CRMS4_IU_CM_PROCESS - UI Process Messages

The following messages are stored in message class CRMS4_IU_CM_PROCESS: UI Process Messages.
It is part of development package CRMS4_IU_CM_PROCESS_FRAMEWORK in software component CRM-S4-IU. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "S4CRM-IS Utilities: Sales Contract Processes".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Assertion failed &1.
002Internal error &1.
005&1: Process step for ID "&2" not found.
006&1: Process step for key "&2" not found.
007Process "&1"
008Step "&1"
009Requirement "&1"
010&1: Requirement definition contains errors.
011&1: Step definition contains errors.
012&1: No active step found.
013&1: Entry for mandatory field "&2" missing.
014&1: Save not possible.
015&1: An error occurred while saving.
016Process "&1" not assigned to business role "&2".
017Please choose a point of delivery.
018Please choose a contract account.
019Please choose a product.
020No installation found for point of delivery &1 in premise &2.
021More then 1 installation assigned to point of delivery &1 in premise &2.
022Choose 'Force move-out' if the point of delivery is occupied.
023Forced move-out was performed successfully.
024Move-out document &1 created.
025Move-out was performed successfully.
026Move-out date must not be earlier than the move-in date.
027No contract item found for contract &1.
028Forced move-out could not be performed.
029Move-out could not be performed.
030Please choose a premise.
031You are operating on the same premise from which the move-out is made.
032Process "&1" is not possible for contract items with state: &2.
033&1 is not possible for this contract item.
034Process "&1" cannot be started without a confirmed business partner.
035Process "&1" cannot be started without a confirmed premise.
036Process "&1" is not possible. Contract item has already ended.
037Forced move-out not possible. A move-in already exists on that date.
038Point of delivery already occupied in the future.
039No period items for sales contract item &1 found.
040New move-in date must not be earlier than move-in date of old contract.
041Copying the configuration failed.
042Sales contract &1 for business partner is locked.
043Move-in could not be performed.
044Move-in document &1 created.
045Move-in was performed successfully.
046Product change date must not be the same as or earlier than move-in date.
047Forced move-out not possible. A move-out date already exists.
048Please choose a point of delivery with a valid installation.
049Point of delivery &1 in premise &2 not found.
050No product found for division &1.
051Product division not the same as point of delivery division &1.
052Step &1 is complete
053Error: &1&2&3&4
054Warning: &1&2&3&4
055&1 can only be performed for contract items with the status 'Released'.
056The selected point of delivery is not valid on the selected date.
057Process "&1" is not possible. End date &2 later than retention date &3.
058Completion for contract item could not be performed. Complete item '&1'.
059Unable to save utilities sales contract &1.
060No valid start and end date for utilities sales contract item &1.
061Too many contracts found for installation &1 from &2 to &3.
062Too many sales contract items for contract &1 from &2 to &3.
063Execution of process &1 failed.
064Product integration failed (&1).
065&1: Specification for parameter "&2" is missing.
066&1: &2 for key "&3" not found.
067&1: No &2 could be determined.
068&1: Move-out for the underlying utilities contract &2 is already done.
069Starting PF process "&1" (&2).
070Ending PF process "&1" with status "&2".
071Suspending PF process "&1" in step "&2" with status "&3".
072Resuming PF process "&1".
073Execute step "&1".
074Step "&1" failed!
075Step "&1" is not implemented or missing friend IF_CRMS4_IU_CM_PF_PROCESS!
076Process "&1" is not possible for contract with state: &2.
077Process "&1" is not possible for contract item with state: &2.
078Process "&1" is not possible for contract period with state: &2.
079Step "&1" will be undone.
080Step "&1" could not be undone.
081&1 was executed successfully.
082&1 failed.
083&1: Contract item &2 is not the last. Last contract item is &3.
084&1: Data of contract item &2 and utilities contract &3 are different.
085&1: Inconsistency between util. sales contract &2 and IS-UT contract &3.
086&1: Contract item &2 has already ended.
087&1: Business partner &2 is blocked.
088&1: Confirmed business partner is missing.
089&1: Confirmed premise is missing.
090&1: Sales contract &2 is locked.
091Installation &1 is occupied and the forced move out flag is not set.
092Move-in document &1 was reversed.
093Move-out document &1 was reversed.
094No existing move-in document found for contract '&1'.
095No existing move-out document found for contract '&1'.
096&1: Sales contract item is missing.
