CRM_FS_CHANGE - Messages for Changes to Leases

The following messages are stored in message class CRM_FS_CHANGE: Messages for Changes to Leases.
It is part of development package CRMS4_SERVICE_CONTRACT_CP in software component CRM-S4-SRV-CTR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Service Contracts: Change Processes".
Message Nr
Message Text
000No valid sales area found
001Sales area &1 is not valid
002The financing item does not have the required status for this action
003The system could not determine a possible effective date
004Error accessing change process Customizing
005Could not determine the corresponding items
006Buffering error
007Could not determine whether installment/x should be retained
008Determination of pricing and sub-change processes not possible
009Change proc. &1: Error during access to change process Customizing
010Inconsistency during transfer of values from initialization BAdI
011No input help available
012Error reading the option data
013Change process processing cancelled by user
014Error during deletion; at least one group must exist
015You did not select an item to be deleted
016Inconsistency during transfer of values from F4 BAdI
017Errors still exist; please check the application log
018Change process performed sucessfully for same document
019Enter a valid date format
020Distribution channel &1 is not valid
021Combination of sales area &1 and distribution channel &2 is not valid
022Country/Region key &1 is not valid
023Change process &1 is not valid
024None of the change processes are valid
025Contract inception process started for document &1
026Installment calculation procedure &1 not valid
027COA: check failed
028Prior contract is not yet activated; activate the contract
029Error in object determination
030Term is too small for specified effective date
031Initialization at item level is not possible
032Error during item creation
033Error changing dates at item level
034Error updating the change process segment at item level
035Error changing the financing segment at item level
036Error changing the billing document at item level
037Error changing the partners at item level
038Error changing the price segment at item level
039Error changing the quantity splits at item level
040Error changing the installed base at item level
041Error changing the UBB CTR segment
042Error changing the CUSTOMER_I segment
043Error during completion at item level
044Error calling COA processing
045Invoice items have deviating currencies, units of measure
046No items relevant for change process found
047No BRIs were found for change process item &1
048Error while changing the document item attributes
049Error in determination of automatic contract inception
050Error making changes in module CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN
051Mass data for ID &1 was processed successfully
052Mass data for ID &1 could not be successfully processed
053Mass data for ID &1 was successfully scheduled
054Mass data for ID &1 could not be successfully scheduled
055Enter either term or end-of-lease
056Error while changing financing views at item level
057Error while changing payment schedule at item level
058Error while changing working day calendar at item level
059Error while changing classification at item level
060Error while changing tax at item level
061Effective date execution type is not possible for subchange process
062New contract end date is not after the effective date
063No CPID determination cause missing number range
064Execution Type for effective date with Change Process &1 not possible
065Follow-up transaction type could not be determined
066Document flow for item &1 is different from item &2
067Enter a change process for dependent item &1
068Cannot determine effective date for change process item &1
069Effective date execution type is not possible for inbound process
070Error activating item &1; activation cancelled
071Error updating cumulated_i segment
072No items relevant for COA process found
073Error changing the Extension 2 segment
074Initialization at header level is not possible
075Error changing dates at header level
076Error changing the partners at header level
077Error changing the customer at header level
078Error updating the change process segment at header level
080No option for EOL processing available
081Execute only one option at a time
082Error during completion at header level
095Change process(es) performed successfully
106Effective date is not later than contract start date
107Effective date is not earlier than contract end date
108Effective date not allowed for change process
110You have assigned the number &1 several times at header level
111You have assigned the number &1 several times at item level
112Number &2 does not exist at header level
113The specified number, &1, does not exist at item level
114The specified number, &1, does not exist at header level
115Enter the linked object type (header or item)
116Enter a link group at item level
117Specify the correct level for the change processes
118Enter a predecessor document
119Enter a transaction type
120Enter the receipt date at header level
121Enter the effective date for the change process at header level
122Specify a change process
123The quantity is greater than in the predecessor document
124Enter a different effective date; see long text
125Enter a different effective date; see long text
126The effective date does not correspond to the old lease start date
127The effective date does not correspond to the old EOL date
128The effective date is earlier than the old lease start date
129The effective date is later than the old EOL date
130Data check failed
131Effective date must lie within the original term
133Full quantity not reached during split
134Full quantity exceeded during split
135Partner function not possible
136Partner function is not possible for change of location
137The specified lease term is not possible for the change process
138You cannot change the financing product
139The financing product does not exist in the system
140Combination of financing product and contract class not possible
141Incorrect term for financing product
142No partner number specified
143Specify a new partner; see long text
145Only one item is possible for a link group
146You cannot perform multiple change processes on the same document (&1)
148Change process not possible at item level
152You cannot select that item
154Enter a received date for change process number &1
155Enter the effective date for change process &1 at item level
156Specify a change process
157The change process is not possible at header level
158The items are not contained in an upgrade group
159Term not possible; the old end of lease must be retained
160Check links with other items
161Term not possible; the old end of lease must be retained
162Different start date for contract split
163This change process is intended for internal use only
164The change process can only be applied to new contracts
165Change the financing item to status "Lease"
166Set status "Released" for the financing item
167The financing item has status "Completed" or "Closed"
168The document is active in sub-document processing
169The valid-from date must be earlier than the valid-to date
170Enter a valid financing product
171Select at least one item
172Enter a new partner
174Item &1 belongs to a group; automatic acceptance not possible
