CRM_DARGE - Data ARrchivingGEneral

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_DARGE: Data ARrchivingGEneral.
It is part of development package CA_DATAARCHIVING in software component CRM-BF-AR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Subroutines for Data Archiving".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Invalid Server Group &1
002No resources available on &1
003Internal error when running asynchronous RFCs on &1
004Missing function module: Preselect for &1
005You do not have authorization to change the selection parmaters
006No report available for the selection parameters
007The selection parameters are locked
008Invalid name for variant in the selection options
009The same report is already active as a batch program
010An error occurred when determining sel. params.: Objekt: &1, &2, &3, &4
011Error in FM WO_CHILDREN_COLLECT: Sy-subrc: &1, Objtype: &2
012Missing check function module for business object: &1
013Internal error: Table &1, object type &2
014Number of Archivable Objects: &2
015Number of Deletable Objects: &2
016Number of Checked Objects: &2
018Test Mode
019Production Mode
020No entry found for your selection in any info structure
021No archiving object was found
022Invalid BOR Object Type
372You have no authorization for archiving object &1
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