CRMS4_PS_NET - Net Calculation

The following messages are stored in message class CRMS4_PS_NET: Net Calculation.
It is part of development package CRMS4_PS_NET in software component CRM-S4-IPS-SEP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Social Services Net Calculation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*********************** Messages for Net Calculation ********************
001Net calculation document has too many items (pmnt. frequency period &3)
002Could not determine a valid due date rule
004Net calculation units can not be determined
005Invalid data format for gross payment item &2 (VersionID &1)
006No payment frequency type is assigned to payment family &1
007Due date rule type &2 for net calculation is not valid
008Net calculation unit period &3 can not be limited
009Obligatory parameter &1 is missing or initial (class &2, method &3)
010Process deduction type &2, priority &3 not possible; remaining amount 0
011Overflow calculating tax base amount (GPD VersionID &1, ItemId &2)
012Tax category &3 is not supported (GPD VersionID &1, ItemID &2)
013Frequency type &2 does not exist
014Overflow calculating tax amount (GPD VersionID &1, ItemId &2)
015Contract account category &2 (appl. area Public Sector) does not exist
016Tax category is missing for GPD VersionID &1, ItemId &2
017Deduction plan item process category &1 does not exist
018Deduction type &1 does not exist
019Payment family &1 does not exist
020No BAdI implementation exists for deduction type &1
021Deduction class &1 of deduction type &2 is not supported
022Net calculation of NCU &2 failed for payment frq. period &3
023Net calculation of NCU &2 failed for at least one payment frq. period
024Net calculation process failed
025Net calculation of NCU &3 failed (error in period tool)
026Net calculation of NCU &2 failed (payment family &3 does not exist)
027Payment frequency &2 has no payment frq. periods for NCU period &3
028Net calculation is only supported for finite time intervals
029Deduction type &1 does not exist
030Processing deduction type &1 not possible for customer-specific reason
031The successor NCD for NCD &1 is not unique (internal error)
032Could not determine gross payment items for NCU &2, pmnt. frq. period &3
034Deduction &2 of deduction type &3, priority &4 applied only partially
035Deduction limited; to be deducted &1, available &2, remaining &3
036Deduction &2 of deduction type &3, priority &4 is not possible
037Deduction not possible; to be deducted &1, available &2
038Net calculation failed for deduction type &1 (pmnt. frequency period &4)
039Deduction type &2, priority &3 must be either perc. or amnt, not both
040Overflow calculating deduction amount, deduction type &2, priority &3
041NCD document update failed for at least one NCU; net calculation failed
042Net calculation not required; no relevant GPD items for processing
043Obligatory attributes not filled for item rule-based deduction type &1
044Data set for deduction type &1, &2 neither a percentage nor fixed amount
045Internal error calling function module &1; net calculation cancelled
046Unkown error calling function module &1; net calculation canceled
047Deduction type &3 of deduction item is different from deduction type &1
048List of entitlement periods for &3 is empty (entit. frq. type &4)
049Invalid data format; customer BAdI rule-based deductions
050Payment frequency type &2 of payment family &1 and &3 of NCU different
051Currency &3 does not exist
052Content &3 of attribute "partial deduction" must be a true or false
053Net calculation processing executed successfully for NCU &2
054Error accessing attributes of structure &1 from DDIC
055End date of net calculation missing in GPD item &2 (internal error)
056Invalid parameter values for net calculation processing
057Parameter &1 is initial (class &2, method &3)
058Net calculation date from &1 is greater than net calculation date to &2
059Due date rule type &1 does not exist
060Payment family &1 does not exist
061Due date rule type &1 is not supported for payment frequency type &2
062No payment frequency type assigned to payment family &1
063Payment frequency type &1 does not exist
064Frequency type &1 not allowed as payment frequency type
065Begin date of net calculation unit period must be &1 instead of &2
066End date of net calculation unit period must be &1 instead of &2
067Error updating the due date for next net calculation for at least one NCU
068Error while checking NCU criteria for NCU &2
069Gross payment document &1 (VersionID) could not be accessed
070Due date rule type &2 for Reference Date is not valid
071Net calculation document &1 (ObjectID) has been created
072Net calculation document &1 (objectID) has been updated
073Due date could not be determined for due date rule type &1 (&2)
