CRM_1O_SCI_RT - messages from iterface OneOrder <-> Solution Configurator

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_1O_SCI_RT: messages from iterface OneOrder <-> Solution Configurator.
It is part of development package CRM_1O_SCI_RT in software component CRM-BTX-BF-SC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Runtime programs for interface SC <-> OneOrder".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Unexpected data inconsistency occurred; program canceled
002Internal error; incomplete or inconsistent solution configurator data
003Internal error caused by missing system Customizing setting
004Item quantity changed from &1 &2 to &3 &2 by solution configurator
005Item qty not updated from solution configurator; item category is missing
006Item is mandatory acc. to solution configurator; it cannot be deleted
007Object list entry with product &1 still exists; new entry not created
008Extension IST_ITEM_EXTENSION is not assigned to item object type &1
009Entry is mandatory acc. to solution configurator; it cannot be deleted
010Object list entry with product &1 still exists; entry was not changed
011Solution configurator: Relevant subitems deleted after root item change
012Object list entry with product &1 could not be created
013Object list entry with product &1 could not be deleted
014Internal error occurred in communication with solution configurator
015Description changed by solution configurator
016Item unit of measure changed from &1 to &2 by solution configurator
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