CP - Task list messages: Core data

The following messages are stored in message class CP: Task list messages: Core data.
It is part of development package CP in software component PP-BD-RTG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 Application Development: PP Task Lists".
Message Nr
Message Text
000================= Messages for Routing Maintenance ======================
001=============== Routing Selection (reserved up to 29) ===================
002No valid task list for material & plant & for sel.criteria
003No valid task list for equipment & for sel.criteria
004No valid task list for functional location & for sel.criteria
005No valid task list for key date & and lot size &
006No task list within validity period of production version &
007Production version & does not exist for material & plant &
008No task list maintained for prod. version & (selection w/o prod. version)
009Selection ID & for automatic task list selection not defined
010No task list for select.ID & for auto. task list selection found
011No task list for Selection ID & usage & task list type & found
012SelID & used for task list selection
013Prod. version & plant & mat. & used for task list selection
014Detailed planning: task list type & group & counter &
015Rate-based planning: task list type & group & counter &
016Rough-cut planning: task list type & group & counter &
017Searched by means of following criteria:
018 Material &
019 Equipment &
020 Funct. location &
021 Plant &
022 Lot size &
023 Status &
024 Key date &
025 Usage &
026 Planner group &
027 Vendor &
028 Customer &
029Searched by means of following criteria from selection ID &:
030 Selection priority & Task list type & Usage & Status &
031 Task list type &
035 Group &
036 Group counter &
037Task list &/& selected according to sel. criteria &
039Sel. ID &, priority & for task list type & selected
040Material & in plant & marked for deletion
041User &1 has locked BOM &2
042No routing found for selection criteria
043Task list group &1 group counter &2 is flagged for deletion
044Wage type & for & is not permitted
045No task list found for automatic selection without selection ID
046Task list & / & is inconsistent due to duplicated operation numbers
047No authorization to create task list type &
049Scheduling indicator has not been set
050Operation classification cannot be copied
051Inspection plan &1 draft is outdated and changes can no longer be saved
063Enter change number: one task list in the group has a history requirement
080================ Initial Screen =========================================
081Profile & 1 was copied
089Material & has the material status &
090Material & cannot be used due to material status &.
091Planner group &1 does not exist in plant &2
092Enter plant for task list
093Not all the production versions could be checked
094Enter material for production version
095Change number was entered, revision level will be ignored.
096Key date & will be taken from the chg no. via the revision level
097Changes using a revision level are only possible with a material.
098Revision level & does not exist for material &
099Enter the group for the reference rate routing.
100No valid record for equipment number & found
101There is no material allocated.
102Enter a key date within the interval &1-&2
103Enter a key date or a change number
104The valid to < &. date is set at &
105The valid from > &. date is set at &
106Routing &1 is being edited by &2
107Enter material for BOM
108The key date is overwritten with the date from the change number record
109Enter material and plant or group
110Enter a plant and material together or make no entry
111There is no interval for the group (please check)
112Enter a type
113Enter material and plant or task list group
114There is no task list matching the selection criteria
115Material & has the material status &
116Material & cannot be used due to material status &.
117Type & is not defined (check entry)
118Internal number assignment not possible
119External number assignment not possible
120You cannot allocate a material to type & (please check)
121Enter the group for the reference operation set.
122Enter the group for the rate routing.
123No reference rate routing found matching the selection criteria.
124No ref op set found matching the selection criteria.
125No rate routing found matching the selection criteria.
126Reference operation set &1 is being edited by &2
127Rate routing &1 is being edited by &2
128Reference rate routing &1 is being edited by &2
129Key date & will be overwritten by date in change number.
130======================= Plant Maintenance 130..159 ======================
131No equipment/task list allocation exists
132Equipment does not exist
139Enter equipment or task list group
149Task list cannot be processed by transaction &1
150System error during allocation of maintenance package
151====================== More Initial Screen Messages ====================
152Enter material and plant for sales document
153Enter sales document and item.
