CRM_IB - IB: Nachrichten zur IBase (CRM spezifisch)
The following messages are stored in message class CRM_IB: IB: Nachrichten zur IBase (CRM spezifisch).
It is part of development package IB03 in software component AP-MD-IBA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IBase: User Interface".
It is part of development package IB03 in software component AP-MD-IBA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "IBase: User Interface".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Product &1 does not exist |
001 | Installed base could not be determined for product &1 |
002 | Product &1 not assigned to installed base &2 |
003 | Product &1 exists in another installed base |
004 | Enter an installed base, a product or an ID |
005 | ID &1 is not assigned to an IBase |
006 | ID &1 is not assigned to IBase &2 |
007 | ID &1 is in another IBase |
008 | ID &1 is in several IBases |
009 | You are not authorized to access transaction &1 |
010 | No assignment in table T371D for class &1 |
011 | Enter an IBase, a product, or a component |
012 | Object &1 does not exist |
013 | Object &1 exists in another IBase |
014 | IBase could not be determined for object &1 |
015 | Object &1 not assigned to IBase &2 |
016 | Object family must always be entered for an object |
050 | Call of API for IBase contains errors |
051 | Master data does not exist for IBase objects |
052 | IBase component does not exist at the time specified |
053 | Object type of IBase component may not be changed |
054 | IBase component not found for search criteria |
055 | IBase not found for search criteria |
056 | More than one IBase component exists for the search criteria |
057 | Selection criteria not sufficient |
058 | Several IBases exist for the search criteria |
100 | Error during database update for additional data for components |
101 | Incorrect input parameters |
102 | Address not found |
103 | No partners found |
104 | No IBase component or header with partners found |
105 | No IBase component or header with address found |
106 | No IBase found for address |
107 | No IBase found for partner |
108 | Relationship cannot be created for IBase header |
109 | Uses exist for component &1 |
110 | Component &1 is still in clipboard |
111 | Changes saved |
112 | Object may not be inserted |