CRMS4_SOM_CONTR_LC - Message for Subscription Contract Lifecycle

The following messages are stored in message class CRMS4_SOM_CONTR_LC: Message for Subscription Contract Lifecycle.
It is part of development package CRMS4_SOM_CONTR_LC_MODEL in software component CRM-S4-SOM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "SOM: Model for Subscription Contract Lifecycle".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Allowance is created successfully
002An error has occurred: &1
003Database table &1 does not exist
004Subscription contract item &1 &2 does not exist
005You are not authorized to create an allowance
006You are not authorized to read CC allowance data (Entity: &1)
007Reference currency not found for contract item &1 &2
008Activation date is not allowed
009Activation date not within contract validity
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