154Enter material and plant for WBS element
155Enter a sales document with either an item or a WBS element
156No task list exists for material & and sales document &/&
157Parameter effectivity: use engineering workbench
158Task list with group operations: use engineering workbench
159Plan has parameter effectivity: Use Engineering Workbench
160------------- Copy function -------------------------
161Error when reading a table
162Select only one type
163Select only one task list.
164No task list found for &. Enter a valid task list.
165You cannot refer to reference opertion sets
166Not all data objects have been copied
167Unit of grp. & differs from unit of object to be copied.
168Select type
169Maximum group counter in group & is already assigned
170External relationships cannot be copied
171Enter task list type and group for task list
172The task list that you want to copy has been flagged for deletion
173Enter task list number
174Enter group
175Error when copying dependencies for sequence &1
176Error when copying dependencies for operation &1
177Error when copying dependencies for PRT item &1
178Error when copying dependencies for suboperation &1
180------ Deleting task lists ------------------------
181No task list found for material &.
182Task list for material & has been completely deleted.
183Entry & not found in Table &
184Task list & has been completely deleted.
185Task list & does not exist
186Enter number of records for test run
187Select "test run" wiht number of records
188Archiving can only be started via the menu.
189System error when locking type & group &
190Archiving file could not be opened.
191Archiving file is too small
192Empty data record is archived
193Enter group
194Key date for archiving session is in the future
195Select either test or production run
196Select either entire period or for key date
197Enter key date
198The reference operation set is still used and cannot be deleted
200========== Header ===================================
201---------- Group counter ------------------------------------
202Group counter already exists for the routing
203Dyn. mod. criteria of usage & do not match those of usage &
204Change no. & conflicts with existing change status
205Change number & exceeds existing change status
206Change number & collision with Mat.-routing assignment change status &
207Change number &1 exceeds the material-routing assignment change status &2
208Change number & collision with available change number &
209Change number & exceeds existing change status (Number&)
210Change number & collsion with PRT to this operation (Change number &)
211Change number & exceeds PRT to this operation (change number &)
212Group counter already exists for the reference operation set
213Group counter already exists for the rate routing
214Group counter already exists for the reference rate routing
215Change number & collides with comp. assignment to this oper. (Chge Nr. &)
216Change number & exceeds comp. assignment to this oper. (Change number &)
217As a result of the date shift the TLheader has no valid standard sequence
220========== General system errors (terminations) =======================
221List not contained in dialog table (&)
222Invalid object (&)
223Table access using invalid index (&)
224Parameter missing for scroll function (&)
225Record not contained in document table (&)
226Error when assigning group number (&)
227No operation number found (&)
228Unknown action type (&)
230You have no authorization to delete this routing.
231You have no authorization for usage &
232You have no authorization for plant &
233You do not have authorization for status &.
234You do not have auth. for task list type & action &.
235No authorization to create task list type & status & usage & plant &
236No authorization to change task list type & status & usage & plant &
237No authorization to display task list type & status & usage & plant &
240You do not have authorization to delete this reference operation set
241You do not have authorization to delete this rate routing.
242You do not have authorization to delete this ref. rate routing.
243No authorization to delete task list type & status & usage & plant &
244For the operation increment you used the value & ( > 999)
245No authorization for the operation &1
250Special characters are not allowed for &
251Cannot change modification level
252Dynamic modification is assigned at characteristic level
260============= Branching to other work areas =============================
270=================== Scheduling task lists =======================
271Enter a start date for scheduling
272Scheduling data marked for material master update
273Save scheduling results -------------------------------------------------
274=================== Material & plant & ==========================
275No selection profile found for material & plant &.
276No task list found for mat. & in plant & with select. prof.&.
277Material & in plant & is externally procured
278Scheduled with base quantity 0 of material & in plant &
279No material was selected
280---------- Task lists - miscellaneous ------------------
281There are routings for the past or the future.
282Minimum lot size exceeds maximum lot size (check entry).
283You cannot use the unit & (check entry)
284Unit &1 cannot be converted to unit &2 from material master &3
285Unit changed: Please check the conversion factors for the operations
286Hdr un. & of ref.op.set and referenced op.set have different dim.
