CRM_CODEX - Messages f�r Service datenaustausch check reports

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_CODEX: Messages f�r Service datenaustausch check reports.
It is part of development package CRM_DATAEXCHANGE_SRV_CHECK in software component CRM-BTX-COI-SRV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM: Check Service Data Exchange".
Message Nr
Message Text
000**** Check header - general
001Transaction type &1 is inactive
002No assignment of organizational data profile to transaction type &1
003No assignment of partner determination procedure to transaction type &1
004Transaction &1 exists
005Transaction type &1 is active
006Organization data profile &1 exists for transaction type &2
007Partner determination procedure &1 for transaction type &2 already exists
008Check for transaction type &1 was successful
009OLTP: Transaction type &1 already exists
010OLTP: Transaction type &2 does not exist
011OLTP: External number range is available for transaction type &1
012OLTP: External number range is not available for transaction type &1
013Assignment of transaction type &1 / item category already exists
014No assignment of transaction type &1 / item category exists
015OLTP: Item category group &1 already exists
016OLTP: Item category group &1 does not exist
017Assignment of transaction type &1 item category &2 does not exist
020***** CO Checks
021No controlling scenario was found for transaction type &1
022&2 is active for transaction type &1
023Transaction type &2, item category &3 uses movement type &4
024No movement type is assigned to transaction type &1
030**** Check item - general
031Item category &1 exists
032No assignment of organizational data profile to item category &1
033Organizational profile &1 does not exist for item category &2
034No assignment of partner determination procedure to item category &1
035Partner determination procedure &1 does not exist for item category &2
036Check for transaction type &1 was successful
037Check for item category &1 was successful
038Item category &1 does not exist
039Item category is &2 &1
040You have not maintained a valuation type for the item
041You have not maintained a service type for item &1
060**** Service item
061Item category &1 is a service item
062OLTP: No activity type for item category &1
063OLTP: No activity type for item category &1 service type &2
064OLTP: No activity type for item cat. &1 service type &2 valuation type &3
065OLTP: item category &1 service type &2 valuation type &3 found
066OLTP: No cost element for item category &1
067OLTP: No cost element for item category&1 service type &2
068OLTP: No cost type for item category &1 service type &2 valuation type &3
069OLTP:Cost element &1 found for item cat.&2 serv.type &3 valuation type &4
070Activity type/prices are being checked in OLTP
071No service type is assigned to item category &1
072No valuation type is assigned to item category &1
090*** Confirmation product item
091Item category &1 is a confirmation item
092Cost center &1 for service org. &2 srv.employee group &3 srv.employee &4
093No cost center exists for service organization &1 /&2 / &3
094Plant &1 storage location &2 found
095No plant or storage location found
096OLTP: Plant / storage location found
097OLTP: No plant / storage location found
098OLTP: Plant found
099OLTP: No plant found
100&1 &2 &3 &4
101Product &1 has base unit of measure &2
102Product &1 has no base unit of measure
103Product &1 exists in OLTP
104Product &1 does not exist in OLTP
110**** CATS
111Check whether the service employee has been created in ERP
112Check the number ranges in OLTP
113Check the CATS profile in OLTP
120*** Sales item
121Item category &1 is not relevant for billing
122Item category &1 is relevant for billing
123Item category &1 is not relevant for pricing
124Item category &1 is relevant for pricing
125OLTP: Item category &1 already exists
126OLTP: Item category &1 does not exist
127OLTP: No assignment of transaction type &1 item category &2
128OLTP: Assignment exists for transaction type &1 item category &2
129OLTP: No assignment of transaction type &1 and item category usage
130No document pricing procedure exists for transaction type &1
131Document pricing procedure is available for transaction type &1
132No pricing procedure for transaction type &1 and sales organization &2
133Check costing sheet for transaction type &1
134Costing sheet &1 available for transaction type &2
135OLTP: No pricing proc. for transaction type &1 and sales organization &2
136OLTP: Check costing sheet for transaction type &1
137OLTP: Costing sheet &1 is available for transaction type &2
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