CRM_BILLPLAN_UBB - Messages for UBB Billing Plan
The following messages are stored in message class CRM_BILLPLAN_UBB: Messages for UBB Billing Plan.
It is part of development package CRM_BILLPLAN_UBB in software component CRM-BTX-BF-BPL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "UBB Billing Plan Enhancement".
It is part of development package CRM_BILLPLAN_UBB in software component CRM-BTX-BF-BPL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "UBB Billing Plan Enhancement".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
100 | * * * * DB layer * * * |
200 | * * * * OB layer * * * |
203 | No usages of billing plan type found |
300 | * * * * OW layer * * * |
400 | * * * * Customizing * * * |
403 | Cannot determine new flow category for combination of &1, &2 and &3 |
406 | No entry for the service type in table CRMV_BILP_SYNC |
500 | * * * * User Interface * * * |
501 | The accrual date is not valid |
502 | No period (date details) available to split with your split date |
503 | Error merging date lines in the billing plan |
504 | Only use identical billing plans |
505 | Billing per. &1 - &2 of single contract already billed; selected date &3 |
506 | Bill. per. &1-&2 of pool contract is already billed - selected date is &3 |
507 | Billing period split/merged successfully |
508 | No periods to maintain |
509 | No flow category found |
510 | Combine the last two periods |
511 | Do not merge periods that are de-/assigned to a pool contract |
512 | Assignment to single pool cont. not possible; assign doc. to settl. per. |
513 | No relevant service types for current pool linkage |
514 | No period type can be determined for period type &1 with event &2 &3 |
515 | The billing plans are not synchronized |
516 | Accrual date is not valid for assigned pool contract |
517 | Cannot determine a billing plan date for the accrual date |
518 | Periods cannot be merged |
520 | Cannot determine period type |
521 | Cancellation not possible; a follow-on process exists |
522 | No linked contracts exist at this point |
523 | Could not change pool linkage |
524 | Billing periods have already been billed |
525 | Could not determine pool contract type |
526 | Could not determine billing plan type |
527 | Could not determine corresponding pool block number |
528 | Accrual date is not synchronous with usage billing plan |
529 | Could not set status "Released" |
530 | Termination date is not synchronous with usage billing plan |
531 | Settlm. period &1 - &2 of single contract already billed - date is &3 |
532 | Period &1-&2 of pool contract already billed; accrual on &3 not possible |
533 | Technical error - program terminated |
534 | Period change started for contract &1 |
535 | Period change simulation started for contract &1 |
536 | Could not execute a processing block for contract &1 |
537 | No open contracts - processing ended |
538 | Could not execute a processing block for contract &1 |
539 | An error occurred while changing the period for contract &1 |
540 | Period change for pool &1 completed successfully |
541 | Period change simulation for pool &1 completed successfully |
542 | No logs available for selection |
543 | You still have to adjust the linked contracts |
544 | Periods of linked contracts have not been adjusted yet |
545 | Period change did not run successfully for all contracts |
546 | You still have to adjust &1 contracts |
547 | Contract does not have status "Waiting for Period Change" |
548 | Pool change data not found |
549 | No billing request items available |
550 | Pool redistribution is not synchronous with usage |
551 | Action cannot be executed; an action already exists for this date |
552 | Period change was not completed fully for pool contract &1 |
553 | Usage billing plan is not synchronized with pool billing plan |
554 | Pool linkage of contract &1 is already scheduled |
600 | * * * * Callback module * * * |
800 | *** BAdI Call Error Messages *** |