CRD_PRX - Messages for Proxies

The following messages are stored in message class CRD_PRX: Messages for Proxies.
It is part of development package CRDEIF_XI_PROXY in software component ICM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRD: Proxies for XI Objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error in Credential Appointment Information outbound processing
001Error in Credential Appointment Notification outbound processing
002Error in Credential Notification outbound processing
003Error in Credential Confirmation outbound processing
004Error in Credential Information outbound processing
005Error in Credential Request inbound processing
006Error in Credential Check inbound processing
007Error in Credential Check outbound processing
008Business partner address in not unique
009Cannot find business partner address
010Cannot determine credentialing application
011Cannot convert time stamp &1 to date and time
013Error while assigning to a field symbol: &1
014Credential assignment ID &1 type &2 description &3 sent for &4
015Appointment cred. assignment ID &1 type &2 description &3 sent for &4
017Assigning of external credentials is not configured
018Credential assignment does not map an appointment
019Credential assignment does not map a credential
020Error while determining credentialing application
030Incorrect/invalid value &1 in/for parameter &2
031Parameter &1 supplied with initial value only
032Parameter &1 has an incorrect type: &2
033Incorrect/invalid value &1 in/for parameter &2 component &3
034Parameter &1 (type &2) has no component &3
035Component &2 of parameter &1 has an incorrect type: &3
036Parameters only have initial values: &1
037Paremeters must be filled only with either/or: &1
040Error while executing proxy
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