CPCL_VERS - Task List Version

The following messages are stored in message class CPCL_VERS: Task List Version.
It is part of development package MPE_PLAN_RTG_VERS_MODEL in software component PP-PEO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Planning - Versioned Routing Model".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Version &1 already exists
001Technical error: &1
002Task list type &1 is not allowed
003Cannot create version &1
004Source version &1 does not exist
005You can only use task list types 'V' or 'F' as source
006You cannot use source version &1
007Cannot find latest version
008Latest version &1 is not released
009Version &1 cannot be changed
010Version &1 is not consistent
011Cannot set status &2 for version &1
012Cannot set lock for version &1
013Version &1 is released and cannot be deleted
014Version &1 cannot be read
015Version &1: Cannot reset last released version indicator
016Group numbers that contain ',' or '*' are not allowed
017Cannot create instance for version &1
018Operation &1: External processing is not allowed
019Operation &1: Rework is not allowed
020Operation &1: Confirmation is not mandatory
021Allocation of material &1 of version &2 is not consistent
022You require a material and a plant to assign an MBOM
023You can only assign MBOMs
024You can only assign an MBOM version
025BOM version &1 does not exist
026Entity is not locked
027Cannot get assignment to BOM version
028Cannot determine BOM usage
029Production version &1 for material &2 in plant &3 has no version
030Cannot load version &1 for copy
031Operation &1 has no produce operation activity
032Cannot create operation
033Cannot create sequence
034Cannot create task version
035Cannot create material allocation
036Cannot create component allocation
037Cannot create PRT
038Cannot create inspection characteristic
039Cannot create inspection characteristic value
040Cannot delete operation
041Cannot delete sequence
042Cannot delete task version
043Cannot delete material allocation
044Cannot delete component allocation
045Cannot delete PRT
046Cannot delete inspection characteristic
047Cannot delete inspection characteristic value
048Deletion failed
049Cannot lock operation
050Cannot lock sequence
051Cannot lock task version
052Cannot lock material allocation
053Cannot lock component allocation
054Cannot lock PRT
055Cannot lock inspection characteristic
056Cannot lock inspection characteristic value
057Copy of version failed
058Cannot create version
059Rework routing &1 already exists for plant &2
060Copy of PRT failed
061Version &1 is used as source
062Source key is incomplete
063Cannot release version &1 without operation
064Version &1 is used by production version
065Version &1 is used by production
066Material to BOM link &1 is configurable
067You must specify a reference master inspection characteristic
068Cannot create inspection characteristic. Number already exists
069Version &1 does not exist
070Group counters that contain ',' or '*' are not allowed
071You cannot assign a BOM version with phantom assembly
072You must set a subtype
073Subtype &1 is not valid
074The version profile stipulates that you must enter a numeric version
075Only the successive version is allowed for rework routings
076Version key is incomplete
077Method &2 of BAdI &1 is not implemented
078MBOM version &1 is not released
079Version &1 is in process
080Overall status is not compatible with version &1
081MBOM version &1 is already assigned
082Subtype &1 only allows numeric version
083Routing &1 does not exist
084Control indicator for the characteristic &1 is not maintained
085Last released version is &1. Provide version &1 as source
086Version &1: Cannot set last released version indicator
087You must use version &1 as source
088You must create version &1
089Cannot copy version
090Copy From is not completely specified
091Version for order &1 already exists
092Operation is locked by order
093No authorization to change version &1
094No material assigned
095Order &1 is locked
096Sequence &1 is used as reference sequence
097You cannot create a parallel sequence
098Reference sequence is not standard sequence
099There is already one version in process (version &1)
100Shop floor routing version &1 is not released
101You must select serialized product for rework routings
102Operation &1: Plant is not maintained
103Parameter effectivity is used. You can only assign one MBOM
104You cannot assign a BOM version with co-product
105You cannot use change number &1
106No inspection type for origin 03 for material &1 plant &2 active
107No version of shop floor routing &1 provided
108Cannot retrieve component allocation
109Generic allocation of components is not allowed
110Material of version MBOM is not filled
111Key of the version MBOM is not filled
112Plant of version MBOM is not filled
113Inherited node number of BOM item is not filled
114Link between version &1 and change record does not yet exist
115You can only select one version profile as the default profile
116You cannot delete version profile as it is currently in use
117MBOM &1 with usage &2 for material &3 in plant &4 does not exist
118Change record cannot be mandatory for rework routings
119Unit of measure of component assignment to OA is not compatible
120MBOM &1 with usage &2 is not valid
121Serialized selected but material &1 in plant &2 has no serial no. profile
122Routing profile only allows one MBOM assignment
123Material type &1 with effectivity not allowed for multiple MBOM routing
124Operation &1 has overlapping validities
125Two different effectivity types found for operation &1
126Validity of operation &1 does not match validity of BOM assignment
127No version profile is set as default profile
128You can only set upgrade BOM for successive version
129Version &1 of MBOM &2 is already assigned
130Cannot retrieve item of version MBOM &1
131BOM item is already assigned
132Cannot load version &1
133You cannot delete the MBOM assignment in order-specific routing
134You can only assign one MBOM to an order-specific routing
135Version &1 is deleted
136Inspection characteristic is deleted
137Component allocation is deleted
138MBOM version assignment is deleted
139Material assignment is deleted
140Operation is deleted
141PRT is deleted
142Sequence is deleted
143The version profile key should be maintained
144BOM version &1 is selected for release externally. Save transaction.
