CRMS4_SRV_API - Error Message for Service Order API

The following messages are stored in message class CRMS4_SRV_API: Error Message for Service Order API.
It is part of development package CRMS4_SERVICE_SE in software component CRM-S4-SRV-SVO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Service implementation for service objects".
Message Nr
Message Text
001SAP service order ID does not exist.
002Specify a service order type.
003Multiple service order status is not allowed.
004Specify a sales organization.
005Specify a distribution channel.
006Specify a division.
007Specify a sold-to party.
008Multiple service reference equipment is not supported.
009Material cannot be blank in item &1.
010Quantity cannot be blank in item &1.
011Price component is not allowed in item &1 for non-expense items.
012Multiple pricing conditions is not supported in item &1.
013Multiple service reference equipment is not supported in item &1.
014Multiple service order status is not allowed in item &1.
015Specify the rejection reason code.
016Sales area &1 &2 &3 does not exist.
017Rejection reason code &1 does not exist.
018Sold-to party &1 does not exist.
019Specify a reference service order.
020Specify a reference service order item.
021Specify a service confirmation type.
022Specify the executing service employee.
023Specify an action code for the service order.
024Sales organization &1 does not exist.
025Executing service employee &1 does not exist.
026Quantity in item &1 can have a maximum of three decimal places.
027Rejection indicator cannot be blank.
028Specify the rejection reason code in item &1.
029Specify the rejection indicator in item &1.
030Rejection reason code &1 does not exist in item &2.
031Rejection Indicator is not allowed in create mode.
032Complete indicator is not allowed in create mode.
033Item number &1 is incorrect.
034Cannot update item. The service order has no items.
035Text type &1 does not exist.
036Text type &1 does not exist in item &2.
037Cannot use reference service order &1�to create service confirmation.
038Specify a language code for text type &1.
039Process type &1 does not exist.
040Reference service order &1 does not exist.
041Cannot use ref service order item &1 to create service confirmation item.
042Attribute &1 exceeds the maximum length of 10 and cannot be processed.
043Field &1 is not contained in API structure &2.
044Interface node does not contain a text node.
045An error occurs in converting text to SAPScript.
046SAP service order ID is not allowed in create mode.
047Failed to get the header GUID.
048Incorrect action code &1. Please check again.
049Specify an action code.
050Specify a language code for text type &1 in item &2.
051Multiple service confirmation status is not allowed.
052Specify an action code for the service confirmation.
053SAP service confirmation ID does not exist.
054Material &1 does not exist or is not activated.
055Failed to get the item GUID.
056Quantity does not exist in item &1.
057Multiple persons responsible is not supported.
058Quantity in pricing must be an integer greater than 0.
059Specify the quantity or unit.
060Unit of measure &1 is not created for material &2.
061Entries of condition type &1 do not exist.
062Condition type, rate, and currency are required.
063Condition type &1 in item &2 is not allowed.
064Item number &1 in service order &2 does not exist.
065Release status for reference service order &1 is not active.
066Transaction is confirmed as completed and cannot be changed.
067Specify a cancellation party.
068Specify a cancellation date and time.
069Product &1 doesn't exist or is not activated.
070Item &1: Specify either a product or equipment for object list.
071Remove the cancellation indicator before you create a service contract.
072Can't process overtime category in item &1.
073Service order &1 does not have follow-up service confirmation.
074Service order start date is not within the service contract timeframe.
075Service contract &1 item &2 is not released.
076Service contract &1 doesn't exist.
077Sales area is inconsistent between service order and service contract.
078Sold-to party is inconsistent between service order and service contract.
079Reference service contract &1 already exists.
080Specify a document last timestamp for document &1.
081Specify a cancellation reason.
082Specify a reference service confirmation.
083Can't use ext. service conf. ID &1 to create another service conf..
084Item &1: Specify a reference service contract or service quotation.
085Reference service confirmation &1 doesn't exist.
086Specify a reference service contract or a reference service quotation.