287Hdr unit & of ref.op.set and referenced op.set do not match.
288New and old plant belong to different company codes
289New and old plant must belong to the same controlling area.
290You cannot change the unit in referenced operation sets
291Classification data not found
292There are reference operation sets for the past or the future.
293There are rate routings for the past or the future.
294There are reference rate routings for the past or the future.
295===================== Validation for & ============================
296Referenced op.set & & has a diff. unit than grp. ctr &.
297Referenced operation set & & deleted for explosion date
298User-defined data could not be found
299Lower or upper limit of lot size negative
300========== Sequences ==========================================
302The standard sequence is not defined
303The reference sequence is not defined (please define)
304The sequence is already defined
305The branch operation is not defined
306The return operation is not defined
307Branch operation & / & / & is not defined
308Return operation & / & / & is not defined
309The standard sequence is already defined
310You cannot delete the standard sequence
311Task list &1 sequence &2 is used as a ref. sequence by another sequence
312Lot size range of sequence is not within lot size range of header
313No. of branch operation is higher than no. of return operation.
314Reference sequence does not exist
315Please enter a sequence number
316The reference sequence cannot be larger than the sequence
320Select a sequence category
321The branch operation for sequence &/&/& does not exist.
322The return operation for sequence &/&/& does not exist.
323Sequence &/&/&: Branch operation succeeds return operation
324Sequence &/&/&: operation number incorrect
325Sequence &/&/&: operation number incorrect
326Routing was deleted.
327Seq.: Date &: Branch operation for sequence not found.
328Seq.: Date &: Return operation for sequence not found.
329Seq.: Date &: Branch operation succeeds return operation.
330Operation: date &: operation number incorrect
331Operation: date &: operation number incorrect
332Seq.: Date &: task list has been deleted.
333Seq.: Date: &: Standard sequence is not valid.
335Seq. &/&/& : Standard sequence is not valid.
336Reference operation set was deleted.
337Rate routing was deleted.
338Reference rate routing was deleted.
339Standard sequence is not configurable.
340The reference sequence cannot be the same as the sequence
341Reference sequence for parallel sequence cannot be a parallel sequence
350---------- Sequence: Copy -----------------------------------------------
351Error in copied data structure: Ref. node does not exist.
353Error in the data structure of the reference: ref. nodes do not exist.
370=========Work center operation set=================================
371Routing &1 &2 is a work center operation set
372Plan &1 &2 is a reference operation set
373Work center operation set not assigned to a work center
374Only work center operation sets can have task work centers
375Summarization type &1 is only allowed for work center operations sets
376Summarization type &1 is not allowed for work center operations sets
377Enter work center for work center operation sets
378Referenced task list or work center op. set &1 &2 is not valid
379No valid sequence for referenced task list or work center op. set &1 &2
380No valid operations for referenced task list or wrk. ctr. op. set &1 &2
381Referenced task list or work ctr. op. set &1 &2 will not be copied
400========== Operations =========================================
401---------- Operation number part 1 => see also part 2 ---------
402No operation found for the sub-operation
403Enter another operation number
404Enter another operation number
405Enter another sub-operation number
406Select an operation
407Operation number has already been assigned
408Enter an operation number
409Enter a sub-operation number
410------------- Delete/Unlock ------------------------------------
411Operation & is used as reference operation for a sequence
413Sub-operations in referenced operation sets cannot be deleted
414Operation & is used as reference operation for a sequence
420--------- Reference to reference operation set ---------------
422The referenced operation set &1 &2 cannot be inserted
423You cannot insert operations into a referenced operation set
424The routing is not released for production
425The routing is not released for costing
426Ref. operation set & & has no operations
427Task list and reference operation set belong to different company codes
428Task list and ref. operation set belong to different controlling areas
429Enter an increment for operation numbering
430The ref. op. set could not be exploded using the op. increment &.
431Reference operation set & has deletion flag
433Warning: The reference operation set is already in use.
