COM_PRODUCT_UI - Produktoberfl�che

The following messages are stored in message class COM_PRODUCT_UI: Produktoberfl�che.
It is part of development package COM_PRODUCT_UI in software component AP-MD-PRO-UI. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Product: Interface".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error in set type &1 when the product details screen is initialized
001Error occurred during save
003No products found matching these selection criteria
004& product(s) found matching these selection criteria
005Products saved
006Product & being saved
007No description exists for set type & in language &
008View selected does not contain organization-dependent data
009No product selected for removal
010Product &1 has been removed from your worklist
011Product &1 has been added to your worklist
012&1 products have been removed from your worklist
013&1 products have been added to your worklist
014Product &1 is already in your worklist
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