CRM_EMAIL - Messages for Internet Marketing: E-mail

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_EMAIL: Messages for Internet Marketing: E-mail.
It is part of development package CRM_INTERNET_MARKETING_2 in software component CRM-S4-IC-CHA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "CRM Marketing: 'Personalized Mails' Functions / Legacy Objec".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Specify either a campaign or a campaign element
002No marketing contact lists could be selected
003& & & &
004& & & &
005The XPRA is not valid for CRM Release &1
098The name &1 is not permitted
099The name &1 is not permitted. The name must begin with "Z"
100Source mail &1 does not exist
101Target mail &1 already exists
102You are not authorized to maintain mails
103Language &1 is not allowed
104Mail form &1 does not exist
105Mail &1 is assigned to campaign &2
106Mail &1 is assigned to element &2 of campaign &3
107The mail entered (&1) is not of type "Mail"
108Mail &1 is currently being processed
109Mail template &1 does not exist
110The mail template entered (&1) is not of the type 'Mail Template'
111Mail template &1 is currently being processed
112Enter a mail that is of the type mail or mail template
113Enter the path for the browser (choose "Extras -> Personal Settings")
114The usage specified for mail form &1 is "&2"
115Communication channel test not possible because mail form &1 is not saved
116The mail form you last processed (&1) no longer exists
117Mail form &1 can only be maintained in &2 (the original language)
118Files with extension &1 cannot be converted
119The log-on language (&2) differs from &1: the language of template &3
120Select one attribute name only
121No <HEAD> tag found: a tracking ID cannot therefore be inserted
122No mail forms found matching search term &1
123Mail template &1 must be maintained in original language &2
124Form &1 will be previewed in its original language (&2)
125The system settings prevent mail form &1 from being changed
126E-mail &1 already being processed
127Error generating the PRC; Campaign execution will be terminated
128You can only use the plain text text type for usage "&1"
129Error loading file
130Communication Channel Test
131Error downloading file
132Cannot test communication channel; Messages are in the log
140Insert Attribute
150Translation of Element &1
160Insert/edit URL
161Enter the Internet address (URL)
162Category &1 no longer exists; Use the F4 help
200Form or text &1 does not exist
203You are not authorized to change or display forms
204You are not authorized to change mail forms
205You are not authorized to create mail forms
206Enter a mail
207Enter the name of a mail template
208A mail or smart form called &1 already exists
209You have not changed any mails and therefore do not need to save
210&1 mail form(s) saved
211&1 attributes found
212No characteristics found
240The store information mail form customizing is not maintained
250No collaborative campaign assigned to partner campaign
251Error during determination of personalization data &1
252Channel partner not assigend to partner campaign
300Select a line
301Select one line only
302There is no mail form currently being processed
303Mail form &1 contains nodes that cannot be changed in the maintenance
304Mail form &1 can only be temporarily included in worklist
305Node type not recommended in an HTML mail form: see long text
306Node type is empty, Enter a node type
307&1 &2 already exists. Select a different name
308Enter an element type
311&1 was sent successfully
320Enter a business partner
321Enter a mail address
322Enter a printer
323There is no mail address defined for user &1
324Enter an SMS service and an SMS number
325Enter a country code and a fax number
326Enter a business partner if you want to test the entire process
327Enter a form name
328Mail form &1 does not exist
329&1 created: Marketing contact list was created
330Enter a node name.
331Enter a business partner or a language
350HTML cannot be displayed in design mode
401Formatting Error
402Character format &1 does not exist; Use the F4 help
403&1 is an invalid cell width; Only positive values are allowed
404Field &1 does not exist; Use the F4 help for the product table
405Cell width does not match total table width
406Formatting will be lost; New cell widths are generated
407Paragraph format &1 does not exist; Use the F4 help
408Style &1 does not exist; Enter a different style name
450Table is wider than window
500Scenario &1 defined as scenario 'Without attribute sets'
501Scenario &1 defined as scenario 'With all attribute sets'
502Scenario &1 does not exist; Enter another scenario name
503Scenario &1 can only be used 'with all attribute sets'
601The mail form selected contains no text
602Select a valid target language
603Mail form or text & is already being processed
604Source language must differ from target language
605Original text does not exist
611Enter a value for the attribute &1
612Attribute &1 does not exist; Enter another attribute
613There is no input help defined for this attribute
614Value &1 is incorrect; Enter another value for attribute &2
615Attribute &1 does not exist; Select an attribute using the F4 help
701Error creating image in text node &1
702Error updating e-mail &1; E-mail not saved
703Error storing letter for business partner &1
704Some settings may be lost during text conversion
705Converting text node &1 results in images being lost
706Error creating form; Correct your entry &1
707You are currently in display mode; The e-mail will not be saved
801Some BP contact details could not be read; please check your export file
851Business partner &1 has not been contacted
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