The following messages are stored in message class CRM_BUPA_FRG0130_PF: .
It is part of development package CRM_BUPA_FRG0130 in software component CRM-MD-BP-BAG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM Business Agreements for Business Partner".
Message Nr
Message Text
000& & & &
001* Organization: 001 Reserve
002 020 Customizing and maintenance control tables
003* 100-199 Messages for read function modules
004* 200-399 Messages for BAPIs
005* 400-699 Messages for dialog
020***** Customizing and maintenance control tables
100***** Messages for read function modules
101No data record found for key BAPF_GUID = &1 in table &2
102No data record found with PARTNER1_GUID = &1 in table &2
200***** Messages for BAPIs
201Partner function category &1 is not used in the contract account
202Partner function &1 is of category &3, not category &2
203Partner function category &1 can only occur once
204Incorrect BAPI call: table &1 contains &2 lines, &3 &4 lines
205Incorrect BAPI call: table &1 contains partner functions for BP &2
206No partner functions defined for partner function category &1
207Specify a partner function for partner function category &1
400***** Messages for dialog
401Business partner &1 does not exist
402Uniquely determine business partner &1
403Business partner &1 cannnot adopt partner function &2
404Business partner &1 cannot adopt partner function &2
405Enter a value in the field &1
406Relationship &1 &2 &3 originates frm contract acct. Deletion not possible
407Relationship &1 &2 &3 can only be created via the contract account
408Partner function from category &1 is reserved for contract account
409Partner function &1 is not permitted: Partner function &2 is also cat. &3
410Use field &2 for partner function &1
411Partner function &1 already exists
412Enter a value in field &1 or &2
600System: Error in routine &1 &2 &3 &4
601System: Unexpected exception &1 when calling function module &2 (&3 &4)
602System: No entry exists for key &1 = &2 in table &3 (&4)
603System: Inconsistent data for BPs &1 and &2 (Prtnr func &3, P fnc cat. &4
604System:GUID for partner functions initial (CA-GUID &1, BP &2, BP-GUID &3)
605System: Transfer of parameter &1 to function module &2 necessary
606Inconsistent system data: field &1 is initial, PARTNER1_GUID is &2
607System: inconsistent &1 = '##...', PARTNER1_GUID = &2
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