CRM_BUPA_TDAR010 - Zeitabh�ngige Terminregeln

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_BUPA_TDAR010: Zeitabh�ngige Terminregeln.
It is part of development package CRM_BUPA_TDAR in software component CRM-MD-BP-TDA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM BP Time-Dependent Appointment Rules".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Entry Not Required in This Field
002Corresponding Value Missing
003Start Date Is After End Date
004The Difference Between Start and End Must Be Less than 1 Year
005The Recurrence Must Be Greater than &1
006No Valid Calendar Week Entered
007Period &1 Is Not Recognised
008Validity periods overlap
009No rule maintained for the interval
010No validity interval maintained for the rule
011Enter a date
012Enter a calendar week
013Specify a function module
014At least one rule type must be maintainable
015Forbidden character "/" in period (indicator)
016Enter the period in the format "period ID/YYYY"
017No period transferred
018Enter the calendar week in the format "CW/YYYY"
019No validity interval transferred
020Category &1 is not permitted for the validity period
021Validity period category was not transferred
022Enter a start date for the validity period
023Enter an end date for the validity period
024Dates only permitted for period category &1
025Calendar week &1 does not exist in year &2
026No schedule type specified
027No business appointment exists at validity end &1
028No business appointments exist for schedule type &1
051Processing of Appointments Terminated
052Assignment of Appointment Rules to Rule ID Incorrect
100There are no business appointments of category &1 for period &2
101Appropriate Date Rule Not Yet Maintained for Business Partner
102Business Partner Data Already Maintained
201No Rule Types Exist
202Rule Type &1 Does Not Exist
209Schedule type &1 is not planned
211No Predefined Periods Exist
212Predefined Periods &1 Do Not Exist
220No rules available for schedule type &1
301Invalid Date Format; Please Enter Date in the Format &1
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