087Remove either the reference service contract or the service quotation.
088Item &1: Reference service contract must be consistent with header.
089Item &1: Reference service quotation must be consistent with header.
090Document &1 last timestamp in the system is newer. Request aborted.
091Item &1: Remove the reference service contract or service quotation.
092SAP service contract ID doesn't exist.
093Reference service contract &1 doesn't exist.
094Reference service quotation &1 doesn't exist.
095Item &1: Specify a product.
096External service confirmation item ID &1 is in use for an item.
097Specify an action code for the service contract.
098Item &1: Action code is invalid. Please try again.
099Item &1: Action code for text is invalid. Please try again.
100Action code for header text is invalid. Please try again.
101Action code for price component is invalid. Please try again.
102Only one service contract status can be specified. Remove others.
103Item &1: You can only specify one service contract status. Remove others.
104You must specify an external serv. conf. ID and an external timestamp.
105Item &1: Service contract item status is incorrect.
106Specify a service contract type.
107Item &1: Specify a cancellation reason.
108Item &1: Specify a cancellation indicator.
109You can assign only one reference functional location.
110You can assign only one reference functional location to item &1.
111Specify either an equipment, product or functional location.
112You can't create canceled service confirmations.
113You can only cancel completed service confirmations.
114Service confirmation has been canceled.
115You cannot cancel service confirmations that have been invoiced.
116Service confirmation has no items and cannot be canceled.
117Item &1: Delete either the product or the equipment from the object list.
118Service contract &1, item &2 doesn't exist.
119Reference service quotation &1 already exists.
120Remove the SAP service contract ID in the Create operation.
121Item &1: Check the billing date rule of billing plan.
122Item &1: Check the settlement period rule.
123Item &1: You can't specify different types of reference objects.
124Item &1: Specify either an equipment, product or functional location.
125Repeated calls with same reference service contract or quotation.
126Specify a service contract item for the change operation.
127Service contract &1 doesn't match the reference contract or quotation.
128Item &1 is released or completed. Service contract cannot be modified.
129Item &1: Specify the condition currency.
130Item &1: Specify the condition type.
131Item &1: Specify the condition rate.
132Check and specify indicator, party, reason, and date for cancellation.
133You must specify an external service confirmation item.
134Service team &1 doesn't exist.
135Item &1: Service team &2 does not exist.
136Cancellation party &1, reason &2 is invalid.
137Specify a service product of the correct item category group.
138Item &1: Specify a condition quantity.
139Service confirmation &1 doesn't exist.
140You must specify a service confirmation item.
141Service confirmation item &1 does not exist.
142Remove indicator, party, reason, and date for cancellation.
143The timestamp in the ext. doc. is older than the last changed timestamp.
144Entries of text type &1, language &2 do not exist.
145You must specify an external timestamp.
146Item &1: Provide the unit code for the condition quantity.
147Service order &1 and reference service order &2 are inconsistent.
148Cannot create follow-up transactions from &1 to &2.
149Completed indicator in item &1 not allowed
150Reject indicator in item &1 is not allowed.
151Specify a service confirmation.
152Service confirmation &1 and reference service order &2 are inconsistent.
153Action code for the service contract is invalid. Please try again.
154Service contract type &1 does not exist.
155Item &1: Specify the quantity's unit code.
156Reference service order item &1 is in use for an item.
157You can only use numbers for parent service confirmation item &1.
158Reference service order item &1 doesn't exist.
159Sold-to party is not changeable. Remove the node for Update operation.
160Service contract &1 is being processed by user &2. Try again later.
161Multiple items found. Please specify the contract item instead.
162Item &1: Check indicator, party, reason, and date for cancellation.
163Item &1: Service contract item already exists.
164Cannot use reference service order &1 to create another service order.
165Cancellation party &1 doesn't exist.
166Cancellation reason &1 doesn't exist.
167Item &1: Specify an action code.
168Item &1: Specify a cancellation party.