434Warning: The reference rate routing is being used
435Reference operation set & & not found
436The operation has been referenced. You cannot change the data
437Wrong lot size range in task list header
438Lot-size range of task list not in range of reference operation set
439Incorrect lot size range for alternative sequence
440Lot-size range of alternative sequence not in range of reference op. set
441Incorrect lot size range for alternative sequence
442Lot-size range of alternative sequence not in task list header
443Not a valid status
444Reference operation set has not been released for production.
445Reference operation set has not been released for costing.
446Rate routing has not been released for production.
447Rate routing has not been released for product costing.
448Reference rate routing has not been released for costing.
449---------- Standard values ------------------------------------
450Delete work center: Standard values and activity types are deleted
451Change work center: Check standard value definitions
452No work center specified: The standard values are deleted.
453You cannot enter the standard value &
454Enter standard value &
455Enter a unit for standard value &
456Enter a unit for dimension & for the standard value &.
457Maintain a cost ctr. for the activity types specified in the work ctr. &
458You cannot enter an activity type for standard value &
459Do you want to enter an activity type for standard value &?
460Standard value & should not be entered
461Enter a valid control key
462You cannot enter a perf. efficiency rate for the std. value &.
463Enter a perf. efficiency rate for standard value &.
464Operation & does not have any valid sub-operations
465Enter a base quantity greater than zero
466Number of decimal places is larger than allowed in Customizing
467Reference operation set does not have any valid operations
468Enter unit of measure for operation
469Numerator for conversion of task list and operat. units must be positive
470---------- Operations: Classification ---------
471You cannot classify sub-operations
472Data for class type & has not been converted yet
475================ Operations: plant ===============
476The plants in header and operation have different company codes.
477Plants in header and operation have different company codes
478Plants in header and sub-operation have different controlling areas
479Plants in header and sub-operation have different controlling areas
480---------- Operations: work center ----------------------------
481Work center &1 not found in plant &2 (check entry)
482Enter a plant for the work center
483Always enter work center and plant for the operation together
484There are no capacity categories maintained for work center &
485Work center & is flagged for deletion
486Work center & is locked
487Work center &1 does not exist (Check entry)
488----------- Operations: Summarization -------------------------
489The unit for standard value &1 in work center op. set &2 taken from oper.
490Unit &1 for operation &3 does not agree with unit &2 in wrk ctr op set &4
491Unit &1 in sub-oper. &3 does not agree with unit &2 in operation &4
492Work center for cumulation function & is invalid
493No valid work center for sub-operation &1 in operation &2
494Select operation to cumulate to
495There are no operations in the current overview
496Sub-oper. &1 for cumulation oper. &2 contains additional standard values
497Unit for standard value &1 in operation &2 taken from sub-operation
498No valid work center for operation &1 in reference operation set
499Unsuitable standard value parameter in operation &1 of the ref. op. set
500---------- Operations: overlapping ----------------------------
501Only one indicator permitted (check entry)
502Enter a minimum overlap time
503Enter minimum send-ahead quantity
504The minimum send-ahead quantity is greater than the maximum lot size.
505The units cannot be converted (check entry)
506The minimum move time must not exceed the standard move time
507The minimum wait time must not exceed the maximum wait time
508The minimum queue time must not exceed the maximum queue time.
510---------- Operations: operation number part 2 ----------------
511The operation number must be between the numbers of the ref. operations.
512The operation is used as a reference operation and cannot be deleted.
513You cannot create sub-operations for a referenced operation.
514You cannot create sub-operations for a referenced operation
515Enter a smaller operation number (branch operation of a sequence)
516Enter a higher operation number (return operation of a sequence)
517Enter a number greater than 0
518Operation number &/&/&/& is not unique
519Sub-operation number &/&/&/&/& is not unique
520---------- Operations: split sub-operations -------------------
521Maintain at least one splitting parameter
522Enter a unit for the minimum proc. time with the dimension time
523Enter a time unit for the minimum processing time.
