CRM_DPP - CRM Data Privacy

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_DPP: CRM Data Privacy.
It is part of development package CRM_DPP_EOP in software component CRM-BF-AR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM Data Protection and Privacy- End of Purpose Check".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Cannot open selected file
001Business trans. &1 &2 use blocked business partner and cannot be changed
002Business partner &1 is blocked; see long text
003Search results do not include blocked data; see long text
004Business transaction contains blocked business partner; see long text
005Empty/ missing Customizing for table &1
006Handler class &1 does not implement interface IF_CRM_EOP_DET
007Could not generate instance using object type name &1; see long text
008No application object defined for geneneric object type &1
009No handler class defined for application object &1
010Error during determination of residence rules; see long text
011Error during logging; &1
012Open transaction found &1 &2 &3; see long text
013Error during end of residence period determination for BP &1
014Switch BUPA_ILM_BF not active
015Action cannot be executed on some e-mails; a related BP is blocked
016Action cannot be executed as the related business partner is blocked
017Prepare end of business for business transaction &1
018End of business data should not be calculated and saved
019No handler class found for business transaction &1
020Generic object type &1 is not maintained in customizing
021Business transaction &1 is neither completed on header nor item level
022No business partner could be determined for business transaction &1
023End of business for business transaction &1 could not be determined
024Handler class &1 will be used to handle business transaction &2
025Business transaction &1 is either completed on header or item level
026At least one business partner for business transaction &1 was found
027End of business for business transaction &1 is &2
028Business transaction &1 is of transaction type &2
029Business transaction &1 is related to ILM object &2
030Business transaction &1 is not related to an ILM object
031Could not determine the ILM object for business transaction &1
032Condition field &1 has value &2
033Error during determination of retention rules; see long text
034No matching ILM retention rule found for ILM object &1 and bus. trans. &2
035At least one ILM ret. rule found for ILM object &1 and bus. trans. &2
036No ILM rule group found for ILM object &1 and business transaction &2
037At least one ILM rule group found for ILM object &1 and bus. trans. &2
038Found ILM rule group &1
039No application rule group found for ILM object &1 and bus. trans. &2
040Found application rule variant &1
041Preparation of end of business data for business transaction &1 ended
042End of purpose check for Business Partner(s)
043All Business Partners are reported having ongoing business
044Open bus.transaction for Bus.Partner &1 in appl. with handler class &2
045Business Partner &1 is not used in CRM Business Transactions
046Det. of the end of res. via ILM obj. &1, policy cat. &2, Bus. Part. &3
047End of residence for Business Partner &1 is on &2
048End of residence for Business Partner &1 is expired
049End of residence for Business Partner &1 is not expired
050End of purpose check for Business Partner(s) for marketing permissions
051No marketing permissions found for Business Partner(s)
052Marketing permission &1 found for Bus. Partner &2 and contact person &3
053Marketing permission &1 is &2 for channel &3
054Marketing permission &1 has origin &2, is valid from &3
055Marketing permission &1 has comminucation detail &2
056Opt-In is applied for Business Partner &1
057Opt-Out is applied for Business Partner &1
058Purpose not completed for Bus.Part. &1: Opt-Out and no mkt. permission
059Purpose not completed for Bus.Part. &1: Opt-Out and no rejection
060End of business for Business Partner &1 for mkt.perm. is on &2
061No business for Bus.Part &1: Opt-In and no marketing permission
062End of business expired for Bus.Part. &1: Opt-In and no consent
063End of business for Bus.Part. &1 is on &2 (Opt-In is applied)
064Purpose completed for Bus.Part. &1 and end of business &2
065Purpose not completed for Bus.Part. &1 and end of business &2
066Start of Retention date could not be determined as customizing is missing
067Start of Retention date det. with &1, field name &2, tech.key &3
068Field name &1 for object name &2 is technically invalid
069Trans.Cat &1, Trans.Type &2, Item Obj.Type &3, Item Cat. &4
070Start of Retention date could not be determined from index table
071Start of Retention date could not be det. due to inconsistent
072Start of Retention date is &1
073Start of Retention date is determined from index table
074Start of Retention date is determined from set &1
075Start of Retention date is initial
076Business Partner &1 is related to Business Transaction &2
077Start of Retention date could not be determined as customizing is missing
078Business Function ILM not active
079Start of Retention date could not be det. due to inconsistent field name
080Data belonging to this document is blocked
081Search results do not include blocked data; see long text
082Error while initializing parallel processing
083RFC error in callback routine; Message: &1
084Bus.Part. &1 was not processed (RFC error with RC &2 and Message &3)
085Business trans.&1 was not processed (RFC error with RC &2 and Message &3)
086Starting Index Rebuild in mode &1
087Parallel task created and saved log with number &1
088Log with number &1 saved
089No data to process!
090Rebuild End of Purpose data via date selection may be long-running
091No range, only option equals, only sign inclusive is allowed for GUIDs
092No log messages from parallel tasks
093Log initialized: Log Enabled: &1, Log Level: &2, Save Log: &3
094User Parameter for Logging overcontrol to current Log Settings
095Log User Parameter: Log Enabled: &1, Log Level: &2, Save Log: &3
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