CPCL_VERS - Task List Version
The following messages are stored in message class CPCL_VERS: Task List Version.
It is part of development package MPE_PLAN_RTG_VERS_MODEL in software component PP-PEO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Planning - Versioned Routing Model".
It is part of development package MPE_PLAN_RTG_VERS_MODEL in software component PP-PEO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Planning - Versioned Routing Model".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Version &1 already exists |
001 | Technical error: &1 |
002 | Task list type &1 is not allowed |
003 | Cannot create version &1 |
004 | Source version &1 does not exist |
005 | You can only use task list types 'V' or 'F' as source |
006 | You cannot use source version &1 |
007 | Cannot find latest version |
008 | Latest version &1 is not released |
009 | Version &1 cannot be changed |
010 | Version &1 is not consistent |
011 | Cannot set status &2 for version &1 |
012 | Cannot set lock for version &1 |
013 | Version &1 is released and cannot be deleted |
014 | Version &1 cannot be read |
015 | Version &1: Cannot reset last released version indicator |
016 | Group numbers that contain ',' or '*' are not allowed |
017 | Cannot create instance for version &1 |
018 | Operation &1: External processing is not allowed |
019 | Operation &1: Rework is not allowed |
020 | Operation &1: Confirmation is not mandatory |
021 | Allocation of material &1 of version &2 is not consistent |
022 | You require a material and a plant to assign an MBOM |
023 | You can only assign MBOMs |
024 | You can only assign an MBOM version |
025 | BOM version &1 does not exist |
026 | Entity is not locked |
027 | Cannot get assignment to BOM version |
028 | Cannot determine BOM usage |
029 | Production version &1 for material &2 in plant &3 has no version |
030 | Cannot load version &1 for copy |
031 | Operation &1 has no produce operation activity |
032 | Cannot create operation |
033 | Cannot create sequence |
034 | Cannot create task version |
035 | Cannot create material allocation |
036 | Cannot create component allocation |
037 | Cannot create PRT |
038 | Cannot create inspection characteristic |
039 | Cannot create inspection characteristic value |
040 | Cannot delete operation |
041 | Cannot delete sequence |
042 | Cannot delete task version |
043 | Cannot delete material allocation |
044 | Cannot delete component allocation |
045 | Cannot delete PRT |
046 | Cannot delete inspection characteristic |
047 | Cannot delete inspection characteristic value |
048 | Deletion failed |
049 | Cannot lock operation |
050 | Cannot lock sequence |
051 | Cannot lock task version |
052 | Cannot lock material allocation |
053 | Cannot lock component allocation |
054 | Cannot lock PRT |
055 | Cannot lock inspection characteristic |
056 | Cannot lock inspection characteristic value |
057 | Copy of version failed |
058 | Cannot create version |
059 | Rework routing &1 already exists for plant &2 |
060 | Copy of PRT failed |
061 | Version &1 is used as source |
062 | Source key is incomplete |
063 | Cannot release version &1 without operation |
064 | Version &1 is used by production version |
065 | Version &1 is used by production |
066 | Material to BOM link &1 is configurable |
067 | You must specify a reference master inspection characteristic |
068 | Cannot create inspection characteristic. Number already exists |
069 | Version &1 does not exist |
070 | Group counters that contain ',' or '*' are not allowed |
071 | You cannot assign a BOM version with phantom assembly |
072 | You must set a subtype |
073 | Subtype &1 is not valid |
074 | The version profile stipulates that you must enter a numeric version |
075 | Only the successive version is allowed for rework routings |
076 | Version key is incomplete |
077 | Method &2 of BAdI &1 is not implemented |
078 | MBOM version &1 is not released |
079 | Version &1 is in process |
080 | Overall status is not compatible with version &1 |
081 | MBOM version &1 is already assigned |
082 | Subtype &1 only allows numeric version |
083 | Routing &1 does not exist |
084 | Control indicator for the characteristic &1 is not maintained |
085 | Last released version is &1. Provide version &1 as source |
086 | Version &1: Cannot set last released version indicator |
087 | You must use version &1 as source |
088 | You must create version &1 |
089 | Cannot copy version |
090 | Copy From is not completely specified |
091 | Version for order &1 already exists |
092 | Operation is locked by order |
093 | No authorization to change version &1 |
094 | No material assigned |
095 | Order &1 is locked |
096 | Sequence &1 is used as reference sequence |
097 | You cannot create a parallel sequence |
098 | Reference sequence is not standard sequence |
099 | There is already one version in process (version &1) |
100 | Shop floor routing version &1 is not released |
101 | You must select serialized product for rework routings |
102 | Operation &1: Plant is not maintained |
103 | Parameter effectivity is used. You can only assign one MBOM |
104 | You cannot assign a BOM version with co-product |
105 | You cannot use change number &1 |
106 | No inspection type for origin 03 for material &1 plant &2 active |
107 | No version of shop floor routing &1 provided |
108 | Cannot retrieve component allocation |
109 | Generic allocation of components is not allowed |
110 | Material of version MBOM is not filled |
111 | Key of the version MBOM is not filled |
112 | Plant of version MBOM is not filled |
113 | Inherited node number of BOM item is not filled |
114 | Link between version &1 and change record does not yet exist |
115 | You can only select one version profile as the default profile |
116 | You cannot delete version profile as it is currently in use |
117 | MBOM &1 with usage &2 for material &3 in plant &4 does not exist |
118 | Change record cannot be mandatory for rework routings |
119 | Unit of measure of component assignment to OA is not compatible |
120 | MBOM &1 with usage &2 is not valid |
121 | Serialized selected but material &1 in plant &2 has no serial no. profile |
