CRM_DPP_ILM_TEST - CRM Data Privacy: Messages for ILM tests

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_DPP_ILM_TEST: CRM Data Privacy: Messages for ILM tests.
It is part of development package CRM_DPP_ILM in software component CRM-BF-AR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM Data Protection and Privacy- Information Lifecycle Mgmt".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Audit area &1 does not exist
002ILM object &1 not in audit area &2
003ILM object &1 does not have status &2 in audit area &3
004ILM object &1 has no policy in audit area &2
005ILM object &1 has no policy with status &2 in audit area &3
006ILM object &1 does not exist in IRM_CUST_CSS
007ILM object &1 not enabled to use rule groups
008Rule group &1 does not exist
009Rule group &1 not customized in IRM_CUST_CSS
010Enter different value for field name &2 in rule group &1
011ILM object &1 does not have a rule with ID &2
012ILM object &1, rule with ID &2, &3 NE &4
013Value for &1 is expected to be &2 but is &3
014ILM object &1, rule with ID &2, field with name &3 not found
015ILM object &1, rule with ID &2, field with name &3 has different value
016Table buteoparv is initial for APPL_NAME &1
017Table buteoparv is initial for APPL_NAME &1 and rule variant &2
018Diff. value expected in buteoparv for APPL_NAME &1, rule variant &2
019Table buteopapp is initial for APPL_NAME &1
020Table buteopfm is initial for APPL_NAME &1
021Table buteopfm, APPL_NAME &1 does not contain an entry with fname &2
022Error during source field determination for ILM object &1
023&1 not found in source fields for ILM object &2
024Unexpected source field &1 found for ILM object &2
025Count of source fields expected to be &1 but is &2 for ILM object &3
026Cannot determine sales organization for used business transaction
027No entry in crmd_orgman found for the used business transaction
028Incorrect country determined for organisation unit
029Determine retention rule for ILM object &1
030Error during preprocess program at opening a job &1
031Error during preprocess program at closing job &1
032Error during preprocess program, job canceled &1
033Error during write program at opening a job &1
034Error during write program at closing job &1
035Error during write program, job canceled &1
036Error occurred for &1
037Archive not found (ADMI_RUN)
038Archive not found (ADMI_FILES)
039Archive not found (ADMI_FILE_RULES)
040Error during rule access (DB)
041Error during rule access (other)
042Error occurred; rule (other)
043Value for &1 is &2
044Check audit areas
045Check rules, rule groups, and conditions
046Check buteopapp, buteoparv, buteopfm
047Check source fields
048Check BAdI for indirect country determination
049Check ILM retention rule determination
050Check archiving
051Business transaction for ILM object &1 not created; skip further checks
052Could not perform BAdI check
053Test business transaction creation
054No business transaction available
055Could not perform source field check for ILM object &1
056Could not check ILM retention rule determination for ILM object &1
057Could not perform archiving for ILM object &1
058ILM object &1
059Test canceled
060Error during business transaction creation; cancel further processing
061Setup data inconsistent; sheet &1, &2, &3 not found
062Error during archiving; inconsistent parameters for ILM obj. &1
063Document for &1 created
064ID &1 GUID &2
065Partner &1 Partner GUID &2
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