097&1: &2 is missing.
098Setting up follow up process &1.
099Exit undo steps from step &1.
100Follow up�process &1 will be skipped because process was aborted.
101Undoing the forced move-out performed by the new contract process.
102The chosen date &3 is not in validity range from &1 to &2 for product &4.
103&1: Move-in document &2 was already reversed.
104&1: Originating process cannot be determined for the contract item &2.
105&1: Originating process for contract item &2 has wrong process type &3.
106&1: Contract item &2 has not been ended yet.
107&1: Move-out document &2 was already reversed.
108&1 will be continued in the background.
109&1 was aborted successfully.
110Abort of &1 failed.
111Move-in date must not be later than the move-out date.
112&1: No suspended process available for this item.
113&1 is not possible. Start date is too close to the end date.
114&1 is not executable. The product for this contract was not changed.
115&1 is not executable. Execute this action for contract item with ID &2.
116&1: New move-out date &2 must not be earlier than the move-in date &3.
117&1: New move-out date &2 must be earlier than &3.
118&1: New move-in date &2 must be before the move-out date &3.
119&1 cannot be executed because you do not have sufficient authorization.
120The point of delivery is already occupied for the selected date.
121Move-out date must not be earlier than start date of the contract item.
122&1: A move-in in the future for contract item &2 at &3 already exists.
123&1 already executed on item &2.
124Insufficient authorization to change the contract &1.
125Product configuration contains an error in period item &1.
126Sales contracts exist. Items in processing for contract &1 from &2 to &3.
127Occupied contract item &1 starts on the same day &2.
128Sales contract item &1 is currently being processed.
129Integration process is currently not possible and will be canceled.
130Integration process canceled due to an error.
131Multiple sales contract items found.
132Sales contract item &1 found.
133No product in division &4 found for sales contract integration.
134Start time: &1
135End time: &1
136Run time: &1 / &2 seconds / &3 microseconds
137Application log was saved under object / sub-object "&1".
138Error occurred obtaining the lowest contract key.
139Contract management integration is not active.
140Contract management integration is not active for division &1.
141Integration process for contract &1 canceled due to an error.
142Integration process for contract &1 successfully completed.
143Product change date must not be the same as or later than move-out date.
144There are still ongoing processes for this point of delivery.
145&1 failed at step &2 in BAdI, see error log.
146&1 damage control could not be set up.
147&1 failed to undo step &2 in BAdI, see error log.
148Point of delivery &1 is not valid on request date &2.
149Ongoing processes still exist for point of delivery &1.
150Occupancy state determination for point of delivery &1 failed.
151Point of delivery &1 already occupied on a future date &2.
152Point of delivery &1 already occupied on &2.
153Forced move-out not possible. A move-in already exists on &1.
154Forced move-out not possible. A move-out already exists on &1.
155Contract item is being migrated and will be available again soon.
156No rate category set for product &1, no product integration is called.
157Please select contract items to perform &1.
158Contract item &1
159&1 at &2 was executed successfully.
160&1 at &2 failed.
161&1 at &2 will be continued in background.
162Unable to start process &1.
163Executed successfully for &1 of &2 entries.
164Will be continued in the background for &1 of &2 entries.
165Failed for &1 of &2 entries.
166No startable process available or selected. Please adjust the selection.
167Process &1 is not multiple process-capable.
168For process &1 no steps are defined. Incorrect process configuration.
169Process could not be ended. Process status inconsistent.
170Process could not be canceled. Process status inconsistent.
171Product &3 in sales contract item &2 has no rate category set.
172All contract items must have the same division.
173&1 failed. No damage control could not be set up.
174It has already been billed up to date &3.
175&1: Restorable contract item for contract item &2 not found.
176&1: Remaining contract item for contract item &2 not found.
177&1 at &2 was aborted successfully.
178Sequenced process &1 is starting.
180No valid &2 found with divison &4.
181&1 valid &2 found with divison &4.
182&1 valid &2 found with divison &4.
183More than &1 valid &2 found with divison &4.
184Move-in date has been adjusted due to changed move-out date.
185Move-in date has not been adjusted to changed move-out date.
186Purchase date cannot be in the future.
187New purchase date must not be earlier than purchase date of old contract.
188Move-in date has been changed successfully to &1.
189Move-out date has been changed successfully to &1.
190Move-in date could not be changed.
191Move-out date could not be changed.
192Error ocurred while trying to start the Advanced Variant Configuration.
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