524No. of splits is greater than individual capacities in work center
525Operation: date &: operation number not unique
526Sub-operation: date &: sub-operation number & not unique
534No. of splits is greater than individual capacities in work center
535No. of splits is greater than individual capacities in work center
536No. of splits is greater than individual capacities in work center
540============ Input facility =====================================
541Only enter a sequence key with object category O or U
550============== External processing ============================
551Maintain price parameters completely
552Maintain currency key
553G/L account & not defined (check entry)
554Company code not defined for plant &
555Enter a G/L account
556The cost element is not defined in the system
557Data is copied from the purchasing info record
558Enter material group, sort string and planned delivery time
559Maintain purchasing organization
561Enter info record without material
562Enter cost element
563Control key &: Maintain external processing data
564Operation unit & cannot be converted to order unit &
566Inspection type & has not been asigned to origin 01 (GR)
567Outline agreement &1 item &2 does not exist (check your entry)
568Outline agreement &1 is not available (Please check the entry)
569May not be possible to use info record &1
570============== Control key =================================
571External processing is not possible with control key &
572The control key is taken from the work center.
573Control keys that support service are not supported
580=============== User fields ================================
581Data entered in user fields could be lost
582Field key & for language & not defined
590=============== Configuration ================================
591Class type $ class $ does not exist.
592Only class type 019 permitted
600======== Selection and navigation in lists ====================
601No routing selected (please select).
602No sequence selected (please select)
603No operation selected (please select)
604No sub-operation selected (please select)
605No reference operation set selected (please select).
606No rate routing selected (please select).
607No ref. rate routing selected (please select).
608No reference selected (please select)
610Selections will be lost
611No component allocation selected (please select)
621List contains no routings.
622List contains no sequences
623List contains no operations
625List contains no component allocations.
626List does not contain reference operation sets.
627There are no rate routings in the list.
628There are no reference rate routings in the list.
631You have reached the last selected routing.
632You have reached the last selected sequence
633You have reached the last operation selected.
634The last selected relationship has already been reached
636You have reached the last selected costs
639You have reached the last selected component allocation.
641You have reached the last selected ref op set.
642You have reached the last selected rate routing.
643You have reached the last selected reference rate routing.
651You have reached the first selected routing.
652You have reached the first selected sequence
653You have reached the first operation selected.
654You can only select created records
655You have reached the first long text.
659You have reached the first selected component allocation.
661You have reached the first selected ref op set.
662You have reached the first selected rate routing.
663You have reached the first selected reference rate routing.
672Select task list first
673Select operation first
674Select sub-operation first
676Select inspection characteristic first
677Select characteristic value first
678Select component allocation first
690Select the object to be deleted first
691Position cursor on op. in front of the one you want to insert.
692Position cursor on the desired line in the overview to insert
693Navigation in the overview is not possible
699========== Overview variants and other system messages ===============
700No further overview version exists
701Overview variant & is not maintained completely (check entry)
702Client &: Line width & exceeded by & &
703Overlapping (of output line) in display & by & &.
704Overlapping (of heading) in display & by & &.
705Profile text not maintained in language &
706Profile text not maintained in language &
707Only connected hierarchy segments can be displayed.
708Grouping category & is still referred to.
709The object & & is still referred to.
710The object overview version & is still referred to
711The list contains no entries
712No overview version selected. Select overview version first.
713Line layout & not defined (please check)
714Object overview successfully generated
715The text for the object overview version is required
716The field &-& does not exist in the Data Dictionary
717With indicator "T", you must specify a text
718There are no options for selection
719Invalid object/sub-object (check entry)
720========== CUA messages ============================================
721Completely maintain the CUA status for this screen.
725Vendor &1 is locked and is therefore initialized for operation &2
730========== Error in SAPLCPBT ===================================
733The reference operation set cannot be fully exploded
734Invalid update indicator (&)
735Table access using invalid index (&)
740========== General units and currencies ========================
741Maintain time unit
742Maintain unit of measurement
743Unit of measure &1 and unit of measure &2 have different dimensions
744Unit of measure & not defined (check entry)
745Value & for denominator not defined (check entry)
746Unit not maintained in Table T006D
747Unit not maintained in Table T006
748Error when converting units (-> Conversion via calculation key)
749Inspection char. unit of measure and material unit are incompatible
750========== Word processing ======================================
751Object & and ID & do not exist
752Long text does not exist
753Standard text key & not defined (check entry)
754Standard text & already exists in language &.
