COOS - Order Split
The following messages are stored in message class COOS: Order Split.
It is part of development package COOS in software component PP-SFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Production Order Split".
It is part of development package COOS in software component PP-SFC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Production Order Split".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Split quantity must be smaller than the operation quantity |
002 | Operation &1 of sequence &2 has already been finally confirmed |
003 | Select an operation from the parallel sequence |
004 | Capacity splits have already been carried out |
005 | Operation &1 of sequence &2 has already been dispatched |
006 | Order has already been finally confirmed |
007 | Operation &1 of sequence &2 has already been partially dispatched |
008 | Order has already been delivered |
009 | Order is not yet (partially) released |
010 | Select a different operation in the parallel sequence |
011 | Operation/capacity requirements of operation &1 have already been split |
012 | Operation/capacity reqts of op. &1 have already been partially split |
013 | Operation/capacity requirmnts of operation &1 have already been allocated |
014 | Operation/capacity reqmts of op. &1 have already been partially allocated |
015 | Unprocessed future change records exist for order & |
016 | Select &2 serial numbers, not &1 |
017 | Determined quantity of serial numbers to be split off is not a whole no. |
018 | Confirmations were created at header level for order & |
019 | Operation &1 has already been deleted |
020 | You cannot delete operation &1 because it has already been split |
021 | Split quantity plus already confirmed qty exceeds the total operation qty |
022 | Order type &1 does not exist |
023 | Order type &1 is not from order category 10 (production order) |
024 | The assigned settlement rule does not allow settlement to order |
025 | Split quantity 0 is not allowed |
026 | Order &1 is part of a split hierarchy |
027 | Order &1 cannot be part of a collective order |
028 | Choose a valid function |
029 | No product cost collector has been specified for order type &1 |
030 | No product cost collector has been assigned to order &1 |
031 | Order &1 has already been deleted |
032 | Order &1 has already been completed |
033 | Order has already been technically completed |
034 | Order is locked |
035 | A deletion flag has already been set for this production order |
036 | Changes to this production order are not allowed |
037 | Split quantity was rounded; check the rounded value |
038 | Different product cost collector for the child order |
039 | Split would lead to separation of phantom assemblies and phant.components |
040 | Split leads to a requirement that is too high for component &1 &2 |
041 | Select an operation that is to be split |
042 | Select an operation from the standard sequence |
043 | Order split not possible because the order belongs to a collective order |
044 | Order split has been terminated |
045 | Split leads to an order quantity with too many decimal places |
046 | Insufficient serial numbers created for order &1 |
047 | Posprocessing of goods receipt will take place when you save |
049 | Order split has been executed |
050 | Order & has co-products: Splitting is not possible. |
051 | Total order quantity already deliverd. Order split not possible. |
052 | Splitting of production order is not allowed |
053 | The scrap quantity for the new order is the same as the order quantity. |
054 | Manufacturing order &1 does not exist |
055 | Order &1 does not belong to an order split |
056 | Object does not exist |
057 | Error posting goods receipt for by-product batch &1 |
058 | Error posting goods receipt for by-product |
059 | Creation of child order terminated |
060 | No suitable planned independent requirement for material &1 |
061 | First select a line of the result list |
062 | No planned independent requirements exist for selection |
063 | No component batches selected |
064 | No WIP batches selected |
065 | Material &1 not a member of specified product group &2 |
066 | Error converting operation quantity (&1) |
067 | Split quantity not calculable (Error converting units of measure) |
068 | Maximum available operation quantity passed on as split quantity |
069 | No material components with assigned batches available |
070 | Remove backflush indicator (No goods movement in case of confirmation) |
071 | Order split: Fatal error creating reservation for by-product |
072 | Missing by-product/missing batch for cost transfer material |
073 | Quantity &1 (unit &2) rounded to value &3 |
074 | MRP type for material &1 does not have value 'No MRP' |
075 | Sales order &1 with item &2 not suitable for material &3 |
076 | Adoption of delivery/basic finish date &1 of selected planned indep. reqt |
077 | Missing material assignment to child order (Split terminated) |
078 | Status reset |
079 | Split table already contains material &1 and batch &2 |
080 | Material uses internal batch number assignment (Entry will be deleted) |
081 | Exception no. &1 in case of status change to ord. &2 thru busn. trans. &3 |
082 | No planned indepdendent requirement selectable (Reason: &1) |
083 | No requirements plan exists that satisfies selection criteria |
084 | Operation number &1 not an operation of the child order |
085 | Missing conversion for quantities of component batches |
086 | No WIP batches suitable for selection of split quantity |
087 | Message "&1" for goods receipt of by-product &2, batch &3, order &4 |
088 | Order split: Fatal error splitting co- or by-products |
089 | Faulty goods movement booking out WIP batch |
090 | Production storage location &1 adopted from material master as default |
091 | The order quantity child order is &1 &2 |
092 | Split quantity too large |
093 | Child order is created for another sales order |
094 | No material assigned (Choose a valid material) |
095 | Order & is without a material: Splitting is not possible |
096 | Order &1 not found |
097 | Critical error |
098 | No status object is available for &1 |
099 | Status &1 is inconsistent for equipment &2 |
100 | Status &1 is not allowed for equipment &2 |
101 | Status &1 could not be updated |
102 | Split quantity greater than quantity confirmed in previous operation(s) |
103 | Enter a plant value |
104 | Rework quantity must be less or equal than the split quantity |
105 | Failed goods movements exist in COGI for components: Split not possible |
106 | Control key &1 not found |
107 | Error releasing child order |
108 | Rework quantity must be less than the order quantity |
109 | Rework quantity greater than the rework operation quantity |
110 | Split quantity must be less or equal than the operation quantity |
111 | Not enough serial numbers selected (&2) for matl &1. Select exactly &3. |
112 | Too many serial numbers selected (&2) for matl &1. Select exactly &3. |
113 | Production order header data could not be read. |
114 | Production order item data could not be read. |
115 | Split with different material currently not supported. |
116 | Split with different sales order currently not supported. |
117 | Split with serialized components to reassign is currently not supported. |
118 | Change fom valuated to non-valuated project stock. |
119 | Change fom non-valuated to valuated project stock. |
120 | Order &1 has been split. Child order &2 with qty &3 created. |