122 | Routing profile only allows one MBOM assignment |
123 | Material type &1 with effectivity not allowed for multiple MBOM routing |
124 | Operation &1 has overlapping validities |
125 | Two different effectivity types found for operation &1 |
126 | Validity of operation &1 does not match validity of BOM assignment |
127 | No version profile is set as default profile |
128 | You can only set upgrade BOM for successive version |
129 | Version &1 of MBOM &2 is already assigned |
130 | Cannot retrieve item of version MBOM &1 |
131 | BOM item is already assigned |
132 | Cannot load version &1 |
133 | You cannot delete the MBOM assignment in order-specific routing |
134 | You can only assign one MBOM to an order-specific routing |
135 | Version &1 is deleted |
136 | Inspection characteristic is deleted |
137 | Component allocation is deleted |
138 | MBOM version assignment is deleted |
139 | Material assignment is deleted |
140 | Operation is deleted |
141 | PRT is deleted |
142 | Sequence is deleted |
143 | The version profile key should be maintained |
144 | BOM version &1 is selected for release externally. Save transaction. |
145 | Workflow has not yet been completed |
146 | Workflow scenario &1 does not exist |
147 | Cannot create defect |
148 | Defect is deleted |
149 | Such a defect already exists |
150 | Effectivity date cannot be in the past |
151 | Plant &1 does not exist |
152 | Status %1 does not exist |
153 | Routing &1 does not exist |
154 | You must select serialized product for routings with flexible processing |
155 | MBOM without effectivity for unitized material cannot be assigned |
156 | MBOM for unitized material does not have effectivity |
157 | An operation with number &1 already exists |
158 | Configurable material &1 not allowed for multiple MBOM routings |
159 | It is not possible to change component assignments of rework operation &1 |
160 | It is not possible to change logical components of rework operation &1 |
161 | It is not possible to change attributes of rework operation &1 |
162 | Material type &1 is not customized for shop floor routing type V |
163 | BOM &1 is not a versioned material BOM |
164 | Material &1 does not exist |
165 | Non-serialized selected but matl &1 in plant &2 has serial number profile |
166 | Serial number profile &1 not customized for usage 03/04 or procedure PPRL |
167 | BOM usage &1 customized for engineering or not customized for production |
168 | BOM usage not customized for versioned BOMs or execution relevance |
169 | BOM &1 for material &2 in plant &3 does not match the filter criteria |
170 | BOM &1 cannot be used for successive versions |
171 | See long text (F1) for information on all MBOM selection criteria. |
172 | Validity of the BOM item &1 exceeds the validity of the operation |
173 | Only one MBOM assignment is allowed in configurable routings |
174 | Interactive work instructions are not allowed in configurable routings |
175 | This version profile only allows one MBOM to be assigned |
176 | External processing data not complete. See long text. |
177 | Work center not maintained for operation &1 |
178 | Configurable material &1 cannot be executed in SAP ME |
179 | Material with parameter effectivity &1 cannot be executed in SAP ME |
180 | PRT &1 of category miscellaneous cannot be set to registrable |
181 | |
182 | PRT & cannot be set to registrable as it has no serial number profile |
183 | The routing is for serialized production but material &1 not |
184 | Material &1 is for serialized production but the routing not |
185 | Cannot delete non-editable object; see other messages for details |
186 | No authorization to read version &1 |
187 | You cannot edit released routing version &1 |
188 | Same relationship was passed more then once to relationship write API |
189 | BOM items w. negative qty not supported in routings with variant config. |
190 | Operation with number &1 does not exist |
191 | Routing key &1 is not complete |
192 | Operation key &1 is not complete |
193 | Please enter the correct default SAS for operation activities |
194 | Please enter the correct default SAS for serialized production |
195 | Enter correct default SAS for serialized prod. in a simultaneous group |
196 | Bill of material could not be determined unambiguously |
197 | |
198 | No suitable MBOM version found for the specified criteria |
199 | BOM version &1 is obsolete |
200 | You can only select one version profile as the default rework profile |
201 | You cannot set the upgrade BOM flag for the default rework profile |
202 | You cannot set the single BOM flag for the default rework profile |
203 | You cannot set the change record required flag for default rework profile |
204 | You cannot set the flexible flag for the default rework profile |
205 | Routing cannot be displayed: Run migration report MPE_RTG_UPG_HAS_FLAG |
206 | Copy templates cannot be released |
207 | You cannot assign materials to templates |
208 | You cannot change logical components of templates |
209 | You can only create one operation with this template type |
210 | Only the successive version is allowed for rework templates |
211 | Template &1 does not exist |
212 | You must select serialized product for rework templates |
213 | Cannot convert template &1 |
214 | Reference template &1 is obsolete. Either convert or upgrade the template |
215 | Cannot retrieve PRT |
216 | Cannot retrieve material assignment |
217 | Cannot retrieve characteristic |
218 | Cannot retrieve operation |
219 | Cannot retrieve defect |
220 | Cannot retrieve BOM assignment |
221 | Cannot retrieve routing |
222 | Cannot retrieve main sequence |
223 | Operation &1 must come in the same order as in operation set template |
224 | Only the successive version is allowed for routings for ERP integration |
225 | Only single MBOM profile is allowed for routings for ERP integration |
226 | Routings for ERP integration cannot be set to obsolete status |
227 | Enter release check effectivity for ERP Integration routing |
228 | Order-specific routings in the ERP integration scenario are not supported |
229 | It is not allowed to change BOM alternative in ERP Integration scenario |