CRD_CUST - Credentialing: Messages for Editing Customizing

The following messages are stored in message class CRD_CUST: Credentialing: Messages for Editing Customizing.
It is part of development package CRDPRV in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Credentialing: Private Objects (DDIC, etc.)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Transaction &1 is used internally
002No credentialing application found
003Version is inactive; you can only display
100**** General Messages for Reading Customizing ****
101No valid requirement type exists for the entry
102No text found in table &1 for key value &2 in application &3
103No search fields found for application &1 and credential type &2
104Error occurred while calling function module &1
105Unknown definition type &1
106Unknown assignment type &1
107Credential type &1 references a credential type
108Credential type &1 has no referencing credential type
109DDIC structure &2 for credential type &1 does not exist
110Invalid selection
111Cannot save changes (table &1)
112No effective access time-spot is specified
113Effective access end time-spot was requested but it is initial
114Technical access end time-spot requested but it is initial
115Interval is not covered for access to requirement type &1
116No correspondence variant was found for credential type &1 (applic. &2)
117Credential type &1 has no referencing credential type
118Cannot determine credential type for table &1
119Table &1: Name of corresponding maintenance dialog was not found
120First define the first parameter
121Structure &1 has no field &2
122Active usages of rule &1 exist
123No archive defined for credential type &1
200****Read Requirements from Customizing ****
201Requirement &1 is not in Customizing on effective time-spot &2
202Error during versioned reading of table &1
203No list entries found for requirements list/requirements combination &1
204Requirement type &1 is not based on a credential type
205List/combination &1 has no item &2
210Invalid versioning for object &1 in table &2
220Requirement type &1 was not found in Customizing
250****Read Requirements from Customizing -- Determination****
251Entry not found in table TCRD_P2D
300**** Read Credential Descriptions ****
301Cannot read definition of credential type &1
302Cannot read structure of credential type &1
303Cannot read credential description &1/&2
304Root requirement has no assigned credential type
305No assigned credential type found for requirement &1
306No credential types defined for application &1
307No credential descriptions are defined for credential type &1
308No implementation for descriptions of credential type &1
310Cannot read assignment algorithm &1 for requirement &2
311Cannot determine parameters for requirement &1
312Invalid call of method &1
313Cannot read credential descriptions
314Description &1/&2 is not defined for required period
320Customizing error: Requirement cannot be a combined requirement
321Description &1: Referenced description &2 is unknown
329Error while calling search help &1
330Generation of data structures for credential type &1 failed
331Reading of credential descriptions failed (table &2)
332No active version found for description &1/&2
333Description &1/&2 is not known at time-spot &3(tech. &4)
334Description &1/&2 cannot be serialized
335Selection: Credential type &1 has no attribute &2
336Selection: Value for attribute &1 has a false data type
337Selection: Relational operator &1 is not allowed
338Selection: &1 is not a valid sign for a selection
339Selection: Value for &1 is missing
400**** Read Basic Settings ****
401Cannot determine allowed partner type for application &1
402Cannot determine instance number of table &1
403Cannot determine read class for template &1
404Reading class &1 is not available
405Cannot use standard implementation for credential type &1
406Error while creating detailed information for requirement &1
407Error while changing detailed information for requirement &1
408Invalid requirement &1 while reading basic data
500**** Messages for Customizing of Simple Requirements Description ****
501It is not possible to define details for requirements description
502Requirement &1 references an invalid credential description
503Requirement &1 does not reference credential description
504Requirement &1: Credential description &2/&3 does not contain &4
505Data reference for check-relevant attribute &2 is not generated
506Check settings of simple requirement &1 are incorrect
507Cannot determine attributes of requirement &1
508Requirement &1 contains more than one entry for attribute &2
509Requirement &1 has no check value for attribute &2
510No type is defined for attribute &2 of requirement &1
511Type &3 of attribute &2 of requirement &1 is not elementary
512Descriptions of credential type &1 have no attribute &2
513Requirement and credential description have different data types for &1
514Simple requirement &1 is inconsistent (effective validity)
515Maintenance view for "Simple Requirements Description" contains errors
516Specify a credential type
517Effective validities of requirement &1 are not sufficient
518Requirement type &2 of requirement &1 does not allow simple requirements
519Enter an effective validity
520Requirement type &2 of requirement &1 does now allow comb.requirements
521Effective validities of requirement type &2 are not sufficient
550**** Messages for Customizing of Combined Requirements/Lists
551Specify rule for requirement assignments
552Combined requirement &1 is inconsistent (effective validity)
553Structure &1 (group of participants) is not defined
554Structure &1 (group of participants) has no attribute &2
555Value for parameter &1 is incorrect
556Error while changing detailed information for requirement &1
557Error while creating detailed information for requirement &1
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