755Standard text & does not exist in language &.
756Do not select more than one type of processing.
757Relative position excludes exact position and vice versa
758Generation carried out
759Neither exact nor relative position specified
760Text $ $ is already allocated to the operation
761Up to now, a maximum of 2 inlines is supported
762Long text for operation & could not be copied
763Long text for routing & couldn't be copied.
764Long text for sequence & has not been copied
765Long text for sub-operation & & has not been copied
766The reference name can have a max. of 7 characters
767Long text for routing could not be copied
768Long text change not allowed
773Long texts for the ref op set & cannot be copied.
774Long text for rate routing & couldn't be copied.
775Long text for ref. rate routing & couldn't be copied.
776Task list numbers that contain ',' or '*' are not allowed
780-------- Selection of task lists in engineering change management -------
781No task list selected for transfer.
782You cannot make changes using this change number
790-------- Miscellaneous --------------------------------------------------
791Enter a numeric value
792Data overflow: Field content too long
793Not all records have been deleted: conflicting change numbers
794Record has not been deleted. Conflicting change numbers
795No change found for change number &
796Errors occurred during validation (see error log)
797No entry found matching criteria you entered.
798Call up object overview with component assignment from operation overview
800======== Update material master with scheduling results ============
801Markings for material & plant & are in process.
802Material &1 in plant &2 was not updated due to incorrect selection
803Material & in plant & currently being edited.
804Material &1 Plant &2: Proc. time cannot be converted to base unit
805Material &1 plant &2: setup time cannot be converted to base unit
806Material &1 plant &2: Interop. time cannot be converted to base unit
807Select "Update material master directly"
808The configurable material & plant & was not taken into account
810You do not have an authorization for plant &
811No authorization for planner group &.
812No authorization for direct save.
813No authorization to directly update the material master
814No authorization for plant & planner group &.
815You do not have an authorization for plant &
816Material & is being updated
817No scheduling type exists that allows forward scheduling
818Planner group &2 does not exist in plant &1
819Choose the same plant &1 as for the selection of PI categories
821Routing & & is not always valid in the lot size interval.
822Ref. rate rtg & & is not always valid in the lot size interval.
823Rate routing & & is not always valid in the lot size interval.
824Reference rate routing & & is not always valid in the lot size interval.
825No simulation results exist to generate a routing from
826Material & plant & is not included due to parameter effectivity
827Error during scheduling
828Material type & cannot be assigned to task list type &
830========== Version verification in material master ====================
832Routing $ $ is not valid on $.
833No valid assignment exists for ref. op. set & &
834Rate routing & & is not valid on &.
835Ref. rate routing & & is not valid on &.
840Routing $ $ is not valid for the entire time between & and &.
841Ref op set & & is not always valid from & to &.
842Rate routing & & is not always valid from & to &.
843Ref rate routing & & is not always valid from & to &.
850- Data transfer batch input ---------------------------------------------
851No session record exists.
852Error occurred when checking type $ group $.
853Warnings occurred when checking type & group &.
855No profile with entry tool for task list & & & in session &
856Invalid controlling area & for company code &
863Routings created successfully
870------------------- XPRAS for task lists --------------------------------
871Program & run successfully
872Program & terminated with error code &
873No control key has been converted
874Control key table does not have to be converted during new installation
875Program & conversion client & control key &
890-- System error messages ------------------------------------------------
891Program error: code & in program & form &
892Program error: code & in program & module &
893Program error: code & in function module &
894Error when opening input file &
895Program error: Code & when deleting file &.
896Program error: Code & when inserting file &.
897Program error: Code & during update of file &.
898Not all changes passed on to update program
899Maintain tables via Customizing
900Key date in the future is not allowed
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