074Deletion of NCD buffer for NCU &2 failed (internal error)
075Error checking item category (CRM) &3 for deduction type &1, priority &2
076No deduction item process class is assigned to item category (CRM) &3
077Deduction item process class &3 does not support a deduct-to party
078Deduction plan item process class &3 is not supported
079Error while checking deduct-to party (business partner) with GUID &3
080Deduction item process class &3 requires a deduct-to party
081Item category is missing for deduction type &1, priority &2
082NCD &1 has an invalid data format according to status &2
083NCD &1 has an invalid data format according to status &2
084NCD &1 has an invalid data format according to status &2
085Internal error in net calculation; method &2, class &1
086Gross payment document &1 (version ID) has not yet been net calculated
087Internal error accessing the newly created net calculation documents
088NCD header not created (internal error)
089NCD item not created (internal error)
090NCD items for gross payments not created
091GPD items not determined (internal error)
092NCD headers not determined (internal error)
093Central buffer content not saved (including NCDs, internal error)
094Deduction amount must not be positive; deduction type &2, priority &3
095Deduction percentage must not be positive; deduction type &2, priority &3
096Percentage not allowed for gross payment items
097Gross payment amount must conform to entitl./reduction process category
098Entitlement frequency type missing for GPD item &2
099Entitlement frequency type &3 invalid for GPD item &2
100Entitlement frequency type &3 not active (GPD item &2)
101SXP type &3 does not have a frequency mapping type assigned (GPD item &2)
102SXP type is missing for GPD item &2
103SXP type &3 has no frequency mapping type (GPD item &2)
104Entitlement period begin date not determined (GDP item &2)
105Entitlement period end date not determined (GDP item &2)
106List of entitlement periods for &3 not created (entit. frq. type &4)
107Period mapping from entitlem. frq. type &3 to payment frq. type &4 failed
108Entitlement period &3 to payment period &4 not mapped
109Overflow during adjustment of gross amount (GDP item &2)
110Gross payment amount NCU &2, payment period &3 not determined
111Payment frequency type &1 invalid
112Payment frequency type &1 not active
113No gross amount determined mapping entitlement periods (GDP item &2)
114Buffer controller instances must be identical
115Net calculation can not be executed for periods greater that &4
116Period &1 limited to &2, net calculation not possible for greater periods
117Net calculation for NCU &2 until infinity (&3) is not supported
118NCD document update failed for NCU &2 and NCU period &3
119NCD &1 has an invalid or unexpected status &2
120Too many NCDs are active for the same payment period &1
121Error updating the gross payment document items for NCD &2
122Gross payment document &1 (VersionID) does not have any items
123Could not determine end date of prior entitlement period of period &3
124Internal error; net calculation units not determined
125Net calculation document &3 created
126Net calculation document &1 updated
127Gross payment item &2 updated
128Currency rule-based deduc. &1, priority &2 different from stand. curr. &3
129Begin date of next payment frq. period from date &4 not determined
130Net calculation is only supported for a restricted period in the future
131Due date for net calculation limitation &1 must not be lower as period &2
132Internal error calling function module &1; processing cancelled
133Due date rule for net calc limitation missing for payment family &1
134Due date rule net calc follow on execution missing for payment family &1
135Business Parter GUID &1 refers to BP number &2 and not &3
136Due date &1 for next net calc. is later than due date &2 for limitation
137Processing mode &1 net calculation is invalid (internal error)
138Gross payment document &1 has invalid appl. and/or tech. status
139Net calculation is not executed due to GPD items with invalid data format
140Item &2 of GPD &1 has invalid appl. and/or tech. status
141Item &2 of GPD &1 has already been net calculated (second execution)
142Internal error checking date restrictions net calculation limitation
143Mapping type &3 for SXP type &4 does not exist
144Entitlement frequency type for mapping type &3 (SXP type &4) is missing
145Payment frequency type for mapping type &3 (SXP type &4) is missing
146Mapping type &3 has a different entitlem. frq. type as the GPD item (&4)
147Mapping type &3 has a different payment frq. type as the GPD item (&4)
148Could not enqueue payment recipient &1 for processing of NCU &3
149Could not determine begin date of prior entitlement period of period &3