175Activation not possible: Item &1 has not been released
176Activation not possible: Item &1 belongs to a group
177Enter the effective date of the option as the start date
178Enter the term of the option as the term
179The number (handle) assigned at header level is initial (&1)
180Error when changing the installment calculation procedure
181The selected installment calculation procedure is not possible
200External allocation number not available for item &1
201No number range interval exists for item category &1
202The external allocation number does not fit the number range interval
203The items do not contain external allocation numbers
204The external allocation number is not active for item category &1
205External allocation number of option (item &1) does not exist
206Multiple selection not possible; select only one item
207Item &1 cannot be selected; processing is not active
208External alloc. no. (item &1) linked to internal alloc. no. (item &2)
209Internal alloc. no. (item &1) linked to external alloc. no. (item &2)
210Item &1 contains subordinate items
211You cannot assign an external allocation number for option items
212External number assignment not possible for assignment number
213Item has predecessors; external allocation number cannot be changed
214Item has successors; external allocation number cannot be changed
215Selected item already linked with item &1; click that item
224Items &1 and &2 have to be processed together
230No all transferred items are possible for EOL processing
231You cannot mark the item as "Processed"
232The system cannot block document &1
233Please select a transaction
234No relevant action for change processes found
300Temporary technical problem; please repeat the action
301Contract start date must lie after end date (&2) of contract &3 &4
302Transaction is not yet relevant for distribution
400Could not determine target transaction type
450*** Messages for full service leasing
451Service documents already exist for item &
700Error during initial read of transaction
701Preview not allowed
702Error while reading payment schedule
703Status 'stop accounting' is active for preceding item
704Parameter combination &1 &2 not allowed
705&1 is not in table CRM_LEAS_ORDPPR
706Status 'insolvency' is active for preceding item
707Object list quantity is not the same as item quantity
708Error reading the option
709Error in status change; contract inception terminated
710Error when reading transaction
711Error reading transaction item
712Activity not allowed for sub-item
713Could not block transaction &1
714Status 'insolvency without FI bookings' is active for preceding item
715Error reading the item hierarchy
716Error reading the transaction end date
717Customizing not maintained for item category &1
718Error reading billing request items &1
719Error reading financing extension
720Error reading the exercise date
721Error reading status &1 in previous document
722Billing request item is being transferred to billing
723Error reading change process Customizing for process &1
724Error during contract inception
725GUID &1 is not a transaction header or transaction item
726Error setting the stamp duty status: transaction &1
727Error reading the item status
728Error determining the options
729Error reading the status
730Error during contract deactivation
731Error in error handling
732The fiscal year is closed
733The contract is already activated
734The contract to be activated is not released
735Error reading the iBase Customizing
736Item cannot be released
737LEFX item cannot be changed
738Remaining quantity item cannot be released
739Status "Insolvency" is active; transaction activation not allowed
740Business transaction "Final Pricing" not allowed
741Business transaction "Completed" not allowed
742Transaction cannot be released
743Transaction is not a contract
744Transaction cannot be partially activated
745Transaction cannot be completely activated
746Transaction cannot be protected against changes
747Transaction cannot be distributed
748Error checking the status
749Transaction does not allow stamp duty recalculation
750Error during bundle determination
751Error during bundle release
752Transaction item cannot be completed
753Error rejecting the billing request item
754Error activating first or last billing request item
755Error during floating rate adjustment
756Error resolving bundled processing
757Error writing dates back
758Error writing the document flow back
759Error in parameter transfer
760Number of previous transactions to write back > current transactions
761Item cannot be copied (missing item category Customizing)
762Certificate of acceptance is not released
763Duration is not allowed
764Time zone in the transaction is not standard
765Appointments are not ascending
766Error when reading segment CRM_CHNGPROC_I
767Status "Stop Billing" is set for the preceding item
768The quantity of the object item is 0
769Error when reading quantity schedule line
770Object quantitites inconsistent
771Error when reading the line item hierarchy
772Error when setting status of remarketing
773The pos.obj.type of the option do not correspond to the type of fin.pos.
774No change of transaction allowed --> action terminated
775Predecessor transaction is in status 'ERROR' --> inception failed
776Current transaction is in status 'ERROR' --> inception failed
777Severe error while exercising the inception --> action terminated
778Start of inception; transaction &1
779End of inception; transaction &1
780Action profile &1 not found
781Process type &1 not found
782No actions maintained in action profile &1
783Action &1 not found in action profile &2
784Error during inception; see the action log in the contract
785Item category &1 not found
786Error while reading the date buffer
787Preceding document in postprocessing status; cannot be incepted
788Status "Certificate of Acceptance" not set for item &1
789Status "Released" not set for item &1
790Object already sold
791Third-party program was not assigned
792Predecessor document locked; business transaction &1 cannot set status
800Quantity split not permitted for change processes at end of term
801Automatic acceptance is not allowed for new contracts
802Process &1 can only be carried out in inbound change
803Change process not possible at header level
804Manual entry of contract term not permitted
805Autoinc. only permitted with new contract item/outbound or new document
806Term check on new financing product requires further maintenance
807Automatic contract acceptance and vendor invoice duty not permitted
808Product enhancement relationship only in connection with change process
809Exercise at contract hdr level and object list maintenance not permitted
810Object list maintenance and exercise not permitted at header level
811Allowed partial quantity with possible vendor invoice not permitted
812Possible vendor invoice with allowed partial quantity not permitted
813New financing without enterable financing product not permitted
814Bus. transaction cat. header &1 with exercise on original only in inbound
815Exercise at contract header level cannot be executed with doc. flow &1
816Execution of &1 not allowed with document flow &2
817Determine duration by termination processes is not relevant
818Automatic acceptance only possible in conjunction with EOL processes
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