145Workflow has not yet been completed
146Workflow scenario &1 does not exist
147Cannot create defect
148Defect is deleted
149Such a defect already exists
150Effectivity date cannot be in the past
151Plant &1 does not exist
152Status %1 does not exist
153Routing &1 does not exist
154You must select serialized product for routings with flexible processing
155MBOM without effectivity for unitized material cannot be assigned
156MBOM for unitized material does not have effectivity
157An operation with number &1 already exists
158Configurable material &1 not allowed for multiple MBOM routings
159It is not possible to change component assignments of rework operation &1
160It is not possible to change logical components of rework operation &1
161It is not possible to change attributes of rework operation &1
162Material type &1 is not customized for shop floor routing type V
163BOM &1 is not a versioned material BOM
164Material &1 does not exist
165Non-serialized selected but matl &1 in plant &2 has serial number profile
166Serial number profile &1 not customized for usage 03/04 or procedure PPRL
167BOM usage &1 customized for engineering or not customized for production
168BOM usage not customized for versioned BOMs or execution relevance
169BOM &1 for material &2 in plant &3 does not match the filter criteria
170BOM &1 cannot be used for successive versions
171See long text (F1) for information on all MBOM selection criteria.
172Validity of the BOM item &1 exceeds the validity of the operation
173Only one MBOM assignment is allowed in configurable routings
174Interactive work instructions are not allowed in configurable routings
175This version profile only allows one MBOM to be assigned
176External processing data not complete. See long text.
177Work center not maintained for operation &1
178Configurable material &1 cannot be executed in SAP ME
179Material with parameter effectivity &1 cannot be executed in SAP ME
180PRT &1 of category miscellaneous cannot be set to registrable
182PRT & cannot be set to registrable as it has no serial number profile
183The routing is for serialized production but material &1 not
184Material &1 is for serialized production but the routing not
185Cannot delete non-editable object; see other messages for details
186No authorization to read version &1
187You cannot edit released routing version &1
188Same relationship was passed more then once to relationship write API
189BOM items w. negative qty not supported in routings with variant config.
190Operation with number &1 does not exist
191Routing key &1 is not complete
192Operation key &1 is not complete
193Please enter the correct default SAS for operation activities
194Please enter the correct default SAS for serialized production
195Enter correct default SAS for serialized prod. in a simultaneous group
196Bill of material could not be determined unambiguously
198No suitable MBOM version found for the specified criteria
199BOM version &1 is obsolete
200You can only select one version profile as the default rework profile
201You cannot set the upgrade BOM flag for the default rework profile
202You cannot set the single BOM flag for the default rework profile
203You cannot set the change record required flag for default rework profile
204You cannot set the flexible flag for the default rework profile
205Routing cannot be displayed: Run migration report MPE_RTG_UPG_HAS_FLAG
206Copy templates cannot be released
207You cannot assign materials to templates
208You cannot change logical components of templates
209You can only create one operation with this template type
210Only the successive version is allowed for rework templates
211Template &1 does not exist
212You must select serialized product for rework templates
213Cannot convert template &1
214Reference template &1 is obsolete. Either convert or upgrade the template
215Cannot retrieve PRT
216Cannot retrieve material assignment
217Cannot retrieve characteristic
218Cannot retrieve operation
219Cannot retrieve defect
220Cannot retrieve BOM assignment
221Cannot retrieve routing
222Cannot retrieve main sequence
223Operation &1 must come in the same order as in operation set template
224Only the successive version is allowed for routings for ERP integration
225Only single MBOM profile is allowed for routings for ERP integration
226Routings for ERP integration cannot be set to obsolete status
227Enter release check effectivity for ERP Integration routing
228Order-specific routings in the ERP integration scenario are not supported
229It is not allowed to change BOM alternative in ERP Integration scenario
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