The following messages are stored in message class COPC: .
It is part of development package ID-FI-EPIC-COPC in software component FI-LOC-EPI-CN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Globalization: E-Payment Integration Cash Operation Center".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Cannot import root organizational unit; check user profile data
002Number range & not defined in Customizing
003No number ranges found for account group &
004House bank account &1 &2 &3 is already assigned to account &4
005Bank account data not consistent with Customizing settings
006Account &1 created
007Account &1 changed
008Account &1 activated
009Enter house bank account data on "Bank Acct Data" tab page
010No errors found; account &1 can be activated
011Bank account &1 is already assigned to cash account &2
012The node in user profile data is not COPC related
013Account &1 is currently blocked by user &2
014System lock error; contact your system administrator
015Set default hierarchy or choose Other Hierarchy to import one
016No records exist for selection
017Account &1 does not have any inactive version
018Account &1 does not have any active version
019You are not authorized to import this hierarchy
020No valid company code assigned to the organizational unit
021Bank balance of house bank account &1 &2 &3 is not maintained
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