169Item &1: Specify a cancellation reason.
170Item &1: Specify a cancellation date.
171Condition type &1 in item &2 does not exist.
172Item &1: Item category &2 does not exist.
173Remove organization, channel and division for Update operation.
174Remove the completed indicator before you create a service contract.
175Item &1: Cancellation party &2, reason &3 is invalid.
176You entered duplicate contract item. Please check and try again.
177You entered duplicate reference service contract.
178You entered duplicate reference service quotation.
179Cannot update any start or end date when you cancel a service contract.
180Item &1: Cannot update start or end date when you cancel an item.
181Specify a cancellation date within the start and end dates.
182Item &1: Specify a cancellation date within the start and end dates.
183Service contract item &1 has been invoiced. Quantity cannot be changed.
184Service contract item &1 has been invoiced. Unit cannot be changed.
185Item &1: Specify the main item of the service bundle.
186Service confirmation &1: Can't lock reference service order &2.
187Service confirmation &1: Reference service order &2 doesn't exist.
188Unable to lock target system. Your request was aborted.
189You can�t use one ext. service conf. for multiple operations.
190You can�t use one reference service order for multiple operations.
191Specify a reference service order.
192Use a ref. service order item for only one operation in a service order.
193You are using a ref. serv. ord. item for multiple items in a serv. ord..
194Parent ref. serv. order item &2 and ref. serv. order item &1 must differ.
195The field ServiceConfirmationIsRejected isn't supported.
196The field ServiceConfRejectionReason isn't supported.
197Not all items could be created. Check the log for details.
198Unable to create service confirmation. Check log for warnings for items.
199Specify a person responsible in the PersonResponsible field.
200This API doesn't support maintenance-centric service orders.
202Use ANN, MON, WEE, or DAY for renewal duration unit.
203Specify a renewal duration and its unit.
204Use ANN, MON, WEE, or DAY for extension duration unit.
205Specify an extension duration and its unit.
206Item &1: Billing block reason &2 does not exist.
207Material &1 does not have enough service parts available in &2 &3.
208&2 service parts (material &1) available in storage location &4, plant &3
209Assign a storage location to the service employee &1.
210Assign a storage location and plant to the service employee &1.
211Assign a storage location to the service employee &1.
212Assign a storage location and a plant to the service employee &1.
213Assign a plant to service employee &1.
214Item &1: For price adaptation, omit PriceComponent node from payload.
215Item &1: Unless needed for price adaptation, omit pricing date rule field
216Item &1: Can't change the item category of a released or completed item.
217Item &1: Use a valid pricing date rule.
218Item &1: Use a valid item category.
219Item &1 has been invoiced. Item category cannot be changed.
220Item &1: Can�t change the item category because price adaptation is set.
221Item &1: Omit auto renewal fields for a price adaptation item.
222Use a valid payment term.
223Item &1: Complete all the fields for auto renewal or remove them.
224Contract &1 has already been invoiced, so currency cannot be changed.
225Item &1: Can�t change the item category because auto renewal is enabled.
226Object &1 is being processed by user &2.
227Item &1: You can't use item category &2 for transaction type &3.
228Item &1: Enter a positive value for the item quantity.
229Enter a positive value for the quantity of ref. service order item &1.
230The ServiceConfirmationIsFinal field isn't supported in SAP S/4HANA.
231RespyMgmtServiceTeam not supported as enterprise org. model is disabled.
232Item &1: RespyMgmtServiceTeam not supported; entprs. org. model disabled.
233Item &1: The OvertimeCategory field isn't supported in SAP S/4HANA.
234Item &1: The ProfitCenter field isn't supported in SAP S/4HANA.
235Item &1: The SrvcContrDetnIsSpprsd field isn't supported in SAP S/4HANA.
236The ServiceOrganization field isn't supported in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
237The sales area data isn't valid.
238&1 &2 doesn't exist in specified item. Check your payload and try again.
