CRM_ARCHIVE - One Order Archiving

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_ARCHIVE: One Order Archiving.
It is part of development package CRM_ARCHIVE in software component CRM-BTX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "One Order Archiving".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Unknown archiving object &1
001No business transaction category is assigned to business trans type &1
002No archiving object is assigned to the business transaction category &1
003Business transaction category &1 cannot be used
004Number of checked objects: &1
005No. of objects with business trans category &1 that can be archived: &2
006No. of objects with business trans category &1 that can be deleted: &2
007Test mode
008Item &1 of &2 does not have status 'Completed'
009Empty dataset transferred to check function
010No transaction types are assigned to archiving object &1
011No residence time could be determined for transaction type &1
012Data with transaction type &1 completed before &2 is selected
013Selected data for archiving object &1
014Error calling up status management
015Error occurred when sending BDocs
016Date of archiving attempt saved in the document
017Archiving object inconsistent
018Enter values in table &1
019Assignments for item &1 of &2 do not have status 'Completed'
020No BOR Object type could be determined for archiving object &1
021No methods could be determined for archiving object &1
022Confirmations for service order &1 were not completed
023Test Run: No changes were made to the documents
024Business object &1 has open follow-up transaction &2
025Transaction &1 cannot be archived as a linked transaction is open
026Transaction &1 is billing-relevant; status of transaction must be billed
027Business object &1 has open preceding transaction &2
028Grantor agreement &1 does not have status "Archivable"
029Linked service confirmation for &1 does not have status "Archivable"
030Linked sales or service order for &1 does not have status "Archivable"
031Item &1 of &2 is not distributed
032Production Mode
033Business object type &1 is unknown
034Transaction type &1 of business object &2 is unknown
035Item &1 for business object &2 does not have status "Completed"
036Linked warranty claim for &1 does not have status "Archivable"
037Item &1 of &2 is not billed
038Business transaction category &1 in business object &2 is unknown
040Enter a business object type and/or transaction type
041No business objects found for given selection
042No products found for specified selection
043No authorization for archiving object &1
044Only transaction types belonging to business object type &1 were analyzed
045None of the selected transaction types belongs to business object type &1
046No partners were found for the specified selection
049You are not authorized to read archived documents
050Unable to find a corresponding info structure for field catalog &1
051Business object type was not transferred; archive access is not possible
052Bus. obj. &1 has follow-up trans. &2; follow-up trans. is not archivable
053A field catalog has not been assigned to archiving object &1
055Transaction &1 used in maintenance item &2 cannot be archived
060No archiving object could be determined for business object type &1
061Business transaction &1 could not be found in archive.
069Archiving not permitted by BAdI
070 &1
071Ignored Status Changes from BAdI : &1
072No. of objects that cannot be archived from bus. trans. category &1: &2
080Unknown selection criteria in parameter IT_SELECTION
081Incorrect structure of table R_PROTP
082Selected transaction types are not suitable for archiving object &1
090Business object &1 archived
091Business object &1 is archivable
095Memory snapshot written for business object &1
096End of data retention period reached for business object &1
100&1 &2 &3 &4
101Client &1: Archiving object &2
102 DACONTROL Customizing already exists in new control table ARCDEL_OBJ
103 DACONTROL Customizing migrated to new control table ARCDEL_OBJ
104 DACONTROL Customizing migration to new control table ARCDEL_OBJ failed
105 DACONTROL Customizing migration; old table CRG_ARCHOBJECTS is empty
110Business object &1 has FS object containers which are not archived
160Unable to access the fund attributes
202Pool contract &1 has active service contracts; archiving not possible
203Service contract &1 is linked with pool contract &2 in DB
300Object &1 has no assignment to archiving function modules
400Solution &1 cannot be archived; linked service &2-&3 is not archivable
401Select an object for archiving
402&1 &2 cannot be archived because it is used in My Knowledge Entity
405&1 &2 cannot be archived because it is used in interaction record
406Record &1 cannot be archived; linked service &2-&3 is not archivable
407An internal error occured: text not found.
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