CRM_BTMF - Messages for Processing-Framework
The following messages are stored in message class CRM_BTMF: Messages for Processing-Framework.
It is part of development package CRM_BTMF in software component CRM-BTX-BF-MF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Processing Framework for Transactions: Framework".
It is part of development package CRM_BTMF in software component CRM-BTX-BF-MF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Processing Framework for Transactions: Framework".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Messages for the general part of BTMF |
001 | The processing of the BTMF was canceled due to an error |
002 | Check on process &1 was canceled due to an error |
003 | Class &2, specified for process &1, could not be instantiated |
004 | Specified scenario &1 not configured properly to work with BTMF |
005 | Unable to create objects for BTMF class of scenario &1 |
006 | Process &1 could not be started |
007 | Process &1 could not be completed |
008 | Process &1 could not be canceled |
009 | The processes executed could not be released |
010 | The processes executed could not be canceled |
011 | Since process &1 has not yet started, it is not possible to exit it |
012 | Since process &1 has not yet started, it is not possible to cancel it |
013 | BTMF instance is no longer valid (object was invalidated) |
014 | Object not found for scenario &1 |
015 | &1 : &2 &3 &4 |
016 | Main item must not be canceled before contract end date &1 |
017 | BITs exist after the activation date |
100 | Process type &1 of the order deviates from the requested process type |
101 | The specified object type &1 is not allowed for the scenario PROVIDER |
102 | Identification of process &1 not found in scenario PROVIDER |
103 | Subscription order &1 for process type &2 could not be saved |
104 | Subscription order &1 for process type &2 was not initialized |
105 | General error when executing process &1 |
200 | Select an allowance definition ID |
201 | Select charge plan for allowance definition ID &1 in step 2 |
202 | Allowance &1 created |
203 | Activation date is outside of validity period for allowance &1 |
204 | Unable to determine the price for the allowance |
205 | Unable to determine the currency for the allowance |
206 | Transfer of credit card data to the ERP system failed |
207 | Authorization of credit card payment failed |
208 | Mapping version &1 is already active |
209 | BTMF process for updating the mapping version is already active |
210 | Mapping version &1 was transferred |
211 | Unable to start process, since contract is not technically active |
212 | The changes made mean that you cannot change the rating area |
213 | Product &1 cannot be used as it's not of type Subscription |
214 | Credit card number &1 is unknown |
215 | Allowance &1 is not defined |
220 | Sharing contract is currently being transferred to a new rating area |
221 | You cannot delete the SAP standard entry |
222 | SAP standard entry shall reappear upon reentry into the view |
223 | BRF+ function configured for process &1 is invalid |
224 | Select/enter a valid process |
225 | Product &1 cannot be used as it is of type One-off |
226 | Product &1 does not exist |
227 | The change process cannot be executed on header |
228 | The change process cannot be executed on item |
230 | The docflow can not be changed for process type &1 |
300 | *************Messages for Change process Group*************** |
301 | No subscription contract provided for item &1 (change process group &2) |
302 | No change process group provided for item &1 (subscription contract &2) |
303 | Subscription contract &1 does not exist |
304 | Change process group &1 does not exist |
305 | Another change process group for contract &1 - &2 is already in process |
306 | Change Process Group &1 and Process &2 should have the same process type |
307 | Cancel parameters on item make change process group mandatory |
308 | Change Process Group &1 is not defined |
309 | Not all processes of Change Process Group &1 are active |
310 | Change Process Group &1 contains no processes |
311 | Process &1 of Change Process Group &2 is not defined |
312 | Change Process Group &1 cannot be executed |
313 | Execution of Change Process Group &1 could not be completed |
314 | Execution of process &1 in change process group &2 is not required |
315 | Execution of process &1 in change process group &2 started |
316 | Execution of process &1 in change process group &2 finished successfully |
317 | Execution of process &1 in change process group &2 skipped |
318 | Solution quotation &1 contains open changes for contract &2 |