150Net calculation processing failed for all involved NCU's
151Error accessing the NCD buffer by net recalculation
152Could not determine begin date of follow-up entitlem. period of period &3
153Could not determine end date of follow-up entitlement period of period &3
154Mapped entitlement periods of period &3 have to built one time slice
155Could not determine mapping data for entitlement period &3
156Could not determine end date of prior payment frequency of period &3
157Could not determine begin date of followup payment frequency of period &3
158Could not determine gross amnt (mapping error entit. &3 to pmnt frq. &4)
159Internal error accessing mapping data entitlement to payment frequency
160Due date rule type &2 for net calc limitation is not valid
161Due date rule type &2 for net calc execution is not valid
162Net calculation processing failed due to an int. error in buffer layer
163Internal error clearing the memory of the central buffer layer
164Internal error clearing the memory of the central buffer layer
165Cannot determine the predecessor NCD for NCU &2, payment period &3
166A new NCD is not required for NCU &1 &2, payment period &3 &4
167Parameter &1 is not allowed for processing mode &4 (class &2, method &3)
168Buffer failure; NCD &1 requested, NCD &2 received (class &3, method &4)
169Buffer failure; NCD &1 requested, no NCD received (class &2, method &3)
170Buffer failure; NCD &1 requested, no NCD items returned (&2, &3)
171NCD &1 not found in local buffer table CT_NCD (internal error)
172NCD &1 not found in local buffer table CT_NCD_OLD (internal error)
173Net calculation processing failed due to internal error in buffer layer
174Authorization check for payment family &1 for processing of NCU &3 failed
175Authorization check for payment family &1 for processing of NCU &3 failed
176Net recalculation for payment recipient &1 has failed; invalid input data
177No NCDs available for payment recipient &1 for net recalculation
178No authorization to create NCD for payment family &1
179Predecessor NCD missing for NCU &2, payment period &3
180Gross payment item process category &4 is not supported
181Regular gross payment items do not allow a due date (wrong data format)
182Gross payment item process category &4 is not supported
183More than one payment period assigned to extraordinary NCU &2
184Extraordinary NCU &2 cannot be processed; regular NCU has errors
185Extraordinary NCU &2 is not being processed
186Invalid data format for net calculation document &1 (ObjectID)
187No due date assigned to net calculation document &1 (ObjectID)
188Net calculation not executed; NCD has invalid data format
189Net calculation of NCU &2 failed for payment period &3
190Regular gross payment items do not allow a due date (wrong data format)
191'Gross payment item process category' required
192'Due date' required for gross payment item (wrong data format)
193'Due date' required for gross payment item (wrong data format)
194'Gross payment item process category' required
195GPD item &4 not found in local buffer table CT_GPDITEM_ALL (int. error)
196Data inconsistency while accessing the GPD items for processing
197Execution date for net calculation can not be determined for period &3
198Next due date for net calculation ex. &1 must not be lower than period &2
199Error occurred in BAdI CRMS4_PS_NET_EXT; method &1
200Item &2 of GPD &1 has already been net calculated
201Two pred. NCDs &1 / &2 are active for the same payment period &3
300*** Messages used for Mass Activity ****
301>>> CRMS4_PS_NET_MA_SAMPLE_P931 started at &1 / &2, Sequence Nb = &3
302<<< CRMS4_PS_NET_MA_SAMPLE_P931 finished at &1 / &2, Sequence Nb = &3
303> Intervall: From = &1, To = &2, Object = &3
305> Ranges (selection criteria) - Business partner: Low = &1, High = &2
306> Add.Data - Determination Due Date: frq unit = &1, frq factor = &2
307> Add.Data - Payment family: Sign = &1, Option = &2, Low = &3, High = &4
308> Status: Simulation run = &1
309>> Resulting business partner after merging interval with range/selection
310>> Interval does not overlap with ranges. There is nothing to do.
311>> Business partner to be considered: from &1 to &2
312>> merging did not provide any result
316&1 NCU found; &2 successfully processed; &4 not relevant
320Execution with partition size &1 (&2)
321Customizing entry &1 not a valid value for partition size
322Execution with latest due date &4 (start=&1, unit=&2, factor=&3)
333Unexpected error in &1 after call of &2
334Rollback work executed in &1
338Exception from net calculation (partition &1, NCU &2, &3 GPD items)
339&4 messages from net calculation (partition &1, NCU &2, &3 GPD items)
340GPD data received from database (&1 items)
341GPD item: itemID &1, BP &2, payment family/DDR &3, due date NC &4
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