239Can't update field VATRegistrationCountry as contract &1 is invoiced.
240Service contract cannot be proceeded due to a lock
241Can�t create or update service contract due to invalid date rule &1.
242Your cancellation date includes items already invoiced. Please correct.
243Your cancellation date includes BRLs already invoiced. Please correct.
244Service confirmation item &1 and external conf. item &2 are inconsistent.
245External service confirmation item &1 doesn't exist.
246Service confirmation &1 and external service conf. &2 are inconsistent.
247Use an ext. service conf. item for only one operation in a service conf..
250The SalesAreaInService node isn't supported in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
251OrgUnit isn�t supported as enterprise organization model is disabled.
252Item category &1 isnt't supported.
253Transaction type &1 isn't a service contract.
254Item &1: You are not allowed to enter profit center in SAP S/4HANA.
255Item &1: No billing request line found by billing date &2.
256Item &1:�You cannot update a billing request line billed for date &2.
257Item &1:�You cannot delete a billing request line billed for date &2.
258Item &1: Price adaptation entry is not for the entered contract item.
259Item &1: Ensure the entered price adaptation entry data is complete.
260Item &1: Enter a settlement period within contract item validity period.
261Item &1: Settlement end date must be later than settlement start date.
262Item &1: Enter either price component or price adaptation entry.
263Item &1: Enter a manual price condition type.
264Item &1: Positive value is not allowed for condition type &2.
265Item &1: Negative value is not allowed for condition type &2.
266Item &1: Zero value is not allowed for condition type &2.
267Item &1: Auto renewal is not allowed for adhoc billing items.
268Item &1: Billing request line is only applicable to adhoc billing items.
269Item &1: Enter billing date in billing request lines.
270Item &1: Billing request line of billing date &2 exists in the system.
271Item &1: Enter settlement start and end dates or leave both fields empty.
272Item &1: Settlement end date should be later than settlement start date.
273Item &1: Settlement start date should be later than contract start date.
274Item &1: Settlement end date should be earlier than contract end date.
275Item &1: Do not enter repeating billing date &2 in billing request lines.
276Item &1: You can not change item category for a released/completed item.
277Provide a valid service order template ID.
278Item &1: Item &2 doesn't exist in service order template &3.
279You can't use service order template &1 as its status isn't 'Released'.
280Item &1: Enter a valid block reason code for billing date &2.
281Item &1: Condition type &2 is not in the pricing procedure.
282Reference object &1 doesn't exist.
283Item &2: Reference object &1 doesn't exist.
284Item &1: Price not adapted due to invalid settlement start date &2.
285Item &1: Price not adapted due to invalid settlement end date &2.
286Item &1: ServiceTransactionChargeType not supported in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
287Item &1: SrvcTransactionValuationType not supported in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
300Item &1: Billing request lines are not allowed for item category &2.
301Item &1: Duplicated settlement start or end dates &2. Please correct.
302Item &1: Add missing dates: complete settlement start and end date pairs.
303Item &1: Enter only services rendered, settlement start and end dates.
304Item &1: Can't delete billing request lines for price adaptation items.
305Item &1: No billing request line found matching settlement dates &2, &3.
306Item &1: Can't update billing request line with date &2 as it's invoiced.
307Item &1: Use field BillingPlanIsFinalized only for ad-hoc billing item.
308Item &1: Can't update billing request line as billing plan is finalized.
309EnterpriseServiceOrganization not supported; entprs. org. model disabled.
310EnterpriseServiceOrganization field isn�t supported in SAP S/4HANA Cloud.
311RespyMgmtGlobalTeamID not supported as enterprise org. model is disabled.
312Item &1:RespyMgmtGlobalTeamID not supported; entprs. org. model disabled.
313SalesAreaInService isn�t supported as enterprise org. model is enabled.
314ServiceOrganization isn't supported as enterprise org. model is enabled.
315Item &1: Can't use ad-hoc billing as auto renewal is enabled for product.
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