The following messages are stored in message class COPC_GRP_UI: .
It is part of development package ID-FI-EPIC-COPC-UI in software component FI-LOC-EPI-CN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Globalization: E-Payment Integration Cash Operation CenterUI".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Select only one item
001Group &1 is locked by another user
002You cannot assign payment method &1 to bank &2 &3 &4
003Group &1 not exists
017Fill the required fields
018Grouping already exists
019Enter a correct group usage value
020Select items first
021Group &1 deleted
022Enter organizational unit first
023Repetitive code &1 &2 &3 already exists
024Bank &1 &2 &3 is already target account of group &4
030Enter currency before creating group
032Group &1 created
033Select source item before creating group
034Group &1 modified
036Error when deleting group &1 and repetitive code assignment
038Error when creating group &1
039Error when creating group &1 name
040Error when creating group &1 and repetitive code assignment
051Enter payment method of bank &1 &2 &3 &4
052Enter currency of bank &1 &2 &3 &4
053Bank account &1 &2 &3 is not a cash concentration target account
054Bank account &1 &2 &3 is not a cash concentration source account
055Do you want to save?
056Bank accounts under the same node should have unique company code
057Invalid or empty Bank Account Hierarchy
058Can't overwrite organization unit which existing in cash pooling
059Hierarchy with multiple root nodes not allowed for cash pooling creation
060Company Code &1 is not existed or incorrect
061Root node should have at least one bank account
201No cash pool exists for this Bank Account Group
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