM_CFG_DB: Database Layer: Configuration.
It is part of development package COM_CFG_DB in software component AP-CFG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Product Configuration DB".
Message Nr
Message Text
000[Configuraton DB] Unexpected Error
001Upgrade of PME data has not been executed; maintenance not possible
002Upgrade of SCE data has not been executed; maintenance not possible
010Missing entry in table &
100Attempt to set up connection to & failed
101FTP connection to &: Unable to write file &
102FTP connection to &: Unable to delete file &
103FTP connection to &: Unable to execute command &
104FTP connection to &: Unable to close connection
110FTP connection to &: OK
200No knowledgebase runtime version found
220No KB found for Product ID &1 &2 &3
221No KB found in CFG_API_GET_KNOWLEDGEBASE for &1 &2 &3
225Caching successfully done for KB with &1 &2 &3
301Variant table creation: Object already locked (KB &1; Table: &2)
302Var. table creation: Internal error from enqueue server (KB &1;Table: &2)
303Variant table creation: Error during unlock (KB &1; Table: &2)
304Variant table creation: Error during deletion of variant table &1 (KB &2)
305Variant table creation: Error during deletion of table type &1 (KB: &2)
306Variant table creation: Error during deletion of table &1. (KB: &2)
307Variant table creation: DDIC type is not a table type (KB &1; Table: &2)
308Variant table creation: DDIC type is not a table (KB &1; Table: &2)
309Variant table creation: Error during DDIC table creation (Table: &1)
310Variant table creation: Error during DDIC table activation (Table: &1)
311Variant table creation: Error during DDIC table type creation (Table: &1)
312Variant table creation: Error during DDIC table type activation (&1)
314Var. table: SY-SUBRC:&1 when deleting TADIR entry (Table: &2, KB: &3)
315Additional table references exist (Table: &1, client &2, KBID: &3)
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