CRM_BUPA_TDAR010 - Zeitabh�ngige Terminregeln
The following messages are stored in message class CRM_BUPA_TDAR010: Zeitabh�ngige Terminregeln.
It is part of development package CRM_BUPA_TDAR in software component CRM-MD-BP-TDA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM BP Time-Dependent Appointment Rules".
It is part of development package CRM_BUPA_TDAR in software component CRM-MD-BP-TDA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM BP Time-Dependent Appointment Rules".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Entry Not Required in This Field |
002 | Corresponding Value Missing |
003 | Start Date Is After End Date |
004 | The Difference Between Start and End Must Be Less than 1 Year |
005 | The Recurrence Must Be Greater than &1 |
006 | No Valid Calendar Week Entered |
007 | Period &1 Is Not Recognised |
008 | Validity periods overlap |
009 | No rule maintained for the interval |
010 | No validity interval maintained for the rule |
011 | Enter a date |
012 | Enter a calendar week |
013 | Specify a function module |
014 | At least one rule type must be maintainable |
015 | Forbidden character "/" in period (indicator) |
016 | Enter the period in the format "period ID/YYYY" |
017 | No period transferred |
018 | Enter the calendar week in the format "CW/YYYY" |
019 | No validity interval transferred |
020 | Category &1 is not permitted for the validity period |
021 | Validity period category was not transferred |
022 | Enter a start date for the validity period |
023 | Enter an end date for the validity period |
024 | Dates only permitted for period category &1 |
025 | Calendar week &1 does not exist in year &2 |
026 | No schedule type specified |
027 | No business appointment exists at validity end &1 |
028 | No business appointments exist for schedule type &1 |
051 | Processing of Appointments Terminated |
052 | Assignment of Appointment Rules to Rule ID Incorrect |
100 | There are no business appointments of category &1 for period &2 |
101 | Appropriate Date Rule Not Yet Maintained for Business Partner |
102 | Business Partner Data Already Maintained |
201 | No Rule Types Exist |
202 | Rule Type &1 Does Not Exist |
209 | Schedule type &1 is not planned |
211 | No Predefined Periods Exist |
212 | Predefined Periods &1 Do Not Exist |
220 | No rules available for schedule type &1 |
301 | Invalid Date Format; Please Enter Date in the Format &1 |